Dear DNC

ohhhh OK i had no idea what you were talking about. they weren't avi's though, they were simple jpegs. .avi are movie files.
Philosoraptor is a meme on 4chan that's a few months old. I picked it up when it was original and posted on JPP. DNC probably did a google image search and saw one of it's many incarnations. Seriously, go to google and search for "philosoraptor". There are hundreds of these.
He's having a gay day.

I just heard via the grapevine that Grind is the resident jester, so I shouldn't take anything he posts too seriously.

As for you......see a psychiatrist about your constant projecting latent homosexual tendencies. It might not sit well as you have maudlin exchanges with the other two neocon stooges about my whupping your sorry asses in an honest debate. Carry on. :cof1:
Philosoraptor is a meme on 4chan that's a few months old. I picked it up when it was original and posted on JPP. DNC probably did a google image search and saw one of it's many incarnations. Seriously, go to google and search for "philosoraptor". There are hundreds of these.

actually i was the one that started the philosoraptor thread, but i disgress O_o
I just heard via the grapevine that Grind is the resident jester, so I shouldn't take anything he posts too seriously.

As for you......see a psychiatrist about your constant projecting latent homosexual tendencies. It might not sit well as you have maudlin exchanges with the other two neocon stooges about my whupping your sorry asses in an honest debate. Carry on. :cof1:
You couldn't figure out Grind on your own? Yet you think you can psychoanalyze me. LOL.
You couldn't figure out Grind on your own? Yet you think you can psychoanalyze me. LOL.

Since I don't follow all the childish range wars on these threads, and only have read a few of Grind's posts, this is really about the first time we've exchanged posts beyond one time. So given what had transpired the day I responded, no big deal...Grind doesn't seem to think so, and neither does anyone else beyond a bunch of willfully ignorant neocon parrots and jackasses desperate to "score" any cheap shot victory in retaliation for me whupping their sorry asses in an honest debate using only facts and the logic derived from them.

And for the record, Southie...I suggested you GET psycho-analyitical help regarding your gay obsession, NOT that I was doing it myself. Jeez, learn to fucking comprehend what you read, will ya?