Death Penalty, will this help make America great again?

Well I think we all feel that way sometimes but is that really effective??

One option, as used in Singapore, as an example, is corporal punishment/public humiliation- caning & the like & it seems to have pretty good outcomes.....


That you might want to start your own thread, if you aren't able to stay focused on the OP and want to divert the conversation.

What will make America Great compliance with the word of God, as was the case with the founding principles of this Republic. DOES IT SURPIRSE ANYONE THAT AN AGENT FROM THE LEFT IS LOBBYING FOR EVERYONE TO IGNORE THE RULE OF LAW IN SUPPORT OF THOSE WHO HAVE ENGAGED IN EVIL ACTS AGAINST HUMANITY, those convicted by due process and proven to have spilled the blood of the innocent? Hardly, its what a snake does, it can't help but to be the snake that it is...…….:bigthink:


"Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority expect from God, and those (authorities) that exist are established by God. Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance (laws) of God; and those who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves. For the rulers (governments) are not a cause of fear for good behavior, but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good and you will have praise from the same; for it (government authority) is a minister of God to you for good. BUT IF YOU DO EVIL; BE AFRAID; FOR IT (GOVERNMENT) DOES NOT BEAR THE SWORD IN VAIN (CAPITAL PUNISHMEND ENDORSED BY GOD) FOR NOTHING; FOR IT (GOVERNMENT) IS A MINISTER OF GOD, AN AVENGER WHO BRINGS WRATH UPON THE ONE WHO PRATICES EVIL." -- Romans 13:1-4

Nice company!

Surprise! Another leftist suggests that YOU SHOULD IGNORE THE RULE OF LAW. Who'd a thunk it? The very humorous thing presented? The logic or lack thereof. Guilt via association. According to the logic presented here....Obama is a terrorist because he was associated with the head of a terrorist group when Obama visited his residence.....Bill Ayers. Then of course Obama was a known associate of several well known radical figures and law breakers. Frank Marshall Davis, Charles Ogletree, The ill-reverend Wright, Quentin Young (known communist), Alice Palmer, Tony Rezko, Bernardine Dohrn, Saul Mendelson, the list goes on and on...…..this KIND OF ASSOCIATION equals guilt by association and comparison?

You point to a world map and declare the US is guilty via association? Really? :laugh: Then Obama must be guilty as If not...why not, via your own flawed logic?

Anytime you are in company with God's ordinances....YOU ARE IN GOOD COMPANY. Regardless of the evil projected by those who actually support EVIL at its source. For instance: Your support of killing innocent children in the womb....but then you feign a declaration that capital punishment is inhumane? Really? Oxymoronic: Contradictory false statements.

Lets see.....:bigthink:who should I be concerned about, mankind and his selective punishment in allowing the evil where innocent blood is shed that go without equal punishment in kind....or shall I obey the Law of God that endorses capital punishment for the spilling of innocent blood? I shall obey both.....the common law of the land that requires capital punishment for crimes against humanity, AND....the law of God which declares that as a Christian I am to obey the government rule of law as God has appointed these governments to serve both Christian and secular alike.

What? Are you suggesting that God is evil in allowing capital punishment and you are permitted to ignore the RULE OF LAW established by our government? Your PROJECTION is obvious in your support of defending the evil that commit crimes against humanity....the most egregious being "the spilling of innocent blood".

As Christians we are advised to follow the laws of the lands up to and including CAPITAL PUNISHMENT (Romans 13:1-4) As it was Father God that instituted capital punishment and uses the governments of the world to seek justice upon those evil people who engage in crimes against humanity.....How do these governments carry out the will of God, by not BEARING THE SWORD IN VAIN...i.e, by carrying out capital punishment once due process has proven that crimes against humanity were engaged upon the innocent.

"Surely for your lifeblood I will demand a reckoning; from the hand of every beast I will require it, and from the hand of every man. From the hand of every man's brother I will require the life of man. Whoever sheds man's blood by man his blood shall be shed; for in the image of God He made man." -- Genesis 9:5-6

God declares that the spilling of innocent blood...."POLUTES THE LAND"...when it goes unpunished (Numbers 35:33-34) This is carried over into the New Testament of the Christ (Romans 13:1-4) where the governments are appointed by God to protect the innocent.

Therefore...."IF" you are a righteous Christian, you must support Capital punishment and DUE PROCESS. Only evil ignores the rule of law that is established to protect the innocent. your very support of ignoring both the laws of man and the laws of God.....YOU ARE self professing your foundation grounded in EVIL.

Thus your LOT is predetermined unless there is repentance. "But the COWARDLY, UNBELIVING, ABOMINABLE, MURDERES, SEXUALLY IMMORAL, SORCERERS, IDOLATORS, AND LIARS shall have their part in the lake of fire which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death." -- Rev. 21:8;)

As for ME? As for me and my family; we shall obey the laws of God, we shall serve the Lord our God....not man.
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Anytime you are in company with God's ordinances....YOU ARE IN GOOD COMPANY. Regardless of the evil projected by those who actually support EVIL at its source.

Let's see: every country in Europe and the Americas is EVIL, except the USA - and Belarus? While all those across the Middle East are righteous because they follow God's ordinances.

I thought folks like you disapproved of Muslims. Oh well. :dunno:
Let's see: every country in Europe and the Americas is EVIL, except the USA - and Belarus? While all those across the Middle East are righteous because they follow God's ordinances.

I thought folks like you disapproved of Muslims. Oh well. :dunno:

What I personally disagree with? LEFTIST LIARS. Since when are THE PEOPLE of the US bond by the theology of ISLAM? The US is associated with ISLAM because the secular government of the US also uses capital punishment as a tool against those who engage in crimes against humanity? Some logic there CORKY. Pictures and everything.

No...lets see, are attempting to declare the US is guilty by associate comparison in your attempt to IGNORE THE US RULE OF LAW as per usual with a leftist. As I pointed out, if your logic is not flawed then BHO belongs in prison due to the comparative associates he hung out with. No?

Reality: I simply pointed out that the US is following the Law of God in reserving capital punishment for use in crimes against humanity, specifically those evil agents who are spilling the blood of innocents for personal gain....regardless of the number of other nations that are free to establish laws as their sovereignty permits. Why concern yourself with laws that have no effect upon WE THE PEOPLE who are following the US RULE OF LAW? Do you advocate a ONE WORLD SOCIALIST ORDER? :laugh:

Simple, easy peasy, lemon squeezy.....unless you are an admirer of CORKY/Chris Burke...then your comprehension might be just a little skewed without the aid of pictures. ;) Next world map? Don't forget to color within the lines. :good4u:
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It's not revenge. It's removing threats before they kill again. We should put some effort into reducing that 4% figure, if that's even accurate.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

It is revenge. Life in prison cuts bach on recidivism. There are lots of serial killers who sit in jail cells with sentences of life plus 40 years or 2 life sentences You want revenge. They did wrong and killed a human being. So we will kill them, and it is right?
Enlightened societies end capital punishment. It is the unevolved or religious ones that justify murdering citizens. Muslim and Christian countries back murdering killers and some criminals.
It is revenge. Life in prison cuts bach on recidivism. There are lots of serial killers who sit in jail cells with sentences of life plus 40 years or 2 life sentences You want revenge. They did wrong and killed a human being. So we will kill them, and it is right?
Enlightened societies end capital punishment. It is the unevolved or religious ones that justify murdering citizens. Muslim and Christian countries back murdering killers and some criminals.

This is a capitalist society,it cost $100'000 of thousands of dollars to
Warehouse some asshole 40 years.
A rope cost $20 and is reusable
It is revenge. Life in prison cuts bach on recidivism. There are lots of serial killers who sit in jail cells with sentences of life plus 40 years or 2 life sentences You want revenge. They did wrong and killed a human being. So we will kill them, and it is right?
Enlightened societies end capital punishment. It is the unevolved or religious ones that justify murdering citizens. Muslim and Christian countries back murdering killers and some criminals.

It's clear you don't know the difference between murder and punishment for committing murder.
This is a capitalist society,it cost $100'000 of thousands of dollars to
Warehouse some asshole 40 years.
A rope cost $20 and is reusable

On June 18, 2010, Ronnie Gardner was the last person executed by firing squad. The executioner used a .30-30 caliber Winchester. The round, in size, is between that of the 5.56 and 7.62. It can be purchased for roughly $.75/each.

I have plenty that I use in my Henry .30-30 model H009WL. If my State can't afford the round, one can be donated.
This is a capitalist society,it cost $100'000 of thousands of dollars to
Warehouse some asshole 40 years.
A rope cost $20 and is reusable

The fact is shooting squads, electrocutions and hangings have serious mental effects on those who have to do it. Even some professionals cannot handle killing without mental damage. Fans of killing are not doing it. They want others to take the blows. PTSD is rampant in that profession too.
What will make America Great compliance with the word of God, as was the case with the founding principles of this Republic. DOES IT SURPIRSE ANYONE THAT AN AGENT FROM THE LEFT IS LOBBYING FOR EVERYONE TO IGNORE THE RULE OF LAW IN SUPPORT OF THOSE WHO HAVE ENGAGED IN EVIL ACTS AGAINST HUMANITY, those convicted by due process and proven to have spilled the blood of the innocent? Hardly, its what a snake does, it can't help but to be the snake that it is...…….:bigthink:


"Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority expect from God, and those (authorities) that exist are established by God. Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance (laws) of God; and those who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves. For the rulers (governments) are not a cause of fear for good behavior, but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good and you will have praise from the same; for it (government authority) is a minister of God to you for good. BUT IF YOU DO EVIL; BE AFRAID; FOR IT (GOVERNMENT) DOES NOT BEAR THE SWORD IN VAIN (CAPITAL PUNISHMEND ENDORSED BY GOD) FOR NOTHING; FOR IT (GOVERNMENT) IS A MINISTER OF GOD, AN AVENGER WHO BRINGS WRATH UPON THE ONE WHO PRATICES EVIL." -- Romans 13:1-4

Thank you, great sermon Pastor Ralph as usual........;) Your minimalist attempt to keep the rambling bull shit down is appreciated, props!!

You, like everyone, supports the laws & leaders they agree w/, it's a given...

Sadly you provide a perfect example of this: While you today tell us we must follow the government or we will be punished, when Obama was the head of that government you preached resistance.............. YOUR FULL OF SHIT RALPH, but I hope yours is a blessed day......hats-off-salute-smiley-emoticon.gif
Let's see: every country in Europe and the Americas is EVIL, except the USA - and Belarus? While all those across the Middle East are righteous because they follow God's ordinances.

I thought folks like you disapproved of Muslims. Oh well. :dunno:

Sadly Ralph's god wants those ppl killed for their sins.... & a good O' Oh well to those "innocent mistakes" that are executed via human error, or worse...

As is typical, he has the mercy of the Christ for himself & the other "good sinners" & the brutal letter of the law for the rest of the unworthy folks which he politically is opposed to.....

3So practice and observe everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach. 4They tie up heavy, burdensome loads and lay them on men’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them. 5All their deeds are done for men to see. They broaden their phylacteries and lengthen their tassels.…
The fact is shooting squads, electrocutions and hangings have serious mental effects on those who have to do it. Even some professionals cannot handle killing without mental damage. Fans of killing are not doing it. They want others to take the blows. PTSD is rampant in that profession too.

They can pay me then and I'll do it.
On June 18, 2010, Ronnie Gardner was the last person executed by firing squad. The executioner used a .30-30 caliber Winchester. The round, in size, is between that of the 5.56 and 7.62. It can be purchased for roughly $.75/each.

I have plenty that I use in my Henry .30-30 model H009WL. If my State can't afford the round, one can be donated.

Mighty White of you!
The fact is shooting squads, electrocutions and hangings have serious mental effects on those who have to do it. Even some professionals cannot handle killing without mental damage. Fans of killing are not doing it. They want others to take the blows. PTSD is rampant in that profession too.

I'm sure CFM would be glad to offer his services.