debate "winners"

I feel no need to repeatedly refute your baseless allegations. Your firing though is proven with a preponderance of evidence, not the least which is your incessant whining of the contrary. :)

What evidence? Without my name, place of employment or other personal info, you have absolutely no evidence.

All you have is wishful thinking.
I have many coincidences that, taken together, are simply too numerous for The Truth to be denied... :)

You do? YOu have coincidences that provide evidence that I was fired??

Bullshit. Either cite these coincidences or admit you are lying.
YOu have coincidences that provide evidence that I was fired?
Facts: Solitary, obviously addicted to posting, admitted to doing so at work and that his boss knew this. Solitary suddenly stops posting, asks Damo to cancel his account. (Now Cancel3).
1. Two weeks later Winterborne shows up.
2. Same general location (commuting distance from old job location).
3. Same posting style.
4. Same posting regimen.
5. Same fan of Crimson Tide.
6. Same age; marital status; # of children, their gender and ages.
7. Same enemies, more veracity against them.
8. Claims to champion those on the board who have been 'victimized', turns out most often Solitary, who no longer posts.
9. Appears to know a lot of history between Solitary and The Southern Man. His excuse: claims to have read all Solitary - Southern Man's past exchanges.

If necessary I'll estimate the mathematical probability of each, multiply them all out and find the approximate probability of being 100% accurate on my accusation. But the preponderance of evidence is stacked highly in my favor. :)
Facts: Solitary, obviously addicted to posting, admitted to doing so at work and that his boss knew this. Solitary suddenly stops posting, asks Damo to cancel his account. (Now Cancel3).
1. Two weeks later Winterborne shows up.
2. Same general location (commuting distance from old job location).
3. Same posting style.
4. Same posting regimen.
5. Same fan of Crimson Tide.
6. Same age; marital status; # of children, their gender and ages.
7. Same enemies, more veracity against them.
8. Claims to champion those on the board who have been 'victimized', turns out most often Solitary, who no longer posts.
9. Appears to know a lot of history between Solitary and The Southern Man. His excuse: claims to have read all Solitary - Southern Man's past exchanges.

If necessary I'll estimate the mathematical probability of each, multiply them all out and find the approximate probability of being 100% accurate on my accusation. But the preponderance of evidence is stacked highly in my favor. :)
Gentleman, I'd to present Exhibit A. This post suggests that Damn Yankee is highly likely to be a stalker of board members.
Facts: Solitary, obviously addicted to posting, admitted to doing so at work and that his boss knew this. Solitary suddenly stops posting, asks Damo to cancel his account. (Now Cancel3).
1. Two weeks later Winterborne shows up.
2. Same general location (commuting distance from old job location).
3. Same posting style.
4. Same posting regimen.
5. Same fan of Crimson Tide.
6. Same age; marital status; # of children, their gender and ages.
7. Same enemies, more veracity against them.
8. Claims to champion those on the board who have been 'victimized', turns out most often Solitary, who no longer posts.
9. Appears to know a lot of history between Solitary and The Southern Man. His excuse: claims to have read all Solitary - Southern Man's past exchanges.

If necessary I'll estimate the mathematical probability of each, multiply them all out and find the approximate probability of being 100% accurate on my accusation. But the preponderance of evidence is stacked highly in my favor. :)

Did I ask for evidence of whether or not I am Solitary?

I challenged you to show evidence that I was fired. You made the claim "Your firing though is proven with a preponderance of evidence, not the least which is your incessant whining of the contrary."

So show us your "preponderance of evidence" or be proven a liar. (again)
See coincidence #2 followed by 7, 8, and 9...


That is your preponderance of evidence?? The same state? The others have nothing whatsoever to do with a job or losing a job.

You have got to be kidding that this is a preponderance of anything.
Commuting distance of your old job, plus your stalking of The Southern Man, who you blame for causing you to get fired.

But you have no one to blame except yourself. :)
Commuting distance of your old job, plus your stalking of The Southern Man, who you blame for causing you to get fired.

But you have no one to blame except yourself. :)


The fact that I enjoy busting your inane statements is a far cry from stalking.

You have yet to show any evidence whatsoever that I was fired.

If you would care to make a wager........ :pke: