Damocles is in my subconshous...

I'm surprised you have a beard at all. I pictured you as clean-cut.

I like beards and facial hair in general. I always liked moustaches (me and Rob would so not argue over the same guy) but lately I've developed a thing for beards and long hair. I'm going to find myself some long-haired ex-hippie with facial hair, who loves giving oral pleasure, move somewhere with no television or news, and forget about everything.

It's going to be, so cool.
Until recently I was "cleancut", but the women in my life like beards and I am now able to grow one. Unfortunately they changed training times for the fire department and I am unable to attend, thus am unable to be a firefighter any longer. But there is always a silver lining...
He doesn't like the format of my site.

That's true Damo, and he actually disappeared from here before we broke up. I had nothing to do with it...at that time. It's so nice that you don't blame me! I never had any objection to his continuing to post here. Just because I was going to post PRICK after every post he made, is completely irrelevant. lol

No, I am totally kidding, I swear!
I thought it was funny that one time that he was talking about the prime minister of Iraq and how he was a former CIA operative and I pointed out that he didn't even know who was the Prime minister of Iraq. He didn't have much to say on that threat afterwards.
I dont want to scare Damo but he has entered my subconshous.

I had a dream that my wife and I went on a cruise to COLORADO? On the way I emailed Damo and he met us on the ship for dinner and we all hung out and became great friends. He and his wife even came back the next night for drinks.

Damo, do you have a grey beard?

If you ever do go drinkin' with Damo, be sure to bring your A-game. Homeslice can sock away the guinesses like a camel.
Good question ... Went to a more con friendly location ?

Not too many of em now and the groups are going underground ;)