David Carridine RIP

Oh that's easily explained.

Those chaps were attending a Republican Party conference in the same hotel as me and the fragrant Miss Peep. The things they got up to later that evening made even this auto-erotic asphyxiating horse blush to high heaven.

I still get flashbacks whenever i see a cactus.

OH....I thought you meant the warm beer.
Yea....I just read that to. Kind of creepy, huh? I have a hard time imagining Caridine dieing that way.

Now if I read a report of you being found in a Bangkok hotel room with a rope around your neck and genitals, wearing a "My Pretty Pony" outfit with a big smile on your face would come as no surprise....but not the grasshopper.

sheesh, he was just an actor.
Well, before this, I thought Caradine was one of the most intelligent actors. Now, I have to bump him down a few notches, what a stupid move! And what's so sad is, this guy could have probably had any kind of sex he wanted day or night, especially in Thailand! An extremely accomplished actor with more money than he could spend, millions of adoring fans, and he dies naked in a hotel room closet from hanging himself while masturbating. SAD!
At least we can take comfort in the knowledge that this humble thread is a fitting tribute to a great an ok actor's life.
Well, before this, I thought Caradine was one of the most intelligent actors. Now, I have to bump him down a few notches, what a stupid move! And what's so sad is, this guy could have probably had any kind of sex he wanted day or night, especially in Thailand! An extremely accomplished actor with more money than he could spend, millions of adoring fans, and he dies naked in a hotel room closet from hanging himself while masturbating. SAD!
Well I guess it's not suprizing considering he nearly killed himself earlier in his life with drug/alcohol abuse but jeesh....what an embarrasing way to go. Oh well...he's beyond caring now.
Don't worry, Mott.

Even as we type he's probably sitting up there on a cloud, cracking one off while being strangled by an angel.
1. I assume you'd do the pissing under cover of darkness.

2. He hasn't been buried yet.

That's true, I don't urinate in broad daylight because the bobbies look down upon such measures of relief.

Technically, its possible to piss on someone's grave/mosoleum site before they are buried. For example, I know the whereabouts of my parent's mosoleum space, and even though they are alive and well (a little insanity, no doubt inherited from me and my siblings, but otherwise in decent health), if they caused undo emotional trauma on me, I could go urinate on it to show my contempt and tremendous aim.
Well, before this, I thought Caradine was one of the most intelligent actors. Now, I have to bump him down a few notches, what a stupid move! And what's so sad is, this guy could have probably had any kind of sex he wanted day or night, especially in Thailand! An extremely accomplished actor with more money than he could spend, millions of adoring fans, and he dies naked in a hotel room closet from hanging himself while masturbating. SAD!
No shit death by masturbation. How sick is that?
Well, before this, I thought Caradine was one of the most intelligent actors. Now, I have to bump him down a few notches, what a stupid move! And what's so sad is, this guy could have probably had any kind of sex he wanted day or night, especially in Thailand! An extremely accomplished actor with more money than he could spend, millions of adoring fans, and he dies naked in a hotel room closet from hanging himself while masturbating. SAD!

Pissing on his grave. Do you have no respect for his fans?
David Carridine committed suicide at his hotel room in Thailand today after a filming shoot. I'm deeply saddened. With maybe the exception of Bruce Lee, Carridine did more than anyone to popularize martial arts in American with his character Caine, from his TV series Kung-Fu.

His move "The Long Riders" that he made with his brother David, the Keach brothers and the Quiad Brothers was one of the best westerns ever made.

RIP Grasshopper!

Well, his hands were bound, so now there's speculation it may have been some sex kink gone wrong. You know, after all these years I hoped he had put all that crazy stuff behind him. A damned shame....he had a lot of diverse work that I always enjoyed.....and Kung-Fu was the serious joint! (as we use to say back in the day).

On a side note: In the biography of Bruce Lee, it was claimed that the original idea for Kung-Fu was by Bruce, to star him. But the studios at the time didn't think America was ready for an Asian leading man sportin a superior fighting style...and essentially ripped him off.

Still, I'm a big cult fan of the series...and Carridine did a great job. (imho).
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I had a guy grab me from behind one time in a bar and he had both my arms in a lock. I backed him into a wall to use as an anvil and snapped the back of my head against his nose like a hammer, breaking the guys nose exactly as I saw Kung Fu do on TV. :)
I had a guy grab me from behind one time in a bar and he had both my arms in a lock. I backed him into a wall to use as an anvil and snapped the back of my head against his nose like a hammer, breaking the guys nose exactly as I saw Kung Fu do on TV. :)


Well i once killed 12 ninja warriors in the non-fiction section of the library (they refused to stop talking) using nothing more than a dog-eared copy of 'Martin Chuzzlewit' and a pamphlet on beekeeping (for Damo).

Well i once killed 12 ninja warriors in the non-fiction section of the library (they refused to stop talking) using nothing more than a dog-eared copy of 'Martin Chuzzlewit' and a pamphlet on beekeeping (for Damo).
The penalty for disrupting your quite thoughts is death? Zoweee!