Death By Video Game! White Kid Gets Away With Murder!

If background checks, waiting periods and ID requirements are constitutional, why is requiring an ID to vote "racist"?

Just wondering.
why is requiring an ID to vote "racist"?

The claim is that it puts an unfair burden on the poor to make them take the time to get an ID. I say that because even when the plan was to give the ID free, the claim remained the same.
From this, the claim is then further that the motivation is racist because... I honestly can't arrive there without help from someone who understands

Sorry. I tried
I don't see her comments as "blaming the victim". But since you do, I went to the effort to point out that she is correct in her statements and since you agree, and you claimed she blamed the victim, then you blame the victim as well. By your own logic.

Thanks, WB. I've been on the road. I don't care what Patrician thinks of me, but you do argue well.
If a game or a show has inspired some sociopath to kill and later openly explain how they loved identifying with the character, don't you think that type of programming is too dangerous to allow random sociopaths to potentially see, and shouldn't the film maker face charges or at least liability since we can show that this type of programming can lead to such events. We can't expect to keep the material from sociopaths, so wouldn't it be better to pass legislation to assign liability to artists whose works inspire violence? That way, the film makers would stop pushing the envelope on how graphic and demented they make their art.

First amendment blocks this...

Never know what will trigger a sociopath to act; who knows if the video really is what did it or that's just their excuse?
I'm for strict licensing and background checks. It must be reasonable, however, since I don't blindly trust humans to be fair and not abuse government powers. I think there should be tests for safety and I would require yearly inspection of storage methods. Yep, you got that right. A government agent to show up and inspect your mandatory gun safe every year. Harsh penalties for any violation of safety and lose right to own for period of time based on violation severity.

You have no idea what I think

Thanks for the idea and the openness to controls.
Why do you keep conflating my points about SOCIOPATHS with the everyday person.

I am clear about the distinction so stop making false claims that I am trying to say video games cause violent crime statistics to rise, you fucking dishonest piece of shit

Right conspiratard, have you admitted your error about Watts calling Muller a skeptic?

Sociopath is merely a label used to describe a person who has a disregard for the rights of others. We can't objectively identify them prior to their criminal acts. The idea that an artist or some other entertainment is morally responsible for their behavior is absurd and not supported by evidence of correlation or causation.

Why should an artist be held responsible because some sicko claims they were affected by them? Where is that going to end? We should remove the sociopaths not limit the rights of others in the hopes that it will keep the sociopath from criminal acts, especially when there is no proof it will work.
According to the article, the weapon belonged to the victim, and police aren't sure where she kept it.

Weird how many deaths come from the gun you actually own.......It's almost like society teaches you, you shouldn't have to teach morals, rules and regulations when using something so powerful. I wonder where they got that idea from.

Everyone should be able to own a gun. But "able" doesn't mean everyone.

Fox News everynight........"So what exactly can we do about all of this gun violence? us..........we don't know.....
Weird how many deaths come from the gun you actually own.......It's almost like society teaches you, you shouldn't have to teach morals, rules and regulations when using something so powerful. I wonder where they got that idea from.

Everyone should be able to own a gun. But "able" doesn't mean everyone.

Fox News everynight........"So what exactly can we do about all of this gun violence? us..........we don't know.....

I'm for strict licensing and background checks. It must be reasonable, however, since I don't blindly trust humans to be fair and not abuse government powers. I think there should be tests for safety and I would require yearly inspection of storage methods. Yep, you got that right. A government agent to show up and inspect your mandatory gun safe every year. Harsh penalties for any violation of safety and lose right to own for period of time based on violation severity.

You have no idea what I think

So you don't believe you should be secure in your own home from searches by government agents without search warrants?
Ok, I will play with you for now. It clearly affects predominantly minorities. This is obvious or the GOP wouldn't be pushing for it, since it is the minority or non-white vote they are afraid of.

LOL, you haven't proven a single point, puddin.

And requiring ID, waiting periods and background checks for gun purchases?

Is that racist?