Damocles can't win an argument, so he just hacks people's accounts.

They are not dumb over at DP...they are dishonest and abusive....after making constant claims of being paragons of civility which makes their bad behavior worse.

We certainly all agree on that!

THE worst forum for that kind of thing is a forum called, "Agnostic.com."

The last thing in the world that place is...is an agnostic forum. It is a forum that touts atheistic views...and penalizes comments that take issue with said atheistic views, no matter how courteously or reasonably offered.

But I agree that DP moderators would make concentration camp commandants look benign.
We certainly all agree on that!

THE worst forum for that kind of thing is a forum called, "Agnostic.com."

The last thing in the world that place is...is an agnostic forum. It is a forum that touts atheistic views...and penalizes comments that take issue with said atheistic views, no matter how courteously or reasonably offered.

But I agree that DP moderators would make concentration camp commandants look benign.

I sure made a bad bet there....I put up so much awesome content.

I have really cut back on the amount of work I am willing to put into a post after getting so singed at DP.

Whaddya got going for the game Frank?
I sure made a bad bet there....I put up so much awesome content.

I have really cut back on the amount of work I am willing to put into a post after getting so singed at DP.

Whaddya got going for the game Frank?

No money on it...for the first time in a while. Nancy and I have three boxes in a $10 a box score pool, but that is it.

My guess is this will be one of the best Super Bowl games in a while. (Most are a bust, for one reason or another.)

I'm kinda thinking that KC will win...but nobody should ever count out a team QB'ed by Tom Brady.

I'm gonna be happy no matter who wins. I would like to see a good game, though.
They are not dumb over at DP...they are dishonest and abusive....after making constant claims of being paragons of civility which makes their bad behavior worse.

They are scumbags and the mod Redress is a pedophile. He changed his stupid already creept anime avatar once to another anime little girl once, problem was it was from a sick anime about banging kids.

When I took issue, I became persona non grata. And left.

And I bailed that place out once from going under.
They are scumbags and the mod Redress is a pedophile. He changed his stupid already creept anime avatar once to another anime little girl once, problem was it was from a sick anime about banging kids.

When I took issue, I became persona non grata. And left.

And I bailed that place out once from going under.

That is another two things...

1) The "Owner" apparently does not financially support the place because they cant afford it

2) Their complete lack of gratitude towards the people who send them money..which I did did twice...and still I was tagged for elimination.....they do that you know....they talk between themselves about who needs to leave and then once a person is tagged they get loaded up with points and otherwise harassed until they are gone.....yes they have extensive rules and processes.....which might have meant something at one time.....but now those are nothing but a sham.

JPP, which has almost no rules but which may throw people out at any time is more honest than DP which pretends to operate by rules and which pretends to value civility over all....even as the mods routinely abuse the membership.

And that at the end of the day is the big problem for me...Cruelty is a red line for me....I am an enemy of abuse.
That is another two things...

1) The "Owner" apparently does not financially support the place because they cant afford it

2) Their complete lack of gratitude towards the people who send them money..which I did did twice...and still I was tagged for elimination.....they do that you know....they talk between themselves about who needs to leave and then once a person is tagged they get loaded up with points and otherwise harassed until they are gone.....yes they have extensive rules and processes.....which might have meant something at one time.....but now those are nothing but a sham.

JPP, which has almost no rules but which may throw people out at any time is more honest than DP which pretends to operate by rules and which pretends to value civility over all....even as the mods routinely abuse the membership.

And that at the end of the day is the big problem for me...Cruelty is a red line for me....I am an enemy of abuse.

yeah they targeted me hard. they have a "basement" I ran it for a while and I made if very awesome, it was supposed to be NHB and the mods could not control or input on the content down there. that one mod tasha decided to start infracting people in the basement for thier mid east special rules. We got into a fight, and I and the 3 other "dungeon masters" quit in disgust from thier staff.

The new basement owners were lap dogs to the mods and they ended up banning me from that section for hurting thier feelings too much.

Fast forward a few months and I started harrassing redress on his child abuse anime avatars, I kept looking them up and they were storys of "12 year olds coming of age" which is apparently legal, but then there was one "lolicon" avatar he put up, and I looked it up and it was graphically disgusting. it was cartoon child porn.

I left and don't go back.
yeah they targeted me hard. they have a "basement" I ran it for a while and I made if very awesome, it was supposed to be NHB and the mods could not control or input on the content down there. that one mod tasha decided to start infracting people in the basement for thier mid east special rules. We got into a fight, and I and the 3 other "dungeon masters" quit in disgust from thier staff.

The new basement owners were lap dogs to the mods and they ended up banning me from that section for hurting thier feelings too much.

Fast forward a few months and I started harrassing redress on his child abuse anime avatars, I kept looking them up and they were storys of "12 year olds coming of age" which is apparently legal, but then there was one "lolicon" avatar he put up, and I looked it up and it was graphically disgusting. it was cartoon child porn.

I left and don't go back.

The basement is now an openly sadistic cesspool...is that what it used to be....is that what it was intended to be? It could have been great fun but just isn't now.
The basement is now an openly sadistic cesspool...is that what it used to be....is that what it was intended to be? It could have been great fun but just isn't now.

no I was the smackmaster general. the idea was to you could attack and insult each other but it had to be funny, and it had to be clever. The idea we had as "dm's" to control it from turning into the cesspool that it was was that once things got nasty we dumped it in the sewer. it was hilarious when I ran it, what they did to it was turn it into a place where moderators can berate and attack you and if you return the favor they ban you from the place.

If you go after the DM's or the mods down there, they get very nasty, will start editing posts, and ban you from it.

We never banned anyone from the basement as that seemed hypocritical. I also used the position to absorb much of the vitriol and hate. They had a contest every year called "asshat of the year" and they all would be crying over who was the worst poster biggest asshole etc and would choose some poor schlub. the day I took over I campaigned and took the award.

Then lived up to it! hahahaha
no I was the smackmaster general. the idea was to you could attack and insult each other but it had to be funny, and it had to be clever. The idea we had as "dm's" to control it from turning into the cesspool that it was was that once things got nasty we dumped it in the sewer. it was hilarious when I ran it, what they did to it was turn it into a place where moderators can berate and attack you and if you return the favor they ban you from the place.

If you go after the DM's or the mods down there, they get very nasty, will start editing posts, and ban you from it.

We never banned anyone from the basement as that seemed hypocritical. I also used the position to absorb much of the vitriol and hate. They had a contest every year called "asshat of the year" and they all would be crying over who was the worst poster biggest asshole etc and would choose some poor schlub. the day I took over I campaigned and took the award.

Then lived up to it! hahahaha

It became a place to lure the unsuspecting and the disliked for torture sessions, there is a whole crew at DP to include mods who obviously get off on torturing others, they keep saying that they do...the basement is their playground. CaptainCourtesy was one of the ringleaders but there were many doing it. The fact that I complained about the sadism in the basement is no doubt one of the reasons it was decided that I had to go.