Damocles is in my subconshous...

Damo..I am a family guy too...I was just having a little adult humor here...relax..it was just in fun!
I didn't take it that way. I was just explaining that "the ladies in my life" shouldn't be taken in the same way as uscit uses the phrase..


I've said it before, it is very difficult to get me "insulted".
Damo, you did a great job of covering up your big crush on me, during this thread. I don't think anyone (exept for me) suspects. It was the old, least sad the better ploy. Impressive!
Well, you certainly helped in that regard keeping it all under wraps like that. It has been difficult being apart all this time...

I was afraid you would make all that rejection known to all. If we just keep it quiet like this, I'll owe you.
Well, you certainly helped in that regard keeping it all under wraps like that. It has been difficult being apart all this time...

I was afraid you would make all that rejection known to all. If we just keep it quiet like this, I'll owe you.

LOL. I'll tell no one.