debate "winners"

If you claim to know something, and then it is shown that you do not know, it doesn't matter who else knows or does not know.

It shows you lied about your "evidence".

The fact that you are repeating that I obviously don't know where Solitary works is funny, since you insist we are the same person.

So which is it? Amd I Solitary or do I not know where he works
Its a reasonable theory, backed up by your refusal to answer the question.

Your "theory" about anyone geting fired is based on nothing.

It hinged on WinterBorn living within commuting distance of where Solitary works. That is complete bullshit.

So despite your claims of an excellent memory, you basically have nothing.

I didn't answer the question about where Solitary works because you said you knew. I didn't have to prove anything except that you are full of shit. I did that.
He could have moved, to a trailer since he got himself fired.

Anything is possible.

But what you said was very different. You claimed that Solitary was fired based on some "evidence" that turned out to be bullshit.

The fact that you maintain Sol was fired is laughable. You have no clue whether anyone was fired or not.

You have been wrong about the "evidence" repeatedly. But rather than admit that, you keep making up more bullshit. I find that amusing.
The evidence is overwhelming that you are Solitary. The fact that you spend nearly your entire day stalking me is also evidence that I caused you to lose your job. :)
The evidence is overwhelming that you are Solitary. The fact that you spend nearly your entire day stalking me is also evidence that I caused you to lose your job. :)

You and I post on similar topics. And I enjoy busting your inane statements.

The reason you claim I stalk you is because everyone else quits a thread after you start dancing or bullshitting. After a while, you claim to have won by default. I don't quit the threads and it bothers you that you have been beaten so many times.

If you want to agree to stick to the thread topics, I would be happy to do so. I have offered that several times. But youwant to reserve the right to throw in personal insults when you can't make a real point.

Whether I am one, the other, or both, you are still making up the "You got fired" nonsense.
You fool no one. I bet your wife was pissed. Did she divorce you over this? :cof1:

Lets see who is the hypocrite and the dishonest one here.

Who said the following:

"If you cannot prove your accusation that the man made this whole issue up then published a report in a major venue, then yes it makes you look like the fool that you are. That's why you are making every excuse not to do it."

"The depths you have gone to avoid proving your baseless allegation are epic."

"Low is making an accusation and not being man enough to back it up. If it was a private person it would be slander."

"No you simply made an accusation that you can't back up."

"Actually, its the responsibility of the accuser, you, to back up with evidence. Since you can't, your accusation is baseless."

And now you make a claim that you cannot backup or provide evidence for.

I think "hypocrisy" is an apt description here.
Sol you can always console yourself because should looked like a boy anyway.

Tell you what, SM. I'll make a bet with you. I will provide irrefutable proof of my employment status and ask Damo to provide info concerning whether I am Solitary or not, if you will agree to refrain from personal insults for 6 months. And if it is proven that you lied about "knowing" someone was fired, you will post an apology for the slander.

Deal? Come on, SM, time to put up or shutup.
How about it, SM? Its time to man up and back up what you have been saying you "know" for a year.

YOu kept making the claims. Now is the time to show you weren't just bullshitting.
My apologies, Grind. I'll stop. Maybe SM will man up and take the bet.