Darla and Rune banned, but morons like ILA still here

from what I know...DARLA purposely banned herself, in a protest (?) of some of the misogyny around here.

Yes; this is a blow to the site -i notice TEKKYCHICK hasn't posted either.

This is a moderated site -some good with that, some bad. Sticking around to see how it shakes out, at least for the time being.

But we really do need our good members to return, the one's that post IDEAS - whether one agrees or not.

So tired of message board drama
Stay with the ship, I do not know totally what happened, but even though I have always admired Darla, Liberal that she is, no one person is bigger than this Forum. In cowboy land where I live, you try not to get bucked off, you stay in the saddle, because you will eventually "break" that horse and it will become rideable. There has never been a wild horse that could not be ridden, even though it may have bucked off a whole bunch of bronk busters. Someone will now ask what's my point and here it is..This Forum is bigger than any one person or group of persons, and I for one will not let it go down, but I agree that Darla should show some courage and come back on, at least to chit chat a little. Darla is still one of the "strongest" posters that any Forum/Board could ever have as a member, and we need to listen to her views, so let's do it Darla, naturally no pun intended...LOL..just kidding
Stay with the ship, I do not know totally what happened, but even though I have always admired Darla, Liberal that she is, no one person is bigger than this Forum. In cowboy land where I live, you try not to get bucked off, you stay in the saddle, because you will eventually "break" that horse and it will become rideable. There has never been a wild horse that could not be ridden, even though it may have bucked off a whole bunch of bronk busters. Someone will now ask what's my point and here it is..This Forum is bigger than any one person or group of persons, and I for one will not let it go down, but I agree that Darla should show some courage and come back on, at least to chit chat a little. Darla is still one of the "strongest" posters that any Forum/Board could ever have as a member, and we need to listen to her views, so let's do it Darla, naturally no pun intended...LOL..just kidding

Well pardon me all over the place but exactly what are her views? Besides knee jerk reactionary imperialist Marxism I never read anything from her containing any independent thought. If she banded herself it's on account of opinions she kept reading that she didn't like and she doesn't think whoever wrote them should have a right so say them, it's as simple as that.

For you to set her up as some sort of martyr which you yearn for her to return from out her self imposed exile, it's important to point this out. Imperialist Marxists such as her cannot stand differing opinions and it's either her way or the highway and this fascist approach to political speech is commonplace among her like reactionary minds.

This is why the right will never defeat the left as she sits there reading your allocates timing her glorious return at just the right moment. You people will never stop star gazing at the left's every well intended thought and purposeful meaning and you will never stop giving them the intellectual high ground.
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Well pardon me all over the place but exactly what are her views? Besides knee jerk reactionary imperialist Marxism I never read anything from her containing any independent thought. If she banded herself it's on account of opinions she kept reading that she didn't like and she doesn't think whoever wrote them should have a right so say them, it's as simple as that.

For you to set her up as some sort of martyr which you yearn for her to return from out her self imposed exile, it's important to point this out. Imperialist Marxists such as her cannot stand differing opinions and it's either her way or the highway and this fascist approach to political speech is commonplace among her like reactionary minds.

This is why the right will never defeat the left as she sits there reading your allocates timing her glorious return at just the right moment. You people will never stop star gazing at the left's every well intended thought and purposeful meaning and you will never stop giving them the intellectual high ground.
Fine, your views are yours and my views are mine. Darla has her views which are just as important to her as your views are to you and mine are to me. I for one look forward to views from the opposition, especially views from Darla who I have always admired as a serious writer, a brilliant writer at that, and a genuine caring person from what I have gathered over all these years, so I regret nothing that I have posted about Darla. I have many Liberal friends and relatives, my Mom was a Liberal and my Dad was a Conservative, and I consider myself somewhere in the middle, exactly where depends on what is going on politically.....
Fine, your views are yours and my views are mine. Darla has her views which are just as important to her as your views are to you and mine are to me. I for one look forward to views from the opposition, especially views from Darla who I have always admired as a serious writer, a brilliant writer at that, and a genuine caring person from what I have gathered over all these years, so I regret nothing that I have posted about Darla. I have many Liberal friends and relatives, my Mom was a Liberal and my Dad was a Conservative, and I consider myself somewhere in the middle, exactly where depends on what is going on politically.....

The definition of a liberal is somebody who believes in small government. Darla is not a liberal. Darla's worn out ideas are failed ideas and they should be thrown onto the scrapheap of history. Darla does nothing here except parrot failed Marxist ideas that have been tried in society and are now in the process of ruining America.

You should carry on your exchanges with her on either Facebook or Twitter if you're that much obsessed with her and all her brilliance. This is a political forum and your obsession with leftists ever yearning to hear their every word tells me that you are no right winger and your views slant left a lot more than they do right.

Darla's self banning amounts to nothing but a cheap self righteous publicity stunt and your letter of yearning to here from her gives her exactly what she yearned for when she pulled this.
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The definition of a liberal is somebody who believes in small government. Darla is not a liberal. Darla's worn out ideas are failed ideas and they should be thrown onto the scrapheap of history. Darla does nothing here except parrot failed Marxist ideas that have been tried in society and are now in the process of ruining America.

You should carry on your exchanges with her on either Facebook or Twitter if you're that much obsessed with her and all her brilliance. This is a political forum and your obsession with leftists ever yearning to hear their every word tells me that you are no right winger and your views slant left a lot more than they do right.

Darla's self banning amounts to nothing but a cheap self righteous publicity stunt and your letter of yearning to here from her gives her exactly what she yearned for when she pulled this.
My views represent what I believe are the common sense views of the Republican silent majority, not radical Left or Right views. The day that this website becomes all one way or the other, then I will pass. Why would you want to just read other posters with your own views, how does that achieve anything. I voted for Mitt Romney, but you probably did not because he was not to the right enough, correct, therefore you helped elect a Socialist Prez, not I. Reagan was a great President, mainly because he was a Democrat first and learned what the Liberal weaknesses were. Common sense Conservatism with a heart will win, but not if 10 million die hard Conservatives refuse to vote because of their political Stubborness. Jobs are the answer, along with lower gas prices, will solve everything. We need to win everything in 2014 and forget about who is more or less Conservative.
My views represent what I believe are the common sense views of the Republican silent majority, not radical Left or Right views. The day that this website becomes all one way or the other, then I will pass. Why would you want to just read other posters with your own views, how does that achieve anything. I voted for Mitt Romney, but you probably did not because he was not to the right enough, correct, therefore you helped elect a Socialist Prez, not I. Reagan was a great President, mainly because he was a Democrat first and learned what the Liberal weaknesses were. Common sense Conservatism with a heart will win, but not if 10 million die hard Conservatives refuse to vote because of their political Stubborness. Jobs are the answer, along with lower gas prices, will solve everything. We need to win everything in 2014 and forget about who is more or less Conservative.


What radical right views do I hold? Can you tell me what they are?

What is so mainstream moderate about her other than the fact that you think she's almost always right (pardon the pun) about everything?

Does she want to compromise about anything? Or does she want total victory.
My views represent what I believe are the common sense views of the Republican silent majority, not radical Left or Right views. The day that this website becomes all one way or the other, then I will pass. Why would you want to just read other posters with your own views, how does that achieve anything. I voted for Mitt Romney, but you probably did not because he was not to the right enough, correct, therefore you helped elect a Socialist Prez, not I. Reagan was a great President, mainly because he was a Democrat first and learned what the Liberal weaknesses were. Common sense Conservatism with a heart will win, but not if 10 million die hard Conservatives refuse to vote because of their political Stubborness. Jobs are the answer, along with lower gas prices, will solve everything. We need to win everything in 2014 and forget about who is more or less Conservative.

What the bloody hell - except to brainwashed extremists - it the word 'socialist' meant to mean there? Jew? Homosexual? Oh no, or course 'black' isn't it? Senator McCarthy, when he banned political thought in the US, did leave you with a major linguistic problem, didn't he?
Fine, your views are yours and my views are mine. Darla has her views which are just as important to her as your views are to you and mine are to me. I for one look forward to views from the opposition, especially views from Darla who I have always admired as a serious writer, a brilliant writer at that, and a genuine caring person from what I have gathered over all these years, so I regret nothing that I have posted about Darla. I have many Liberal friends and relatives, my Mom was a Liberal and my Dad was a Conservative, and I consider myself somewhere in the middle, exactly where depends on what is going on politically.....

I don't agree with you about Darla, she is a nasty piece of work and so was that prick Prakosh.
Well pardon me all over the place but exactly what are her views? Besides knee jerk reactionary imperialist Marxism I never read anything from her containing any independent thought. .


You continually post your own delusional, baseless fantasies about other posters (no matter how many times you are corrected) and write that? You, who compartmentalizes (is that too big a word for you?) everyone by some ridiculous, narrow imaginary stereotype? (you know...all us 'wealthy feminists who have to be rich to own horses, lmao)

Ah, thanks for that big laugh.
Darla is another one of those goody two shoes who lets other people perform her personal slander for her then thanks them. As far as intelligent independent thought goes, my two babies have more intellect and independent thought than she does.

What radical right views do I hold? Can you tell me what they are?

What is so mainstream moderate about her other than the fact that you think she's almost always right (pardon the pun) about everything?

Does she want to compromise about anything? Or does she want total victory.
Every "Successful" President has had to move to the middle like Eisenhower, JFK, Nixon, Reagan, Clinton and Bush did. Now it is Obama's turn, he needs to sit down with the Republicans and make some deals like the Demos did with Reagan and Nixon.

Libs hate Nixon, but I believe that he was a great President, he started pulling soldiers out of Johnson's Vietnam War, the first day he was elected.

As soon as Reagan was sworn in, Iran released those hostages, because they knew that Reagan talked softly but carried a big "stick".

As far as Darla stands, you always knew where "you" stood and unlike some, she never wavered from her Liberal views, and that is great with me because I enjoy reading what the other side wants, why not? Also, I have never said that she was Right, except I am pro Women's choice up to a point, but never late term abortions, so I may differ from Darla there?

I am for gay marriage but against same sex adoptions, when the baby/kid has no say about having gay parents that kids in school will make fun of later. Two gay men adopting a young boy is bad, so I may differ from Darla there.

You need to talk to all the Republicans who did not vote for Romney, who I really liked and who would have been a fair person to everybody. If Obama would come to the middle I would say ok, because I have always personally liked him as a fellow golfer/person.

What radical right views do I hold? Can you tell me what they are?

What is so mainstream moderate about her other than the fact that you think she's almost always right (pardon the pun) about everything?

Does she want to compromise about anything? Or does she want total victory.

You think the CSA was worth a damn, which is radical right. It's also moronic and unpatriotic.
Every "Successful" President has had to move to the middle like Eisenhower, JFK, Nixon, Reagan, Clinton and Bush did. Now it is Obama's turn, he needs to sit down with the Republicans and make some deals like the Demos did with Reagan and Nixon.

Libs hate Nixon, but I believe that he was a great President, he started pulling soldiers out of Johnson's Vietnam War, the first day he was elected.

As soon as Reagan was sworn in, Iran released those hostages, because they knew that Reagan talked softly but carried a big "stick".

As far as Darla stands, you always knew where "you" stood and unlike some, she never wavered from her Liberal views, and that is great with me because I enjoy reading what the other side wants, why not? Also, I have never said that she was Right, except I am pro Women's choice up to a point, but never late term abortions, so I may differ from Darla there?

I am for gay marriage but against same sex adoptions, when the baby/kid has no say about having gay parents that kids in school will make fun of later. Two gay men adopting a young boy is bad, so I may differ from Darla there.

You need to talk to all the Republicans who did not vote for Romney, who I really liked and who would have been a fair person to everybody. If Obama would come to the middle I would say ok, because I have always personally liked him as a fellow golfer/person.

I'm sorry but supporting Darla is not moving to the middle, it's falling off the left end of the stage. In order to begin a debate of "compromise" with Darla, one must begin on the left in the first place then from there try to convince her that a few of your ideas might work within her political sphere. Then one must hope in earnest that Darla agrees that your ideas sound legitimate and possibly workable. This isn't compromise, it's surrender. It's giving radicals like Darla the intellectual and moral high ground at the outset.

What ideas could Darla possibly reveal that might be workable solutions to societal problems based on her track record? This is just an example of just how far the country has moved left when you believe that Darla is mainstream moderate and I'm radical extreme right and you being somewhat conservative. until the right makes up it's mind to defeat the Darlas and do it with better ideas, the left will continue to be victorious. The more you agree with Darla, the more she'll like you and the more you'll become socially acceptable to her and her peers.
You think the CSA was worth a damn, which is radical right. It's also moronic and unpatriotic.

And it's also very cowardly of you to continue to smear and degrade people because they're white people. It makes you look like what you are, a pathetic fatherless little bitch who operates within a sphere of PC leftists always saying the right things and always attacking the right ethnic group with racist smears.

You're not worth the typing energy little PC bitch. Anybody can be PC and anybody can practice bigotry against white people in order to be socially PC acceptable to the likes of these disgraces in this forum.

It takes character and principle to do otherwise.
I'm sorry but supporting Darla is not moving to the middle, it's falling off the left end of the stage. In order to begin a debate of "compromise" with Darla, one must begin on the left in the first place then from there try to convince her that a few of your ideas might work within her political sphere. Then one must hope in earnest that Darla agrees that your ideas sound legitimate and possibly workable. This isn't compromise, it's surrender. It's giving radicals like Darla the intellectual and moral high ground at the outset.

What ideas could Darla possibly reveal that might be workable solutions to societal problems based on her track record? This is just an example of just how far the country has moved left when you believe that Darla is mainstream moderate and I'm radical extreme right and you being somewhat conservative. until the right makes up it's mind to defeat the Darlas and do it with better ideas, the left will continue to be victorious. The more you agree with Darla, the more she'll like you and the more you'll become socially acceptable to her and her peers.

The lib women here are fierce about women's issues. Maybe you consider that to be far-left of the stage, we consider it survival. Women made great strides over the years but we still have a long way to go before there's an even playing field and we're not giving up the fight.

If you could get rid of your pre-conceived notions you'd see that the lib women here have some centrist positions, some doubts about Obama and his agenda and at least a willingness to listen to other views. But you're going to have to broaden your scope and stop thinking that societal problems can be laid only at the feet of liberals.
If you could get rid of your pre-conceived notions you'd see that the lib women here have some centrist positions, some doubts about Obama and his agenda and at least a willingness to listen to other views.

Have you met Desh?

If you could get rid of your pre-conceived notions you'd see that the lib women here have some centrist positions, some doubts about Obama and his agenda and at least a willingness to listen to other views. But you're going to have to broaden your scope and stop thinking that societal problems can be laid only at the feet of liberals.

Forget it. The more I ignore him, the more delusional and fantastic his fantasies about me become. He literally creates stuff based on rigid, extremist conservative, fundamentalist Christian stereotypic dogma.

If he was a Muslim he'd be flying jets into buildings. (Except he's not that bright so he'd be in the back with a box cutter.)