Death to the Evil Israeli Empire

Yeh right!!

Yeah Israel has a suuuuppppeeerrr long shelf life. That's why they're so paranoid they build nukes and threaten to mass murder all of their neighbors if they stop their colonial and imperial ambitions at any time. That is the behavior of a stable nation that's going to last long into the future.

I give Israel 50 more years, tops. It will die like the crusader states before it. What is taken by the sword, can be retaken by the sword. Israel has no right to exist, only Palestine.
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Imagine failing to support an evil colonial empire and ethnic dictatorship on the other side of the world! What crazy person would do that!

YOU and your support for China; but China isn't long for this world, as it's predicted that 1.2 billion Chinese will die from the Coronavirus.
The DNC is packed with Jews. They own Congress and Trump should replace the (R) with (J).

Yeah jews are fucking awesome, that's why I want them here and not in Israel. Israel is simply a result of the west kicking the can down the road when a Jewish refugee crisis emerged after WWII, we established a colony for them and made someone else pay the bill so we wouldn't have to. Typical western selfishness. The Israelis took a gift they had no right to accept.
I can't wait until the Democratic Party finally moves so far anti-Israel that it starts taking-up space in the official platforms.

Are you trying to win the fcktard of the day awar, fcktard? The Democrat Party is very much pro-Israel. What bothers fucktards like you is that they don't hate the Palestinians as you do.

All good people are anti-Israel. Democrats are not good people.
Yeah jews are fucking awesome, that's why I want them here and not in Israel. Israel is simply a result of the west kicking the can down the road when a Jewish refugee crisis emerged after WWII, we established a colony for them and made someone else pay the bill so we wouldn't have to. Typical western selfishness. The Israelis took a gift they had no right to accept.

The Torah says otherwise.
Are you trying to win the fcktard of the day awar, fcktard? The Democrat Party is very much pro-Israel. What bothers fucktards like you is that they don't hate the Palestinians as you do.

All good people are anti-Israel. Democrats are not good people.

The Democratic Party was moderately pro-Israel 50 years ago. Either the Carter Administration or the rise of the New Left (or a combination of the two) changed that. The only thing that hasn't happened yet is that the Democratic Party hasn't admitted this to itself, yet.

Fuck the Palestinians, terrorism, and Nazis like you.
The Torah says otherwise.

And we are to base international law on some religious document? You do realize that most people are not Jews or loony Zionist protestants. How can law be international if it gives its basis to some interpretation of a religious document by a small minority of the human race? In fact, the only basis of the refugee state the west created in the middle east to throw away the refugees it created in the holocaust so it wouldn't have to deal with them, is might makes right. And we created one giant refugee problem again, except it's supposed to be the middle easts problem I guess, the entire burden for the atrocity of the holocaust and the refugees it created, has to fall on the middle easterners who had nothing to do with the wests atrocities. They got rid of the Jews and made them into their ever loyal imperial enforcers in one fell swoop, genius right? Thus the west has commanded, thus it is.

Again, what is taken by the sword can be retaken by the sword. Where was God for those 2000 years? He has a tendency to disappear like that, I would not put my trust in Him.

The Indians have religious traditions stating their ownership to many lands in the United States, why do those traditions not count but the Torah does?
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The Democratic Party was moderately pro-Israel 50 years ago. Either the Carter Administration or the rise of the New Left (or a combination of the two) changed that. The only thing that hasn't happened yet is that the Democratic Party hasn't admitted this to itself, yet.

Fuck the Palestinians, terrorism, and Nazis like you.

Terrorist is what the imperialist and colonists call the resistance of those being extirpated.
China is estimated to eventually lose 1.2 billion, due to the Coronavirus.
Bawahahaha, did Beck or Jones tell you this? Conspiracy theorist got all crazy over the Ebola virus, too.

The fatality rate for a virus — the proportion of infected people who die — is difficult to calculate in the middle of an outbreak because records on new cases and deaths are constantly being updated. With 213 deaths so far out of nearly 10,000 infections, the new coronavirus has a death rate of 2–3%. This is significantly lower than SARS, which killed around 10% of the people it infected. The known death rate for the new coronavirus is likely to decrease as mild and asymptomatic cases are identified, virologist Mark Harris at the University of Leeds, UK, told the Science Media Centre in London.
100% of Zionists must be removed, from the river to the sea. I have decided that accommodation with these barbarians is impossible. The Zionist plague must be extirpated in its entirety and returned to its eternal homeland, Europe.

The Islamidiotocracy Christian Nation desperation of not having that one nation under God national religion hypnotic trance anymore is evidently no longer relative when it comes to Islam oil inundating water & food sources with plastic particulates.
And we are to base international law on some religious document? You do realize that most people are not Jews or loony Zionist protestants. How can law be international if it gives its basis to some interpretation of a religious document by a small minority of the human race? In fact, the only basis of the refugee state the west created in the middle east to throw away the refugees it created in the holocaust so it wouldn't have to deal with them, is might makes right. And we created one giant refugee problem again, except it's supposed to be the middle easts problem I guess, the entire burden for the atrocity of the holocaust and the refugees it created, has to fall on the middle easterners who had nothing to do with the wests atrocities. They got rid of the Jews and made them into their ever loyal imperial enforcers in one fell swoop, genius right? Thus the west has commanded, thus it is.

Again, what is taken by the sword can be retaken by the sword. Where was God for those 2000 years? He has a tendency to disappear like that, I would not put my trust in Him.

The Indians have religious traditions stating their ownership to many lands in the United States, why do those traditions not count but the Torah does?

Yeah, the Torah is more significant than the Quaran. Furthermore, anything to further rollback the old Muslim wars of conquest is progress in my book. Now that the West has been fully supreme over the Islamic world for several centuries, we may as well subvert in a few places, such as the Holy Land.