David Carridine RIP

Well, his hands were bound, so now there's speculation it may have been some sex kink gone wrong. You know, after all these years I hoped he had put all that crazy stuff behind him. A damned shame....he had a lot of diverse work that I always enjoyed.....and Kung-Fu was the serious joint! (as we use to say back in the day).

On a side note: In the biography of Bruce Lee, it was claimed that the original idea for Kung-Fu was by Bruce, to star him. But the studios at the time didn't think America was ready for an Asian leading man sportin a superior fighting style...and essentially ripped him off.

Still, I'm a big cult fan of the series...and Carridine did a great job. (imho).
Could it be possible that it was a simple murder? We are all assuming he was into kink because of how he was found. What if somebody just killed him and made it look like kink?
Could it be possible that it was a simple murder? We are all assuming he was into kink because of how he was found. What if somebody just killed him and made it look like kink?

If i was going to kill someone by strangling them, leaving no signs of a struggle before stripping them naked, tying a bit of string round the old chap's old chap and popping him in the wardrobe, i'd be quite offended if someone on an internets message board came along and said it may be a "simple murder"
If i was going to kill someone by strangling them, leaving no signs of a struggle before stripping them naked, tying a bit of string round the old chap's old chap and popping him in the wardrobe, i'd be quite offended if someone on an internets message board came along and said it may be a "simple murder"
I wonder what the blood tests look like...

If his hands were tied it certainly wasn't auto-erotica as people thought.
I wonder what the blood tests look like...

If his hands were tied it certainly wasn't auto-erotica as people thought.

Where is Dexter Morgans when you need him, eh?

I also wonder whether the boys at the autopsy lab can tell if the victim was in a state of arousal when he expired? That's the sort of thing that keeps a chap like me up at night.
Where is Dexter Morgans when you need him, eh?

I also wonder whether the boys at the autopsy lab can tell if the victim was in a state of arousal when he expired? That's the sort of thing that keeps a chap like me up at night.
I can't see how they could tell unless it rigored that way. Then they'd need a specially built casket, because it was David Carridine.
I can't see how they could tell unless it rigored that way. Then they'd need a specially built casket, because it was David Carridine.

After having just typed "death erection autopsy" into Google, it only now crosses my mind that i may have been entered onto some security service watch list for murderous perverts.
After having just typed "death erection autopsy" into Google, it only now crosses my mind that i may have been entered onto some security service watch list for murderous perverts.
Doubtless you were already on that list.
When did you get the job as a prison guard?

It was after watching Steve McQueen in 'The Great Escape' last Christmas that i was inspired to undertake a life of public service in the prison system. I've been putting on a dodgy German accent, locking up and abusing vulnerable men for years...why not get paid for it, i thought.

I don't allow the prisoners access to motorbikes though. I learn quickly.
After having just typed "death erection autopsy" into Google, it only now crosses my mind that i may have been entered onto some security service watch list for murderous perverts.

I fear the same, having just typed "self-initiated sex death"

talk about nihilism. Damn, bro.
Could it be possible that it was a simple murder? We are all assuming he was into kink because of how he was found. What if somebody just killed him and made it look like kink?

Anything's possible...but that's very up close and personal way to get even with someone (shudder). Oh well, I'm just going to enjoy the old Kung Fu series. Sad way for anyone to go. Hey, didn't he have a kid with actress Barbara Hershey? Wonder what's up with them?
He had at least 4 wives.
Had drug and alc problems.
And yet some still place him on a pedestal?
Well, obviously the wife was kind and sweet, and the other woman was a complete bitch, but that ceases to matter when the casting director has already failed to do their job properly...

Ahh if life just had a casting director...
He had at least 4 wives.
Had drug and alc problems.
And yet some still place him on a pedestal?
Does either of those facts make him bad at his job? I like the shows he was in, almost invariably you could count on them being good shows if he was acting in them.