debate "winners"

Funny it only seems to matter to a very few people.

I come here for the debate and the discussions. If you would care to explain how it matters to any of that?
Mott (liberal who openly trashes libertarians as "anarchists," etc.) vs. Watermark (socialist) was hardly a debate with a libertarian present.
Watermark is the greatest Libertarian on the board, because while many Libertarians lurk inside Republican lines, Watermark has sallied forth into the darkness of Democratic territory, in order to both convert their fence sitters to our side, and at the same time sabotage their efforts by flying their colors the highest.
His entire existence is a lie...

My entire existence? :rofl: Kinda overdoing there, aren't you SM?

Especially after your "its my duty to lie to the gov't" and "my friend the firearms manufacturing engineer said...".
Not at all. Since being exposed at your work for a slacker and summarily fired, you folded up your life here in shame, only to try and resurrect yourself as this new character. Exposed yet again, your existence is in shambles. :)
Not at all. Since being exposed at your work for a slacker and summarily fired, you folded up your life here in shame, only to try and resurrect yourself as this new character. Exposed yet again, your existence is in shambles. :)

I was fired? Funny how you keep saying that. You have no idea what my real name is, where I work, or what my work history is, and yet you keep making these outrageous claims.

I see you aren't even trying to deny your own admission of lying and your own lies.
I feel no need to repeatedly refute your baseless allegations. Your firing though is proven with a preponderance of evidence, not the least which is your incessant whining of the contrary. :)