Damocles can't win an argument, so he just hacks people's accounts.

Well. I seem to be able to follow the very few rules here and any disagreements with requests I have had with staff were solved amicably.

How many times have you been banned, again? A couple as Rev Hellhound, right? There's a whole thread about you getting banned.
Great! So thanks for telling everyone how much of a little bitch you are. Cool man. A+ work.

Curious, why do you only change MY posts? Oh wait, don't answer that. We both know why.

Because unlike everyone else here, I have this innate ability to burrow very deeply under your skin.

LOL. No, I change the posts of most of the folks that put War Zone worthy posts in Current Events. There are a few folks that were a bit miffed. I'm good with that, it is the point. I want to make it something you don't want to do again.
Quote Originally Posted by LV426 View Post
I disagree with that

can we make a list of people who give a fuck and place it here?......
I've had my posts added or deleted. No biggie. Much better than getting a warning. like those dumbasses at DP.

They are not dumb over at DP...they are dishonest and abusive....after making constant claims of being paragons of civility which makes their bad behavior worse.
Delete due to pending litigation.

Lv guy. If there is a thread like you claim post it.

I know you are lying.
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Horse manure is seriously underrated as a food staple; I make burritos with it. It is deeeelicious and nutritious.

I'm partial to refried beans myself.

I drink my own urine because it's sterile and I like the taste.

Can't pay the water bill eh?

I can't get a date because my breath smells like shit.

I think I might know what your problem is.

There's nothing wrong with driving a 1981 Chevette, I love mine and it's a diesel.

Yep, can't pay the water bill.

I also like really fresh rocky mountain oysters but I can't figure out how to get the bulls to stand still, they kick me in the head as soon as I take a bite.

You know there's a better wa....nevermind, keep doing it the way you're doing it.
Yeah, because you created it.

You abused your mod powers to hack into my account and post as me because you couldn't stand the fact that I make you and your friends eat plates of shit.

All this thread does is validate everything I've ever said about you.

You have to stoop to this level, imitating me because of how insecure I make you feel.

What a fucking pussy.

This psycho should have been banned long ago!
Yeah, because you created it.

You abused your mod powers to hack into my account and post as me because you couldn't stand the fact that I make you and your friends eat plates of shit.

All this thread does is validate everything I've ever said about you.

You have to stoop to this level, imitating me because of how insecure I make you feel.

What a fucking pussy.

Maybe you should look for another place to continue crying??