Damocles can't win an argument, so he just hacks people's accounts.

Methinks this is a lesson you will not soon forget.

The lesson I learned is that you will stoop to no low in order to protect the feelings and egos of your perceived allies on JPP.

And I won't forget it, just like how I won't forget about anatta's unsolicited mail-in ballot lie.
The lesson I learned is that you will stoop to no low in order to protect the feelings and egos of your perceived allies on JPP.

And I won't forget it, just like how I won't forget about anatta's unsolicited mail-in ballot lie.

I don't even remember who the post was about. Just that it wasn't about me (if it was I would have moved it unaltered).
Anyway, posting an insult thread about another poster is the childish thing that caused me to make it funny.

What insult thread? All I did was point out how anatta lied and used a Russian Active Measure -ON YOUR BOARD- to interfere in the election.

Then, I showed how what he did technically violates US penal code.

That was too much for you...so you had to erase all of it and alter my post so no one would read it.

Don't pretend like there was another motivation behind what you did. You're not that clever or subtle.
I've had my posts added or deleted. No biggie. Much better than getting a warning. like those dumbasses at DP.
I don't even remember who the post was about. Just that it wasn't about me (if it was I would have moved it unaltered).

Of course you remember what it was about...don't lie to me. If it was so innocuous, you wouldn't have even bothered.

But because it was entirely accurate, and because its accuracy ended up attacking the credibility of one of your buddies, you had to hurry and scramble to cover it up.

Then you kept the thread going in the same section that you used to justify altering my post in the first place.

Then you threadbanned me from the thread that you used my ID to create.

What a fucking loser. This is just sad.
Yeah, because you created it.

You abused your mod powers to hack into my account and post as me because you couldn't stand the fact that I make you and your friends eat plates of shit.

All this thread does is validate everything I've ever said about you.

You have to stoop to this level, imitating me because of how insecure I make you feel.

What a fucking pussy.

This sounds insane. how did he "hack into your account"?

I think you may be nuts.
What insult thread? All I did was point out how anatta lied and used a Russian Active Measure -ON YOUR BOARD- to interfere in the election.

Then, I showed how what he did technically violates US penal code.

That was too much for you...so you had to erase all of it and alter my post so no one would read it.

Don't pretend like there was another motivation behind what you did. You're not that clever or subtle.

Ah... k'...

Well, post that stuff in Off Topic or in War Zone and you'd still be happily wringing your hands in glee and chuckling over your mastery of English. Gleefully imagining yourself as a word ninja instead of getting upset over poop moustaches.
You just hack accounts because you're a little bitch who can't stand it when you or your friends have to eat plates of shit.

lol you even posted it in red. you must be soooooo angry... lol

you are a tool. I hope you get banned. sucka.
I don't even remember who the post was about.

Stop fucking lying to me.

Really, stop it.

I can forgive your compulsion to have to ape me on your own message board because of how sharp I am in calling out your friends' bullshit.

But I can't forgive blatant dishonesty like this.

Of course you remember what the OP was about. It was so terrible for you that you were physically compelled to falsely use my ID to create a thread.

What a loser.
Sure it is!

You go into my posts, change them, then present them as if I posted them...which is a lie on your part.

So you may run this board, but that doesn't mean you're a good person.

Thats not hacking, and you are not a good person.
Well, post that stuff in Off Topic or in War Zone and you'd still be happily wringing your hands in glee and chuckling over your mastery of English. Gleefully imagining yourself as a word ninja instead of getting upset over poop moustaches.

I disagree with that because election interference is most definitely a Current Event, and the fact that the election interference was being done by someone on your board is entirely relevant to current events, isn't it?

Don't you give a shit about your own board's integrity?
Yes, we know why you hope I get banned...so that I don't have to keep reminding you of just how awful a person you are.

Well. I seem to be able to follow the very few rules here and any disagreements with requests I have had with staff were solved amicably.

You seem like you are having a little tantrum over your bad behavior on a forum that has almost no rules. WTF, some people can't handle freedom I guess.
I disagree with that because election interference is most definitely a Current Event, and the fact that the election interference was being done by someone on your board is entirely relevant to current events, isn't it?

Don't you give a shit about your own board's integrity?

No poster here is a current event. Keep your personal attack posts to the War Zone or Off Topic forums or you will continue to find this happening to you.