debate "winners"

this should have been made know at the beginning. and btw...that is a weak score need a spread....say one to five....that way when there are 3 judges, all scores are unique and somewhat spread out....

Are you trying to improve your chances of being able to pull out a win; because you already know that you're side of the upcoming debate is going to be weak.
this should have been made know at the beginning. and btw...that is a weak score need a spread....say one to five....that way when there are 3 judges, all scores are unique and somewhat spread out....

A) it was known at the beginning, and is also posted in the debate section under rules

B) I didn't come up with it, not to throw a certain someone under the bus but..... yeah.... not me O_o

I was just picked as a judge and am abiding but what I was assigned. I don't know if I actually like a scale rating system because at the end of the day, one debate is better than the other, on argument is better than the other. By having a spread I think it opens the judging up a lot more to subjectivity and manipulation.

It's much harder to fudge a score when you either give someone a point or don't, but who's going to argue with you over if something is a 3 or a 4?

and obviously not everyone is going to agree with every judges decision but I don't think anyone can say there has been some HUUUGE upset or anyone that hasn't deserved to win a debate yet. More often than that I think we are putting the best performer through.
and obviously not everyone is going to agree with every judges decision but I don't think anyone can say there has been some HUUUGE upset or anyone that hasn't deserved to win a debate yet. More often than that I think we are putting the best performer through.

You guys are doing great, just ignore the complaining idiots.
and obviously not everyone is going to agree with every judges decision but I don't think anyone can say there has been some HUUUGE upset or anyone that hasn't deserved to win a debate yet. More often than that I think we are putting the best performer through.

To illustrate this point, Watermark should have been crowned the winner of Round 1.
and obviously not everyone is going to agree with every judges decision but I don't think anyone can say there has been some HUUUGE upset or anyone that hasn't deserved to win a debate yet. More often than that I think we are putting the best performer through.
You guys are doing fine. No matter what the rules or topics or scoring you're going to have whiners who whith 20/20 hind sight think you should have done it their way which, of course, is always supeorior to anyone elses. These whiners are the ones who are going to go bye bye in the first round. They have a good idea of that so it's why they are whinning. They lack the skills so they whine.
Apple isn't rational.
If you take the extreme position on your topic that you have in the past your setting your self up for defeat. I probably shouldn't be giving you advice, (no, not because you won't listen but because it's not fair to your competitor) but since I doubt you'll listen to me I don't think it really matters.

Having adamant convictions about your beliefs alone will not win this debate for you. If you take an extreme position then it's up to you to defend your position. The more extreme your position though, the easier it will be for your opponent to attack it. If you don't take a differant strategical tact then you have in the past on this issue, I think common sense would indicate that you'll be crushed, easily. Even most conservatives find your position on this issue extreme.
watermark is a faggot and no one likes him.
3D just wants to see me get my ass beat and that may well happen. I'm not looking forward to debating Nigel, assuming I get that far, which I'm not. I think he's the new front runner after his defeat of an extremely tough opponent in Damo.

My next opponent will be Winter and he'll be 10 times tougher then Skidmark, which isn't saying much for Winter so no offense meant Wintermark!!! Not only that, the negative side of the next issue is going to be a tough one to defend. If I get that one I may have met my Waterloo.
If you take the extreme position on your topic that you have in the past your setting your self up for defeat. I probably shouldn't be giving you advice, (no, not because you won't listen but because it's not fair to your competitor) but since I doubt you'll listen to me I don't think it really matters.

Having adamant convictions about your beliefs alone will not win this debate for you. If you take an extreme position then it's up to you to defend your position. The more extreme your position though, the easier it will be for your opponent to attack it. If you don't take a differant strategical tact then you have in the past on this issue, I think common sense would indicate that you'll be crushed, easily. Even most conservatives find your position on this issue extreme.
How is "Apple isn't rational" extreme? :)
I agree with Nigel beating Damo, and it looks as though Solitary will beat Bravo. But the judges were clealy biased against Watermark when they arbitrarily, and for no real debate reasons, declared Mott the winner of Round 1.

But Solitary IS NOT Winterborne, remember????
