Damocles is in my subconshous...


Well-known member
I dont want to scare Damo but he has entered my subconshous.

I had a dream that my wife and I went on a cruise to COLORADO? On the way I emailed Damo and he met us on the ship for dinner and we all hung out and became great friends. He and his wife even came back the next night for drinks.

Damo, do you have a grey beard?
I have a beard but it isn't grey. Well, there is some gray, but not enough to call the whole beard gray...
Wow, I am so glad I didnt' have this dream.

I once dreamt, very shortly after the first time I saw AHZ's name, that my ex-boyfriend who used to post here came back and was using the ASSHAT name to fool me. And when I woke up I sat up and said "Ah-ha! Just wait till he finds out that I have prescient dreams and he can't hide from me" then I ran straight to the computer to do a search on AHZ' s posts, and realized almost immediately that he was not my ex.

My point? Damo doesn't have a gray beard, I'll bet anything.
Wow, I am so glad I didnt' have this dream.

I once dreamt, very shortly after the first time I saw AHZ's name, that my ex-boyfriend who used to post here came back and was using the ASSHAT name to fool me. And when I woke up I sat up and said "Ah-ha! Just wait till he finds out that I have prescient dreams and he can't hide from me" then I ran straight to the computer to do a search on AHZ' s posts, and realized almost immediately that he was not my ex.

My point? Damo doesn't have a gray beard, I'll bet anything.
lol. Yet the dreams you have about me are awesome! I like the whole cruise to Colorado thing.
Wow, I am so glad I didnt' have this dream.

I once dreamt, very shortly after the first time I saw AHZ's name, that my ex-boyfriend who used to post here came back and was using the ASSHAT name to fool me. And when I woke up I sat up and said "Ah-ha! Just wait till he finds out that I have prescient dreams and he can't hide from me" then I ran straight to the computer to do a search on AHZ' s posts, and realized almost immediately that he was not my ex.

My point? Damo doesn't have a gray beard, I'll bet anything.
Oh, krickee! He WOULDN'T . . . would he? :shock:
Oh, krickee! He WOULDN'T . . . would he? :shock:

No, no, he's not AHZ Ornot, don't worry. But I did have that dream, and because I have had dreams that actually were prescient, (always within 24 hours) it's like I think all of my dreams are. But this one wasn't, this one was ridiculous.
Well, if Jarod is ever in Colorado I'd surely meet and greet and enjoy a tasty adult beverage with him and his.
I'm reasonably sure that booking a cruise to Colorado will be a bit difficult.

I have a tri-colored (well four if you count the gray around the chin) with different shades of brown, mostly dark.

It is relatively new as I only recently "retired" from the volunteer fire department.
I'm reasonably sure that booking a cruise to Colorado will be a bit difficult.

I have a tri-colored (well four if you count the gray around the chin) with different shades of brown, mostly dark.

It is relatively new as I only recently "retired" from the volunteer fire department.

I'm surprised you have a beard at all. I pictured you as clean-cut.

I like beards and facial hair in general. I always liked moustaches (me and Rob would so not argue over the same guy) but lately I've developed a thing for beards and long hair. I'm going to find myself some long-haired ex-hippie with facial hair, who loves giving oral pleasure, move somewhere with no television or news, and forget about everything.

It's going to be, so cool.