Dear DNC

Since I don't follow all the childish range wars on these threads, and only have read a few of Grind's posts, this is really about the first time we've exchanged posts beyond one time. So given what had transpired the day I responded, no big deal...Grind doesn't seem to think so, and neither does anyone else beyond a bunch of willfully ignorant neocon parrots and jackasses desperate to "score" any cheap shot victory in retaliation for me whupping their sorry asses in an honest debate using only facts and the logic derived from them.

And for the record, Southie...I suggested you GET psycho-analyitical help regarding your gay obsession, NOT that I was doing it myself. Jeez, learn to fucking comprehend what you read, will ya?
Perhaps it is you who are obsessed with gays, thinking that their activities are normal moral natural and healthy.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Since I don't follow all the childish range wars on these threads, and only have read a few of Grind's posts, this is really about the first time we've exchanged posts beyond one time. So given what had transpired the day I responded, no big deal...Grind doesn't seem to think so, and neither does anyone else beyond a bunch of willfully ignorant neocon parrots and jackasses desperate to "score" any cheap shot victory in retaliation for me whupping their sorry asses in an honest debate using only facts and the logic derived from them.

And for the record, Southie...I suggested you GET psycho-analyitical help regarding your gay obsession, NOT that I was doing it myself. Jeez, learn to fucking comprehend what you read, will ya?

Perhaps it is you who are obsessed with gays, thinking that their activities are normal moral natural and healthy.

And where did I say this? Is this your painfully obvious way of deflecting the discussion to try and cover the FACT that the posts show YOU introducing all these homo-phobic accusations when it was NOT provoked? All I did was take Grind seriously when he wasn't....BFD.

Southie, you're one fucked up little man (or woman). Grow up and deal with reality when the facts don't agree with your beliefs...stop drinking the neocon Kool-Aid, deal with your prejudices and realize that having the last word on this forum does not mean you're right or you've "won". If you continue on this course, you'll be as willfully stupid and deluded as Yurt or Meme.
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does touchyliberal ever debate?

He jsut pisses down his own leg, until his shoe is yellow, and then he complains that you're the reason his show is yellow.

He's jsut a freaking wallflower that has discovered the internet.
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He jsut pisses down his own leg, until his show is yellow, and then he complains that you're the reason his show is yellow.

He's jsut a freaking wallflower that has discovered the internet.

thats what i thought.....i have never seen him engage in debate, only insults that he thinks is debate
thats what i thought.....i have never seen him engage in debate, only insults that he thinks is debate
And what have you seen Freedom doing? Entering in serious political debate?
And what have you seen Freedom doing? Entering in serious political debate?

freedom hasn't wussed out and put people on ignore because he can't debate them......

see the difference....

touchyliberal insults, then when he loses his debate, he is "done" with you.....and accuses you of insults.....

when all he does is insult
freedom hasn't wussed out and put people on ignore because he can't debate them......

see the difference....

touchyliberal insults, then when he loses his debate, he is "done" with you.....and accuses you of insults.....

when all he does is insult
He still debates the issues at first, and then where it goes depends on the opposition. Freedom never debates the issue, he just immediately goes into insult mode.
I have know both for a long time. I have seen them in action. Has he really ignored you, or does he feel debate that this point with you on this issue is futile? Don't you ever reach that conclusion with certain posters? I know I do, that is why I have several of them on ignore! It is just pointless to debate them, it just immediately dissolves into name calling.
thats what i thought.....i have never seen him engage in debate, only insults that he thinks is debate

thats Learn now to spell. That should have been "that"s". what i thought You haven't shown that you have ever had a thought......i have never seen him Then hoiw can you make any intelligent argument about this? engage in debate, Try looking up the meaning some time, bunkie. only insults Only dumbass neocons who begin with the insults first. that he thinks is debate You should try thinking sometime. It might do wonders for your socail skills.

Don't you just love the way that he dissects every single post (see above), in an attempt to make himself look intelligent.
Don't you just love the way that he dissects every single post (see above), in an attempt to make himself look intelligent.
See, he will debate the posters style or the poster, ad nauseum, but not the substance of the post!
He still debates the issues at first, and then where it goes depends on the opposition. Freedom never debates the issue, he just immediately goes into insult mode.
I have know both for a long time. I have seen them in action. Has he really ignored you, or does he feel debate that this point with you on this issue is futile? Don't you ever reach that conclusion with certain posters? I know I do, that is why I have several of them on ignore! It is just pointless to debate them, it just immediately dissolves into name calling.

that is your opinion....

touchyliberal, however....insults in nearly every thread, and then, when he can't debate, he claims to put you on ignore....

i could see if i bothered him etc....but, no, he wussed out and you, being objective, should see that
He still debates the issues at first, and then where it goes depends on the opposition. Freedom never debates the issue, he just immediately goes into insult mode.
I have know both for a long time. I have seen them in action. Has he really ignored you, or does he feel debate that this point with you on this issue is futile? Don't you ever reach that conclusion with certain posters? I know I do, that is why I have several of them on ignore! It is just pointless to debate them, it just immediately dissolves into name calling.

By at first, you must mean the first post; because on the second post, all he does is dissect and insult.

I see you had to open your pie hole, again, even after I haven't said a word to you you (or about you) for some time now.

But then, in your drug induced mindset, you probably aren't responsible for what you do.
that is your opinion....

touchyliberal, however....insults in nearly every thread, and then, when he can't debate, he claims to put you on ignore....

i could see if i bothered him etc....but, no, he wussed out and you, being objective, should see that

She can't.
It would mean risking the possibility of losing a liberal backer and liberals need all the help they can get.
She can't.
It would mean risking the possibility of losing a liberal backer and liberals need all the help they can get.
You are projecting, are the one who needs back up, not me and that is why you follow the "girls" around and have for the last eight years! A man who hides behind skirts!
You are projecting, are the one who needs back up, not me and that is why you follow the "girls" around and have for the last eight years! A man who hides behind skirts!

And prior to this last little exchange, when was the last time I said a word about you.
And you're the one who folowed the rest of the Kennel Klub Kabal, for the last eight years, and did nothing but spread more diversion.
A woman who has hid behind the balls of others. :cof1:
And prior to this last little exchange, when was the last time I said a word about you.
And you're the one who folowed the rest of the Kennel Klub Kabal, for the last eight years, and did nothing but spread more diversion.
A woman who has hid behind the balls of others. :cof1:
You seriously have it twisted, but what is new!?
You seriously have it twisted, but what is new!?

You seem to be avoiding the first question.
Let me re-iterate it for you.
And prior to this last little exchange, when was the last time I said a word about you.

Maybe this time you'll stop hiding and answer it truthfully. :cof1:
And where did I say this? Is this your painfully obvious way of deflecting the discussion to try and cover the FACT that the posts show YOU introducing all these homo-phobic accusations when it was NOT provoked? All I did was take Grind seriously when he wasn't....BFD.

Southie, you're one fucked up little man (or woman). Grow up and deal with reality when the facts don't agree with your beliefs...stop drinking the neocon Kool-Aid, deal with your prejudices and realize that having the last word on this forum does not mean you're right or you've "won". If you continue on this course, you'll be as willfully stupid and deluded as Yurt or Meme.
So you're sexist as well as racist and stupid.