Death to the Evil Israeli Empire

Khazar evolved from Turkey's population in Russia. As for your suicidal "death to the infidels" jihad with now holy saints of Goebbels, Goring, Himmler & Mengele of Mohammeds Valhalla lynching enforcement; guessing that Catholic Church brokering Islam oil to Nazi Germany for Jewish deaths got them the recognition Palestinians are seeking.

Caught between advancing Christians and Muslims, the Khazar Kingdom chose Judaism. Read Koestler's book
Stick to Divine Inspiration then, but stop instructing us if you can't read.

This compulsive - obsession of some "man is God" Israel avoidance - acceptance diatribe must come from sticking to that inspired Islamidiotocracy Christiananality divine pedophilia business national religion; which seems to be much more than a reading problem.
This compulsive - obsession of some "man is God" Israel avoidance - acceptance diatribe must come from sticking to that inspired Islamidiotocracy Christiananality divine pedophilia business national religion; which seems to be much more than a reading problem.

'Israel' is a Nazi colony, set up in another People's Country. It has nothing to do with religion - it is purely racist.
'Israel' is a Nazi colony, set up in another People's Country. It has nothing to do with religion - it is purely racist.

This opinion is more inline with a reincarnation of Nazi master race economics continuing racism to form another People's Country religious state. Haven't read Israel kidnapped millions to herd into boxcars for train rides to Holocaust death camps where Mengele "Angel of Death" baptize thine eyes by urinations defamations prior to exterminations certainly had rampant Christiananality pedophilia colonies set up; which seems to be some kind of standard in Islam dhimmitude servitude.
This opinion is more inline with a reincarnation of Nazi master race economics continuing racism to form another People's Country religious state. Haven't read Israel kidnapped millions to herd into boxcars for train rides to Holocaust death camps where Mengele "Angel of Death" baptize thine eyes by urinations defamations prior to exterminations certainly had rampant Christiananality pedophilia colonies set up; which seems to be some kind of standard in Islam dhimmitude servitude.

Neither did Hitler until he thought he could get away with it. Nazi racists always end up murdering millions, but they need Trumpf to get more of a dictator first.
Neither did Hitler until he thought he could get away with it. Nazi racists always end up murdering millions, but they need Trumpf to get more of a dictator first.

This feeble brainwashing attempt from cognitive dissonance not related to any internment in WW II Holocaust death camps isn't even close to an immaculate conception.
This feeble brainwashing attempt from cognitive dissonance not related to any internment in WW II Holocaust death camps isn't even close to an immaculate conception.

To survive, the Zionists imitated the Nazis; at the time it made sense. Face it, you are also a racist, so you support them anyway, but there is no need for it nowadays. Decent Jews don't need to be racist, anymorre than any other decent people.
'Israel' is a Nazi colony, set up in another People's Country. It has nothing to do with religion - it is purely racist.

Jews are a pseudo-race, which makes their nazism all the dumber. They're nationalist-socialists, literally nazis, who think everyone who isn't one of them is just an animal.
To survive, the Zionists imitated the Nazis; at the time it made sense. Face it, you are also a racist, so you support them anyway, but there is no need for it nowadays. Decent Jews don't need to be racist, anymorre than any other decent people.

Trying to sublimate Israel imitating Nazis in this day & age where these US self anointed Christian Nation of thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament - absentee voting ballots arsonists interpretation of one nation under God is as despicable & vile as Islam's evil oil empire inundating civilization with plastic particulates; which since 9/11 still seems to propagandize & believe as the second coming.
Saltydancin - I find your word-associations fabulous, but sometimes a little difficult to associate myself with. Keep up the good work, though - I enjoy it.
Saltydancin - I find your word-associations fabulous, but sometimes a little difficult to associate myself with. Keep up the good work, though - I enjoy it.

A little too cross conditioned way beyond therapy diatribe tautology of after over 60 years of the Christiananality pedophilia megalomaniacal "serve the Pope or die" cult where Arab oil plastic particulates destruction of food & water sources, apparently not visible to the naked eye according to some "man is God" SCOTUS "one nation under God" immaculate drug conception cult just as for all of those West Nazi Germany Virginia thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament - absentee voting ballots arsonists & those Federal Lynching churchstate of hate which brought similar destruction of 9/11....