

Let's go Brandon!
I've lived in this 'hood for more than 22 years and there are certain neighbors who just can't stand me. Debby was one that was in a group at the beginning when all the homes were being built. I got here two or three years later, one of the first resales. So right off the bat I was the odd man out. To make a long story short, her group, headed up by this other babe Karen, wanted to make some improvements to the 'hood, and used some shitty ass tactics to try and push it through. I stood up and exposed the tactics for what they were: accounting omissions, unfair (but not illegal) methods of counting proxy votes, etc. I won the big fight and, as expected, I became the evil neighbor.

Karen was a real bitch. About 5'-2", blonde, pretty, sorority mean girl type. She tried to get her husband to harass me one time and I was like like, "Really Mike? This is not like you. Who is trying to make you do this?" That poor bastard was under her thumb, and died of a stroke not long after.

Debby was never the lead on the battle against me but she was certainly a follower. She reminded me of many of the girls that I went to high school with. Nice looking gal, a hottie actually, deep down I could tell that she's got a good heart but not my type because she's not intelligent and definitely not an independent thinker.

Last run-in with 'ol Deb was two years ago. Her very attractive daughter, now in her 30's with her own kids, lives in another neighborhood but was using our pool. Would be OK if an owner was present with her but that's not what was happening. One of the other hotties in the 'hood, Carolyn, didn't appreciate this but didn't want to confront her. So she called me and I handled it. Debbie didn't appreciate that so called a 'hood meeting and I went to it and, per usual, presented a logical argument that no sane person could refute.

Now we have a new issue building in the 'hood, One of the families at the entrance has several college aged kids, and they and several of their friends all have cars. The garage is full of toys as well as the driveway so all these cars, during the summer, some weekends, and recently the holidays, are parked on the street. They have plenty of frontage available on one side but insist on parking on both sides of the street. This forms a funnel where only one lane of traffic can get through. It’s stupid, and dangerous, and of course I've been vocal about it.

This morning I had to go to the Post Office to sign for a package and who shouted out to me but Debbie. “I just want to thank you so much for speaking up about those cars parking like that.”

Will wonders never cease. But then again I did always say that she had a good heart.
I've lived in this 'hood for more than 22 years and there are certain neighbors who just can't stand me. Debby was one that was in a group at the beginning when all the homes were being built. I got here two or three years later, one of the first resales. So right off the bat I was the odd man out. To make a long story short, her group, headed up by this other babe Karen, wanted to make some improvements to the 'hood, and used some shitty ass tactics to try and push it through. I stood up and exposed the tactics for what they were: accounting omissions, unfair (but not illegal) methods of counting proxy votes, etc. I won the big fight and, as expected, I became the evil neighbor.

Karen was a real bitch. About 5'-2", blonde, pretty, sorority mean girl type. She tried to get her husband to harass me one time and I was like like, "Really Mike? This is not like you. Who is trying to make you do this?" That poor bastard was under her thumb, and died of a stroke not long after.

Debby was never the lead on the battle against me but she was certainly a follower. She reminded me of many of the girls that I went to high school with. Nice looking gal, a hottie actually, deep down I could tell that she's got a good heart but not my type because she's not intelligent and definitely not an independent thinker.

Last run-in with 'ol Deb was two years ago. Her very attractive daughter, now in her 30's with her own kids, lives in another neighborhood but was using our pool. Would be OK if an owner was present with her but that's not what was happening. One of the other hotties in the 'hood, Carolyn, didn't appreciate this but didn't want to confront her. So she called me and I handled it. Debbie didn't appreciate that so called a 'hood meeting and I went to it and, per usual, presented a logical argument that no sane person could refute.

Now we have a new issue building in the 'hood, One of the families at the entrance has several college aged kids, and they and several of their friends all have cars. The garage is full of toys as well as the driveway so all these cars, during the summer, some weekends, and recently the holidays, are parked on the street. They have plenty of frontage available on one side but insist on parking on both sides of the street. This forms a funnel where only one lane of traffic can get through. It’s stupid, and dangerous, and of course I've been vocal about it.

This morning I had to go to the Post Office to sign for a package and who shouted out to me but Debbie. “I just want to thank you so much for speaking up about those cars parking like that.”

Will wonders never cease. But then again I did always say that she had a good heart.

Grab her pussy!
What a touching crotchety old man story. Bet you tell 'em to get off your lawn too and turn down that damn rock-and-roll music! Do you peep at the girls at the pool with your Acme spyglass?
Thanks for sharing DS.
And the humor ... that was good.

DS: "She reminded me of many of the girls that I went to high school with. Nice looking gal, a hottie actually, deep down I could tell that she wanted me, but not my type because she's intelligent and definitely an independent thinker."


I've lived in this 'hood for more than 22 years and there are certain neighbors who just can't stand me. Debby was one that was in a group at the beginning when all the homes were being built. I got here two or three years later, one of the first resales. So right off the bat I was the odd man out. To make a long story short, her group, headed up by this other babe Karen, wanted to make some improvements to the 'hood, and used some shitty ass tactics to try and push it through. I stood up and exposed the tactics for what they were: accounting omissions, unfair (but not illegal) methods of counting proxy votes, etc. I won the big fight and, as expected, I became the evil neighbor.

Karen was a real bitch. About 5'-2", blonde, pretty, sorority mean girl type. She tried to get her husband to harass me one time and I was like like, "Really Mike? This is not like you. Who is trying to make you do this?" That poor bastard was under her thumb, and died of a stroke not long after.

Debby was never the lead on the battle against me but she was certainly a follower. She reminded me of many of the girls that I went to high school with. Nice looking gal, a hottie actually, deep down I could tell that she's got a good heart but not my type because she's not intelligent and definitely not an independent thinker.

Last run-in with 'ol Deb was two years ago. Her very attractive daughter, now in her 30's with her own kids, lives in another neighborhood but was using our pool. Would be OK if an owner was present with her but that's not what was happening. One of the other hotties in the 'hood, Carolyn, didn't appreciate this but didn't want to confront her. So she called me and I handled it. Debbie didn't appreciate that so called a 'hood meeting and I went to it and, per usual, presented a logical argument that no sane person could refute.

Now we have a new issue building in the 'hood, One of the families at the entrance has several college aged kids, and they and several of their friends all have cars. The garage is full of toys as well as the driveway so all these cars, during the summer, some weekends, and recently the holidays, are parked on the street. They have plenty of frontage available on one side but insist on parking on both sides of the street. This forms a funnel where only one lane of traffic can get through. It’s stupid, and dangerous, and of course I've been vocal about it.

This morning I had to go to the Post Office to sign for a package and who shouted out to me but Debbie. “I just want to thank you so much for speaking up about those cars parking like that.”

Will wonders never cease. But then again I did always say that she had a good heart.
I violate just about every restriction on my neighborhood and more than one zoning law. My across the street neighbor gets dinked constantly. I tell him it is because they are too busy finding reasons to lock him up to even bother looking in my direction. We laugh about it, but it is true. Technically he only gets fined for his violations. Being a New Yorker who likes to curse in Court at the judge is what keeps getting him locked up for 5 days at a pop for contempt. Happens at least once a year. 2018 was a two stint in jail year for him.
I violate just about every restriction on my neighborhood and more than one zoning law. My across the street neighbor gets dinked constantly. I tell him it is because they are too busy finding reasons to lock him up to even bother looking in my direction. We laugh about it, but it is true. Technically he only gets fined for his violations. Being a New Yorker who likes to curse in Court at the judge is what keeps getting him locked up for 5 days at a pop for contempt. Happens at least once a year. 2018 was a two stint in jail year for him.

"Dinked"? I am unfamiliar with the term.