Dear DNC

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
And where did I say this? Is this your painfully obvious way of deflecting the discussion to try and cover the FACT that the posts show YOU introducing all these homo-phobic accusations when it was NOT provoked? All I did was take Grind seriously when he wasn't....BFD.

Southie, you're one fucked up little man (or woman). Grow up and deal with reality when the facts don't agree with your beliefs...stop drinking the neocon Kool-Aid, deal with your prejudices and realize that having the last word on this forum does not mean you're right or you've "won". If you continue on this course, you'll be as willfully stupid and deluded as Yurt or Meme.

So you're sexist as well as racist and stupid.

:rolleyes: Good lord, you are NOT that intelligent....let me dumb it down for you. The part you highlighted is my acknowledging that I do not know YOUR sex. This is an anonymous your identity is hidden, UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO GIVE OUT INFORMATION.

I was merely covering both bases. It could only be "sexist" if I said you were fucked-upped BECAUSE you were a man or woman. Since I DID NOT state or suggest this, your allegation has no basis in logic or reality.

As for accusing me of proposed that nonsense before and provided a bloggers self defined version of "neocon" that construes it as anti-semetic. What's wrong with that analogy is as follows:

Neocon is an abbreviation for "new conservative". A new conservative is a person who was formerly a liberal who now embraces a the conservative viewpoint of an Executive branch centric gov't that follows edicts layed out in such passages as the Project for a New American Century and highlighted by the last administration.

Since anyone can be a neocon, and the most celebrated "neocons" are folk like Limbaugh, Hannity, Crowley, Malkin, Beck, Rumsfeld, Gingrich, GW Bush, Cheney....the label of "anti-semitism" or "racism" could not be applied.

I was wrong about taking Grind seriously and have admitted it. So you've got nothing to gripe about except your grudge against me decostructing all your past BS. Carry on
:rolleyes: Good lord, you are NOT that intelligent....let me dumb it down for you. The part you highlighted is my acknowledging that I do not know YOUR sex. This is an anonymous your identity is hidden, UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO GIVE OUT INFORMATION....
Let me give you a clue: My name is "Southern Man".

My what irony. :)
Let me give you a clue: My name is "Southern Man".

My what irony. :)

Obviously, you have a limited imagination.....what better way for a person to hide their identity than to take a screen name that indicates opposite of their true sex. Perhaps you're relatively new to this's been done before.

But now we all know that you're a guy.....doesn't change the fact that you're still braying like an ass beyond my admitting I was fooled by Grind.

Oh, and please take a refresher course in English composition so you know the definition of a word and how to properly apply it to a discussion....I'm beginning to be embarassed for you.

I'm done with you here.
Obviously, you have a limited imagination.....what better way for a person to hide their identity than to take a screen name that indicates opposite of their true sex. Perhaps you're relatively new to this's been done before.

But now we all know that you're a guy.....doesn't change the fact that you're still braying like an ass beyond my admitting I was fooled by Grind.

Oh, and please take a refresher course in English composition so you know the definition of a word and how to properly apply it to a discussion....I'm beginning to be embarassed [sic] for you.

I'm done with you here.
More delicious irony. :)
Obviously, you have a limited imagination.....what better way for a person to hide their identity than to take a screen name that indicates opposite of their true sex. Perhaps you're relatively new to this's been done before.

But now we all know that you're a guy.....doesn't change the fact that you're still braying like an ass beyond my admitting I was fooled by Grind.

Oh, and please take a refresher course in English composition so you know the definition of a word and how to properly apply it to a discussion....I'm beginning to be embarassed for you.

I'm done with you here.


[ame=""]YouTube - Family Guy - The AIDS Song[/ame]
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You are far to funny for me to act mature while in the same thread

Translation: This clown can't debate like a rational adult, so he tries to substitute sophomoric humor for logic, facts and real discussion. Given this, it's pointless to respond or engage him further.
Newsflash, there's no debate going on in this thread. It was a joke, orchestrated by Grind, that you took seriously. Apparently you got into a "debate" with SM about his gender. Congradulations.

There is no debate going on in this thread.
Newsflash, there's no debate going on in this thread. Then why throw in your 2 cents? Clearly, you've just just got an axe to grind. It was a joke, orchestrated by Grind, that you took seriously. No shit sherlock, and since I copped to that LONG time ago, it seems that Southie (and you) are just pissed off and need to rail about anything. Apparently you got into a "debate" with SM about his gender. Pay attention, the gender thing was just a side bar that wasn't a "debate". Congradulations. t instead of d

There is no debate going on in this thread.
Not with you or Southie, that is for sure. You did make a reference to a previous thread I started, so I took you up on that. If you don't have the brains or the balls to debate that, then don't bring it up and then wussy out.
Not with you or Southie, that is for sure. You did make a reference to a previous thread I started, so I took you up on that. If you don't have the brains or the balls to debate that, then don't bring it up and then wussy out.

Yeah, the AIDS debate is not a debate either. The scientific community is quite clear about that.
Yeah, the AIDS debate is not a debate either. The scientific community is quite clear about that.

Yeah, let me know when the "scientific community" produces that paper that proves in no uncertain terms that HIV=AIDS...because to date, there isn't one. Mullis couldn't find it after 3 years of searching for it. And if you swallow the BS as to why there is a different set of testing standards between Africa and Europe/North America for the same virus to indicate AIDS, then there's a bridge in Brooklyn I can let you have cheap.
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Yeah, let me know when the "scientific community" produces that paper that proves in no uncertain terms that HIV=AIDS...because to date, there isn't one. Mullis couldn't find it after 3 years of searching for it. And if you swallow the BS as to why there is a different set of testing standards between Africa and Europe/North America for the same virus to indicate AIDS, then there's a bridge in Brooklyn I can let you have cheap.

You are giving me the argument that Africa, which is always treated differently/worse than Europe/North America, places a hole in the argument because, as per usual, people of a minority race are treated differenly than white people?
this thread is exactly like the classic film "11 minutes", I would explain to you all what that means but you wouldn't understand it anyway
You are giving me the argument that Africa, which is always treated differently/worse than Europe/North America, places a hole in the argument because, as per usual, people of a minority race are treated differenly than white people?

Thanks for displaying sheer ignorance of the subject. Since I wrote NOTHING that would give you pause for this diatribe, it speaks volumes as to how your mind works. Riddle me this, batman....if you have German measles in Canada and German measles in Sweden, do you think different tests are used to determine this? Here, for your education as to what's going on in Africa and why the HIV-AIDS doesn't quite work:
Thanks for displaying sheer ignorance of the subject. Since I wrote NOTHING that would give you pause for this diatribe, it speaks volumes as to how your mind works. Riddle me this, batman....if you have German measles in Canada and German measles in Sweden, do you think different tests are used to determine this? Here, for your education as to what's going on in Africa and why the HIV-AIDS doesn't quite work:

For your information, HIV=AIDS.
Originally Posted by Threedee
You are giving me the argument that Africa, which is always treated differently/worse than Europe/North America, places a hole in the argument because, as per usual, people of a minority race are treated differenly than white people?

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Thanks for displaying sheer ignorance of the subject. Since I wrote NOTHING that would give you pause for this diatribe, it speaks volumes as to how your mind works. Riddle me this, batman....if you have German measles in Canada and German measles in Sweden, do you think different tests are used to determine this? Here, for your education as to what's going on in Africa and why the HIV-AIDS doesn't quite work:

For your information, HIV=AIDS.

Just as I thought, you've got nothing. 'Nite gracie!
Just as I thought, you've got nothing. 'Nite gracie!

"We typically think of a new epidemic in a "virgin" population as something that arises suddenly, sweeps through the population in a few months, and then wanes and disappears."

Typically, HIV doesn't crop up among virgin populations.

But seriously, this guy is pissed because HIV is different from other plagues where people can develop immunities over time, such as with smallpox, where all survivors are left forever immune to the disease.

This is retarded, there's no rule that states people's bodies need to develop immunities over time? Is there even evidence that Europeans developed immunities to beubonic plague? He should also be pissed that HIV is not airborne (like smallpox) or waterborne (like cholera), or winterborn (like our very our Socrtease).

Oh, and I forgot to mention that in this case we are dealing with the Human IMMUNODEFICIENCY Virus, and Aquired IMMUNE DEFICIENCY Syndrome!

Conspiracy FAIL.