Here according to Darla's world... Libertarians 'like sausage' (meaning they be sexist in their views), but not 'brown sausage' (because they be racist) and the reason they can't attract black men is because a black man can still be lynched... which means they approve of such actions or their policies approve of lynchings... either way, again according to Darla... Libertarians are sexist/racist.
So 'righties' are not only simple minded, but also racist because they 'don't care' about a black kid being killed.... according to Darla's world
Here we have Darla proclaiming that I am angry?... truly amazing how she does that via typed words. Spoiler... this was the beginning of the liberal bandwagon on the 'oh he sooo angry' schtick.
Now she confuses herself... she admits that she is the angry one and then pretends that she now knows the case didn't anger me. Seriously, she must have a magical crystal ball or something.
Now I went from being angry, to being too sensitive... seriously, I don't think she can keep track of all the bullshit she throws out....
Damn... now I am a 'full retard'... truly so enlightened of poor misunderstood Darla who never attacks anyone...
From too sensitive, to a full retard, to a dick... yeah, why would anyone think Darla not isn't a saint?
Now she claims I was 'attacking' rana... the fact that I was RESPONDING to Rana's attacks on me... well, we shall ignore that and just pretend that I am angry again???
Back to sensitive and now some weeping. Whatever magical toy you liberals are using to determine internet posters emotions... put a patent on that sucker... cause damn if she isn't just 100% on target... it is truly amazing.
well... I guess that wasn't a whiny mangina at least... I left out the micro-penis comment... cause that was just too hurtful for this sensitive angry dick to take.