
I really am a writer. Mostly copywriting, but I do get published from time to time. One day, years ago, I made the stupid mistake of saying, hey I have a piece in Newsday today. They got my name and hometown that way, got the rest from one of those people search engines, Intellius or something like that.

Heh. Cool. I've never met another writer on the internet. You do only reports, or do you do fiction also?
I've published poetry. My best accomplishment was one that got in the New Yorker. I was very proud, bought several copies and gave them to my friends. But I'd never tell people which one it was or when because some people are just psycho.

Well, can you post the poem here? I promise I'll never look it up :( .
I'm better than most writers. I think I could get published, if I wanted too. But the New Yorker? Are you being serious, Damo? And if you are, publish the poem here, please. I would so love to enjoy it ;) .
Well, can you post the poem here? I promise I'll never look it up :( .
LOL. Nope. Y'all are going to have to wonder... It was a very short poem and a bit violent and I was shocked that they took it, I was young when I wrote it.

I had no idea what I had done.

I actually have posted some of my poetry on other sites, I don't know if I ever got around to it on this one. I've tried to keep it on topic here.