
Walt constantly spreads Anti-Truth....this is an agent of the Revolution 100%....and they all hate you....just listen to them.
When people who hate you talk about all the nasty things they plan to do with you it is a great idea to pay attention.

I cant believe that I have to say this but I am cursed to live in a dark age....a bad one.
A couple of problems with the BRICS setting up their own currency. First and foremost, they do not trust each other enough to setup a joint currency. That is a huge amount of trust, because you are handing over control of your currency to other countries.

There is an additional problem that no one else trusts them. Even the Chinese are desperately trying to get their money out of China. You think America freezing Russian assets is bad, Chinese are actually arresting foreigners for even asking simple economic questions.

The Chinese and Indians are willing to pay for imports in their own currency, but only with controlled currency. You cannot use those trade currencies to buy from other countries, like you can with the Dollar. Russia has found out the hard way how bad that is.
I've been talking to Walt about de-dollarization for almost 3 years. Now that it's here, Walt is nowhere to be found.

I work for a living. Anyway, de-dollarization is here? When exactly did it arrive?

Odd how strong the Dollar is while supposedly being severely devalued?
I work for a living. Anyway, de-dollarization is here? When exactly did it arrive?

Odd how strong the Dollar is while supposedly being severely devalued?
You refuse to accept the fact that the US has weaponized the dollar. It's over. The world is dumping the dollar as we type. All you do is post government propaganda. I've been telling you for 3 years that NYC and London are the only 2 places where the dollar will continue to be used. It has to be obvious how desperate the US is to remain relevant.
You refuse to accept the fact that the US has weaponized the dollar. It's over. The world is dumping the dollar as we type. All you do is post government propaganda. I've been telling you for 3 years that NYC and London are the only 2 places where the dollar will continue to be used. It has to be obvious how desperate the US is to remain relevant.

You have been predicting that the Dollar would collapse for as long as I have [online] known you. If the Dollar ever does collapse, your predictions will appear to be right.

Right now, anyone who can get their money into Dollars is doing just that.
You have been predicting that the Dollar would collapse for as long as I have [online] known you. If the Dollar ever does collapse, your predictions will appear to be right.

Right now, anyone who can get their money into Dollars is doing just that.
It took 500 years for Rome to fall because they were still building roads. The US builds nothing but bombs. There's no way in hell we can pay for our $35 trillion debt, so we think we can nuke our way out of this. The rest of the world has realized that the US is irrelevant and is moving forward without us.
It took 500 years for Rome to fall because they were still building roads. The US builds nothing but bombs. There's no way in hell we can pay for our $35 trillion debt, so we think we can nuke our way out of this. The rest of the world has realized that the US is irrelevant and is moving forward without us.


the best move now is to disengage from the oppressive globalist fascist system which is more and more becoming out of our control.

of course the elites will be fine with their money and still SOME Power.

the middle and lower classes are just being sold into foreign own slavery, however.

god bless trump for cancelling the TPP (trans pacific partnership) devil pact right off the bat.
By Yuefen Li

China, India and South Africa are among the countries that have started to internationalize their currencies. Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) have also been developed to help speed up settlements of cross-border transactions. According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF),8 as of July 2022, there were nearly 100 CBDCs in research or development stages, and two have been fully launched. Many countries are testing these digital currencies with the aim, among others, of using them in trade transactions in their own currencies. CBDCs can potentially reduce their countries’ reliance on the dollar in addition to digitalizing financing.

Hey Walt, what have I been telling you?

It means all Americans will be up to 25% poorer. Biden certainly did his part to further that agenda.

Like it or not, (and I don't like it) what Hillary did to Khadaffi was designed to halt something like that from happening.

He was on the cusp of moving The African Union to a gold standard of real value. That's why they had Hillary kill him.
It means all Americans will be up to 25% poorer. Biden certainly did his part to further that agenda.

Like it or not, (and I don't like it) what Hillary did to Khadaffi was designed to halt something like that from happening.

He was on the cusp of moving The African Union to a gold standard of real value. That's why they had Hillary kill him.

fake money keynesianism is the lynchpin in human totalitarianism.

when? in 1768 when you were born, cryptkeeper?

She started predicting a crash in 1998 or so when we were on when it was a forum. She constantly would say it, and I would point out that she will be right eventually because there will be recession in the future.

I then proceeded to talk about the fact that they were giving out loans for houses without verifying income, sometimes even without verifying the value of the house that was being bought and that it would cause problems...

She continued to repeat there would be a recession for 10 years, and I continued to tell her she would eventually be right. She took up the housing issue after I wrote a thread about it on then would say that a recession was coming due to the housing issue and I would point out that I gave her the article... Around that time we moved to a site called and then later to this one when the owner of that site went batcrap crazy and started reading (and posting) folks PMs. During all of that Desh kept saying a recession was coming and I kept telling her that she would eventually be right because economic cycles would ensure that at some point in the future there would be a recession (I used "as evinced by" in my arguments at that time, I'm sure you can guess where she came up with her username)....

About 2 years after the move here, Desh was posting somewhere else and would only come here rarely at that point, but she was finally right...

She then spent the next years telling everyone she was right, and then when anyone brought up the truth she would say they were "wrong" and she was "right"... and I still laugh.

She should start predicting the next one, because there will be one eventually and she can be right again.
She started predicting a crash in 1998 or so when we were on when it was a forum. She constantly would say it, and I would point out that she will be right eventually because there will be recession in the future.

I then proceeded to talk about the fact that they were giving out loans for houses without verifying income, sometimes even without verifying the value of the house that was being bought and that it would cause problems...

She continued to repeat there would be a recession for 10 years, and I continued to tell her she would eventually be right. She took up the housing issue after I wrote a thread about it on then would say that a recession was coming due to the housing issue and I would point out that I gave her the article... Around that time we moved to a site called and then later to this one when the owner of that site went batcrap crazy and started reading (and posting) folks PMs. During all of that Desh kept saying a recession was coming and I kept telling her that she would eventually be right because economic cycles would ensure that at some point in the future there would be a recession (I used "as evinced by" in my arguments at that time, I'm sure you can guess where she came up with her username)....

About 2 years after the move here, Desh was posting somewhere else and would only come here rarely at that point, but she was finally right...

She then spent the next years telling everyone she was right, and then when anyone brought up the truth she would say they were "wrong" and she was "right"... and I still laugh.

She should start predicting the next one, because there will be one eventually and she can be right again.

so she knows that thing about all fiat currencies failing.

everyone seems to know.

i guess we just don't know what to do about it.

there's no GREAT solution.