
Believe it or not AHZ used to be a huge Bush supporter until he started learning about the NWO and believes that Bush is the main dude for them now. He and I have spent many happy hours exchanging about the Freemasons and why they are not even close to powerful enough to be part of this grand conspiracy.

happy hours in real life? Please don't tell me you've had drinks with this nut.
Well, he owns a different sort of board and he began to fear that people here might make trouble for him on there. He was mostly on here to egg y'all on, and he did a good job of it, he is a righty though for sho'.

Yeah. It looks like the only controversial thing on this board is immigration. And occassionally Affirmative Action.
I've published poetry. My best accomplishment was one that got in the New Yorker. I was very proud, bought several copies and gave them to my friends. But I'd never tell people which one it was or when because some people are just psycho.

Holy Shit, The New Yorker? Damo, that is a serious accomplishment for any writer.
Yeah, I didn't know how much back then. Seriously. I even got paid.

I once read this quote that I never forgot, but I did forgot who said it. "The rejection list of The New Yorker reads like a who's who of the literary world"

So, that's the kind of people they reject. It's defintitely one of the most difficult publications in the country to get accepted by. I'm totally jealous.
No. Those are only for you. I just can't see why you keep rejecting my offer to fly over and make me your slave.
I've published poetry. My best accomplishment was one that got in the New Yorker. I was very proud, bought several copies and gave them to my friends. But I'd never tell people which one it was or when because some people are just psycho.

That's great! I didn't know you were a poet.
I once read this quote that I never forgot, but I did forgot who said it. "The rejection list of The New Yorker reads like a who's who of the literary world"

So, that's the kind of people they reject. It's defintitely one of the most difficult publications in the country to get accepted by. I'm totally jealous.
Yeah, but that's who gets rejected. See, their accepted list reads like wanna-bes like me...


Just kidding.
Well, that's one way.

What Damo isn't telling you, is that (in my case) you also get the coveted red font, if you get voted the best-looking, most awesome debater on the board.

See, we had this little contest a while back, where we submitted pics and made some poll questions.

And obviously you didn't win, Cypress. ;P
LOL! That is hysterical. I IA'd Evil, because, like most right wing men, he couldn't control himself from being sexual. I'd like to have people to debate, not be told how big their d*** is and how much I'd want it if I only saw it.

You wouldn't want my dick if you saw it. Ah, that's refreshin', eh?