Day Of Rest.

So why did America close shop to observe the Christian Sabbath on Sundays?

Because if you worked people 7 days/week all year long....people would revolt. Sundays also happened to coincide with the Christian it made logical sense to make Sunday the day people chill out.

What exactly are you trying to do here....use that as a reason why we should have an official National Religion? So you can discriminate against those who differ? How constitutional of you.
And to add, this day of Christian observance was always a lot stronger in the south and parts of the Midwest in what liberals have desecrated with the deliberate offensive term, Bible Belt.

The progressives strategy of destroying the culture and replacing it with their secular culture includes their false claim that the culture they have been and still are destroying never existed in the first place.

Do you have proof of this? Any of this?
Because if you worked people 7 days/week all year long....people would revolt. Sundays also happened to coincide with the Christian it made logical sense to make Sunday the day people chill out.

What exactly are you trying to do here....use that as a reason why we should have an official National Religion? So you can discriminate against those who differ? How constitutional of you.

The official national religion of America is now governmental progressive secularism.

You and your people cannot answer the question because you all know what the correct answer is.
The official national religion of America is now governmental progressive secularism.

You and your people cannot answer the question because you all know what the correct answer is.

I did answer it....and no....the official religions is not your made up whackaloon "scary big Gubmint" bullshit.....we don't have one and we never did.
Because America was a Christian nation, there was religious freedom for everybody of other faiths also.

No...because our founding fathers were smart enough to forded a time when.this country might have.MANY religions, they chose to add Freedom of Religion to the Bill of Rights. Many of our founders were deists...Adams was a Unitarian. Jefferson was somewhat of a skeptic. A lot were freemasons, which allows and respects all religions.