Darla and Rune banned, but morons like ILA still here

And it's also very cowardly of you to continue to smear and degrade people because they're white people. It makes you look like what you are, a pathetic fatherless little bitch who operates within a sphere of PC leftists always saying the right things and always attacking the right ethnic group with racist smears.

You're not worth the typing energy little PC bitch. Anybody can be PC and anybody can practice bigotry against white people in order to be socially PC acceptable to the likes of these disgraces in this forum.

It takes character and principle to do otherwise.

I hate them because they were traitors. The fact that they were white just makes them badly coordinated traitors who couldn't jump or dance.
I hate them because they were traitors. The fact that they were white just makes them badly coordinated traitors who couldn't jump or dance.

You hate "them" because it's PC and safe to hate them. You would never get away with degrading non white people the way you do white people here and it doesn't take one ounce of courage to be socially popular.
Forget it. The more I ignore him, the more delusional and fantastic his fantasies about me become. He literally creates stuff based on rigid, extremist conservative, fundamentalist Christian stereotypic dogma.

If he was a Muslim he'd be flying jets into buildings. (Except he's not that bright so he'd be in the back with a box cutter.)

The religious extremist angle by Lorca must include a footnote by me reminding the reader that Lorca used religion to try and justify all her positions here especially her enormous on going thread about her obsession with AOD.

God is a very important part of Jeffersonianism meanwhile. I make no excuses or counter explanations for it.
Forget it. The more I ignore him, the more delusional and fantastic his fantasies about me become. He literally creates stuff based on rigid, extremist conservative, fundamentalist Christian stereotypic dogma.

If he was a Muslim he'd be flying jets into buildings. (Except he's not that bright so he'd be in the back with a box cutter.)

Lol, box cutter.
I'm sorry but supporting Darla is not moving to the middle, it's falling off the left end of the stage. In order to begin a debate of "compromise" with Darla, one must begin on the left in the first place then from there try to convince her that a few of your ideas might work within her political sphere. Then one must hope in earnest that Darla agrees that your ideas sound legitimate and possibly workable. This isn't compromise, it's surrender. It's giving radicals like Darla the intellectual and moral high ground at the outset.

What ideas could Darla possibly reveal that might be workable solutions to societal problems based on her track record? This is just an example of just how far the country has moved left when you believe that Darla is mainstream moderate and I'm radical extreme right and you being somewhat conservative. until the right makes up it's mind to defeat the Darlas and do it with better ideas, the left will continue to be victorious. The more you agree with Darla, the more she'll like you and the more you'll become socially acceptable to her and her peers.
I am supporting Darla's right to express her opinions, without some males calling her names. You will notice that I rarely jump on, no pun intended, female reply posters like I do the ones that I know are guys. I really enjoy reading the Leftist/Liberal viewpoints, especially from the gals, a few of which I kind of agree with. I normally treat women on this Forum just like I would treat them in person, with respect and common courtesy. Except for one famous incident on the old Board, I am a goody two shoes when it comes to women, so many women, so little time...sorry I just had to get that in, to kind of balance the scale. I have used the term FemiNazi which I use in a joking manner, ala Rush Limbaugh. At least I am not gay like some others on here, because I really like women, I expect Zappy to chime in now with his proven lies.
Didn't the Democrats who started the Civil War have an "idea" that Black people should be slaves?

Your hero Lincoln, the great father of your republican party started the civil war. Your party's supporters, the industrialists and the bankers on Wall street all pushed slavery on the south then all profited tremendously off it.
Where did the slaves come from after they got to America?
Black Africans raided other tribes for slaves which they herded to the coast to sell to slave runners. Obama's may have had relatives who captured and sold slaves...............
..."Slavery existed for centuries before the first slaves came to America. Old Egyptian, Greeks, and Romans owned the slaves. In Africa there were many kingdoms and slavery was legal. When Europeans came to Africa, slavery there already existed.

The first European slave traders were from Portugal. The little country of Portugal built the first European fort in Africa in 1481. It was called Fort Elmina. Soon, people from other countries found out about the slave trade. Spain was one of the biggest slave trading nations. They needed African slaves to work on their plantations in South America and Caribbean. This is where most of the slaves were taken during the first few centuries of the Atlantic slave trade.

England was one of the latest countries to start slave trade. Soon England became on of the biggest slave trading nations. They began to bring slaves to the Caribbean. They formed the Royal African Company in 1672. This allowed English colonies in America to easily buy slaves from English traders. At the beginning only a few slaves came to English colonies. But when the big tobacco and rice plantations grew in the colonies in the south the slave trade increased.

Although many people think that most slaves were stolen or caught by slave traders, this is not the truth. Most slaves were bought by Europeans from other African people. Often, rival tribes sold into slavery members of other tribes they captured during wars. Most of the slaves came from the West Africa and spoke many different languages."

The Europeans abolished slavery in Africa, not the Africans.....
"Although there had been some trans-Saharan trade from the interior of Sub-Saharan Africa to other regions, slavery was a small part of the economic life of many societies in Africa until the introduction of transcontinental slave trades (Arab and Atlantic). Slave practices were again transformed with European colonization of Africa and the formal abolition of slavery in the early 1900s."
And it's also very cowardly of you to continue to smear and degrade people because they're white people. It makes you look like what you are, a pathetic fatherless little bitch who operates within a sphere of PC leftists always saying the right things and always attacking the right ethnic group with racist smears.

You're not worth the typing energy little PC bitch. Anybody can be PC and anybody can practice bigotry against white people in order to be socially PC acceptable to the likes of these disgraces in this forum.

It takes character and principle to do otherwise.

Black Africans raided other tribes for slaves which they herded to the coast to sell to slave runners. Obama's may have had relatives who captured and sold slaves...............
..."Slavery existed for centuries before the first slaves came to America. Old Egyptian, Greeks, and Romans owned the slaves. In Africa there were many kingdoms and slavery was legal. When Europeans came to Africa, slavery there already existed.

The first European slave traders were from Portugal. The little country of Portugal built the first European fort in Africa in 1481. It was called Fort Elmina. Soon, people from other countries found out about the slave trade. Spain was one of the biggest slave trading nations. They needed African slaves to work on their plantations in South America and Caribbean. This is where most of the slaves were taken during the first few centuries of the Atlantic slave trade.

England was one of the latest countries to start slave trade. Soon England became on of the biggest slave trading nations. They began to bring slaves to the Caribbean. They formed the Royal African Company in 1672. This allowed English colonies in America to easily buy slaves from English traders. At the beginning only a few slaves came to English colonies. But when the big tobacco and rice plantations grew in the colonies in the south the slave trade increased.

Although many people think that most slaves were stolen or caught by slave traders, this is not the truth. Most slaves were bought by Europeans from other African people. Often, rival tribes sold into slavery members of other tribes they captured during wars. Most of the slaves came from the West Africa and spoke many different languages."

The Europeans abolished slavery in Africa, not the Africans.....
"Although there had been some trans-Saharan trade from the interior of Sub-Saharan Africa to other regions, slavery was a small part of the economic life of many societies in Africa until the introduction of transcontinental slave trades (Arab and Atlantic). Slave practices were again transformed with European colonization of Africa and the formal abolition of slavery in the early 1900s."

You are correct!

according to Christopher Hitchens, as many as 1.5 million Europeans and Americans may have been captured and enslaved by Barbary pirates between 1530 and 1780.

Until the American colonies cast off British rule, their ships and sailors in the Mediterranean had some degree of protection provided by the British navy. But when we struck out on our own, our young nation suddenly found its sailors more at risk in those distant waters.

In March, 1785, Jerfferson and John Adams met in London with the envoy from Tripoli, Sidi Haji Abdrahaman, and asked him upon what basis his people claimed the right to capture and enslave American sailors. The ambassador's reply was very straightforward:, as Jefferson later reported:

It was written in their Koran, that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet

were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and

that every Mussulman who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to Paradise. He

said, also, that the man who was the first to board a vessel had one slave over and

above his share, and that when they sprang to the deck of an enemy's ship, every sailor

held a dagger in each hand and a third in his mouth; which usually struck such terror

into the foe that they cried out for quarter at once.

This Muslim ambassador, speaking in 1785, gave a clear accounting of one of the central tenets of Islam; the core principle that has brought Islam into conflict with the non-Muslim world for fourteen hundred years. Few Muslim diplomats are so honest these days, but many fiery imams, terrorists, and other Islamists are equally candid, even in the 21st Century.
You hate "them" because it's PC and safe to hate them. You would never get away with degrading non white people the way you do white people here and it doesn't take one ounce of courage to be socially popular.

I haven't really ever thought of any non-white people's to hate. Certainly I hate the governments of N. Korea, Venezuela, Burma, the entire Mid East, etc. for how they are treating their people. I hate the Muslims, and that covers plenty of non-whites.

However, I am Western, and what white people have done matters more to me. I feel distain for the men who ended the Roman Republic, and for the later generations that collapsed the Empire. I hate the Tudors for attacking the Church in England. I hate the French Jacobins, German Nazis, Russian Bolsheviks, American Confederates, and so forth.

I guess if there's one group of non-white people from centuries past that I hate on the whole, it would be the Mongols. Ironically, Billy admires them...
As for the African slave trade, it was an unfortunate coincidence that European sea exploration happened right after an imperial tribe called the Bantu swept across Africa, conquered many peoples, and were particularly brutal and savage enough to callously do business with the first explorers.