debate "winners"

The way you "lost it" crying to Damo and quit the board, yes. :)

Oh, so now you are basing your theory on what was said to Damo? And you know what was said to Damo?

Find a story you can live with and stick to it, willya?

Of course, my bet still stands. If you are so sure of what you "know" you have nothing to lose.
You have no way to prove me wrong.

I am offering to prove you wrong. Take the bet. If I cannot prove you are wrong when you claim I was fired, you will win and have bragging rights.

But if you lose.....well.....
Provide details of how you propose to prove me wrong. You can't.

Are you a closet homo? That would explain why your wife looks like a boy. Or is she your ex, left you when you lost your job?
Provide details of how you propose to prove me wrong. You can't.

If you believe I cannot prove you wrong, then take the bet.

I can provide ample proof to Damo (or another neutral party).

If you are so sure, step up.
Provide the basis for any perceived win/ loss.

You that I was fired from my job. If I provide ample proof (to Damo) that I have been employed by the same company for the period of time to include either Solitary or WinterBorn posting on this board, you will lose the bet.

Hey, you are the one who is so sure. Step up.
Never presented as anything other than a theory. And a good one.

First you were sure I was fired, and listed the "evidence", including the nonsense about commuting distance from the old job to my home.

Then you backed-off with comments about "maybe you moved and changed IPs".

Then it was because someone got pissy.

Now you claim it was just a theory, but a good one?

I guess all that dancing means you haven't got the balls to take the bet? Not surprising. I have noticed when youare confronted with a "put up or shutup" situation, you run like hell.
I guess all that dancing means you haven't got the balls to take the bet? Not surprising. I have noticed when youare confronted with a "put up or shutup" situation, you run like hell.

Perhaps this would help initiate further dialogue?
