Death to the Evil Israeli Empire

Terrorist is what the imperialist and colonists call the resistance of those being extirpated.

So this Islam suicidal "death to the infidels" more perfect union in Christiananality pedophilia "serve the Pope or die" super ego sociopsychopathilogical human farming business in order to inundate earths food & water sources with plastic particulates from oil & extirpate as "man is God" should be reason enough and force it upon humanity to rule the earth & destroy the world in that survival of the fittest fascists space is the place for the human race imperialist colonization as "one nation under God" continues after 60 years +....
All you can do is bitch ffs, yet I don't see you coming up with any kind of realistic plan.

My view is that the 'more organized group' will dominate 'the less organized group'.
In the end, I see the Hebrews putting the Palestinians on 'Reservations'.
I think the 'preferred' plan is to create 'One Israel', with a South African style Apartheid for the Palestinians.
But, that is 'out of favor' now, so the fall-back position will be a 'Reservation-type' arrangement.

So this Islam suicidal "death to the infidels" more perfect union in Christiananality pedophilia "serve the Pope or die" super ego sociopsychopathilogical human farming business in order to inundate earths food & water sources with plastic particulates from oil & extirpate as "man is God" should be reason enough and force it upon humanity to rule the earth & destroy the world in that survival of the fittest fascists space is the place for the human race imperialist colonization as "one nation under God" continues after 60 years +....

Holy fuck this is amazing

Please stay at this website forever
All you can do is bitch ffs, yet I don't see you coming up with any kind of realistic plan.

Here's my plan:


A very good and reasonable plan imo, very balanced and gives each side exactly what it deserves.
Holy fuck this is amazing

Please stay at this website forever

No doubt Islamophobia "death to the infidels" sociopsychopathilogical Christiananality pedophilia dhimmitude servitude would be amazing after some 2000 years of "serve the Pope or die" human farming to rule the earth forever for some Allah oil business jihad holycosts destruction of humanity water & food sources from plastic particulates as if it's that second coming of a Fourth Reich national religion of suicidal super egos civilization endured on 9/11; which unfortunately didn't include those Arab flying carpet terrorists in some Mohammed flaming chariots attempt to nuke Temple Mount for Valhalla.
Yeah Israel has a suuuuppppeeerrr long shelf life. That's why they're so paranoid they build nukes and threaten to mass murder all of their neighbors if they stop their colonial and imperial ambitions at any time. That is the behavior of a stable nation that's going to last long into the future.

I give Israel 50 more years, tops. It will die like the crusader states before it. What is taken by the sword, can be retaken by the sword. Israel has no right to exist, only Palestine.

Israel exists on borrowed time. I wonder what all these Antichrist TV preachers are going to do when they don't have Israel to "prove" God loves the God Damned Jews. Is Mason the Moron still around to tell us? How about that moron Truth Deflector?
Israel exists on borrowed time. I wonder what all these Antichrist TV preachers are going to do when they don't have Israel to "prove" God loves the God Damned Jews. Is Mason the Moron still around to tell us? How about that moron Truth Deflector?

Kill yourself, Nazi.
Palestine is occupied by racist foreigners. Nobody wishes them any harm if they will just fuck off. in the ghastly conditions of the 1930s it was entirely natural that a minority of Jews decided that to imitate Hitler was their only hope, and the failure of the rest of us to save the majority gave them a licence to thieve and murder. It's not needed now. Jack believes in a racist South Africa: why not go past that to something sensible, as South Africa did? If a lot of Jewish people want to stay, fine. Let all they've driven out return, and let's have a non-racist state.
Palestine is occupied by racist foreigners. Nobody wishes them any harm if they will just fuck off. in the ghastly conditions of the 1930s it was entirely natural that a minority of Jews decided that to imitate Hitler was their only hope, and the failure of the rest of us to save the majority gave them a licence to thieve and murder. It's not needed now. Jack believes in a racist South Africa: why not go past that to something sensible, as South Africa did? If a lot of Jewish people want to stay, fine. Let all they've driven out return, and let's have a non-racist state.

So Palestinians have studied Goebbels, Goring, Himmler & Mengele techniques to further herd in socipsychopathilogical human farming of Jews off Israel they had been willed ?
So Palestinians have studied Goebbels, Goring, Himmler & Mengele techniques to further herd in socipsychopathilogical human farming of Jews off Israel they had been willed ?

No, actually - Netenyahu is the successor of those holy saints, as well you know. It is almost two thousand years since most of the Palestinians believed in the Jewish religion, well before the Khazar Kingdom was converted and gave rise to the Zionists.
Palestine is occupied by racist foreigners. Nobody wishes them any harm if they will just fuck off. in the ghastly conditions of the 1930s it was entirely natural that a minority of Jews decided that to imitate Hitler was their only hope, and the failure of the rest of us to save the majority gave them a licence to thieve and murder. It's not needed now. Jack believes in a racist South Africa: why not go past that to something sensible, as South Africa did? If a lot of Jewish people want to stay, fine. Let all they've driven out return, and let's have a non-racist state.

Yet you wanted to live there one time, hypocritical old windbag!!
No, actually - Netenyahu is the successor of those holy saints, as well you know. It is almost two thousand years since most of the Palestinians believed in the Jewish religion, well before the Khazar Kingdom was converted and gave rise to the Zionists.

Khazar evolved from Turkey's population in Russia. As for your suicidal "death to the infidels" jihad with now holy saints of Goebbels, Goring, Himmler & Mengele of Mohammeds Valhalla lynching enforcement; guessing that Catholic Church brokering Islam oil to Nazi Germany for Jewish deaths got them the recognition Palestinians are seeking.