Damocles can't win an argument, so he just hacks people's accounts.


Verified User
I don't know if this belongs in the current events forum... but I'm going to allow it.

Yeah, because you created it.

You abused your mod powers to hack into my account and post as me because you couldn't stand the fact that I make you and your friends eat plates of shit.

All this thread does is validate everything I've ever said about you.

You have to stoop to this level, imitating me because of how insecure I make you feel.

What a fucking pussy.
Yeah, because you created it.

You abused your mod powers to hack into my account and post as me because you couldn't stand the fact that I make you and your friends eat plates of shit.

All this thread does is validate everything I've ever said about you.

You have to stoop to this level, imitating me because of how insecure I make you feel.

What a fucking pussy.
If you don't stop putting this in Current Events you will wind up with a ban. Seriously. You can keep this kind of crap, post it all you like, but post it where it belongs.
And editing your post is not "hacking" your account. It is also part of the rules that you agreed to when you first logged in.

Hold up your end of the agreement and you'll stop liking to smell poop moustaches.
If you don't stop putting this in Current Events you will wind up with a ban. Seriously. You can keep this kind of crap, post it all you like, but post it where it belongs.

You just hack accounts because you're a little bitch who can't stand it when you or your friends have to eat plates of shit.
And editing your post is not "hacking" your account.

Sure it is!

You go into my posts, change them, then present them as if I posted them...which is a lie on your part.

So you may run this board, but that doesn't mean you're a good person.
And editing your post is not "hacking" your account. It is also part of the rules that you agreed to when you first logged in.

Can you please show me where in the rules it says you're allowed to hack into my posts and change them?

If you don't stop putting this in Current Events you will wind up with a ban. Seriously. You can keep this kind of crap, post it all you like, but post it where it belongs.

You're the one who put this in Current Events, asshole.

So maybe you should follow your own fucking advice.
Can you please show me where in the rules it says you're allowed to hack into my posts and change them?


Rule number 9, I'll bold the relevant bits:

9. All posts, once submitted, are public and are readable by the public; posting your own original content on the site allows, in perpetuity, the owners of justplainpolitics.com full rights to the work. All posts are the views of the author and do not necessarily agree with the views of the forum owners (JPPolitics LLC). While you are responsible for the content of your posts we do retain the right to republish, change, alter, or delete any post made on the site for any reason and/or at the request of owners of previously copyrighted material. This is not automatically done and the wholly volunteer admin staff cannot be expected to delete or alter posts immediately at the time of request, all requests to do so will be taken on a case by case basis.
Rule number 9, I'll bold the relevant bits:

9. All posts, once submitted, are public and are readable by the public; posting your own original content on the site allows, in perpetuity, the owners of justplainpolitics.com full rights to the work. All posts are the views of the author and do not necessarily agree with the views of the forum owners (JPPolitics LLC). While you are responsible for the content of your posts we do retain the right to republish, change, alter, or delete any post made on the site for any reason and/or at the request of owners of previously copyrighted material. This is not automatically done and the wholly volunteer admin staff cannot be expected to delete or alter posts immediately at the time of request, all requests to do so will be taken on a case by case basis.

Great! So thanks for telling everyone how much of a little bitch you are. Cool man. A+ work.

Curious, why do you only change MY posts? Oh wait, don't answer that. We both know why.

Because unlike everyone else here, I have this innate ability to burrow very deeply under your skin.
You're the one who put this in Current Events, asshole.

So maybe you should follow your own fucking advice.

No, the post I altered was originally in Current Events and I left it there, as every post I moved later also was (those I did not alter, like this one unaltered...).... End this childish nonsense. If you want to post an insult post about another poster put it off topic or war zone and you will not find your post edited and/or moved. Usually I move them, but this one I wanted folks to see.
No, this was originally in Current Events and I left it there

So you left it there in violation of the same rule that compelled you to alter my post in the first place.

So how does this make you look like anything other than a little bitch who is abusing his powers because a single poster is able to work themselves under your skin by using just their words?

End this childish nonsense.

You started this shit.

You're the one who hacked into my post.

You're the one who kept it on the Current Events, even after crying about it not being a Current Event.

You kept it there.

You posted it there.

You did all this.

Now you have the nerve to lecture me on it?

So you left it there in violation of the same rule that compelled you to alter my post in the first place.

So how does this make you look like anything other than a little bitch who is abusing his powers because a single poster is able to work themselves under your skin by using just their words?

You started this shit.

You're the one who hacked into my post.

You're the one who kept it on the Current Events, even after crying about it not being a Current Event.

You kept it there.

You posted it there.

You did all this.

Now you have the nerve to lecture me on it?


LOL. actually did out loud laugh...

Anyway, posting an insult thread about another poster is the childish thing that caused me to make it funny. Your overreaction makes it even funnier.

I think this is not a lesson you'll soon forget.