
I've lived in this 'hood for more than 22 years and there are certain neighbors who just can't stand me. Debby was one that was in a group at the beginning when all the homes were being built. I got here two or three years later, one of the first resales. So right off the bat I was the odd man out. To make a long story short, her group, headed up by this other babe Karen, wanted to make some improvements to the 'hood, and used some shitty ass tactics to try and push it through. I stood up and exposed the tactics for what they were: accounting omissions, unfair (but not illegal) methods of counting proxy votes, etc. I won the big fight and, as expected, I became the evil neighbor.

Karen was a real bitch. About 5'-2", blonde, pretty, sorority mean girl type. She tried to get her husband to harass me one time and I was like like, "Really Mike? This is not like you. Who is trying to make you do this?" That poor bastard was under her thumb, and died of a stroke not long after.

Debby was never the lead on the battle against me but she was certainly a follower. She reminded me of many of the girls that I went to high school with. Nice looking gal, a hottie actually, deep down I could tell that she's got a good heart but not my type because she's not intelligent and definitely not an independent thinker.

Last run-in with 'ol Deb was two years ago. Her very attractive daughter, now in her 30's with her own kids, lives in another neighborhood but was using our pool. Would be OK if an owner was present with her but that's not what was happening. One of the other hotties in the 'hood, Carolyn, didn't appreciate this but didn't want to confront her. So she called me and I handled it. Debbie didn't appreciate that so called a 'hood meeting and I went to it and, per usual, presented a logical argument that no sane person could refute.

Now we have a new issue building in the 'hood, One of the families at the entrance has several college aged kids, and they and several of their friends all have cars. The garage is full of toys as well as the driveway so all these cars, during the summer, some weekends, and recently the holidays, are parked on the street. They have plenty of frontage available on one side but insist on parking on both sides of the street. This forms a funnel where only one lane of traffic can get through. It’s stupid, and dangerous, and of course I've been vocal about it.

This morning I had to go to the Post Office to sign for a package and who shouted out to me but Debbie. “I just want to thank you so much for speaking up about those cars parking like that.”

Will wonders never cease. But then again I did always say that she had a good heart.


Almost as spell binding when you read building codes to some flunky county official.

Wow! Just wow!
I reported it as well...

Of course you did. Your whole existence is dedicated to removing those who disagree with you. You were rightfully mocked for your tattletales on Amazon. We have noticed over the years how you avoid snitching on your fellow racists. Tell us why that is, dear.
As long as they don't negatively impact the value of my house I have no problem with that. I myself have a front yard vegetable garden- my back yard has too much shade and the deer eat everything. Debby's husband is an extra large douche and complained about it. I laughed and mocked him publicly.

Debby's friends tried some really stupid shit 20 years ago when the took over the HOA board.
  • They required residents to purchase a specific mailbox and decorative post. I responded by installing a 4x6 post and explained to them that they had no right to dictate what residents placed on the public right-of-way. (Debby was unaware that the City owed well past the curb on her yard.)
  • They purchased matching posts for the street signs and stop signs. These were immediately taken down and replaced with breakaways by the City. I mean, within hours.
  • They asked the residents to vote on a expensive assessment to purchase a lot next to the pool and put in a gazebo. I estimated the true costs of the project and helped quashed the idea. Since then we've never had an assessment request even brought up.

I had a friend whose dad went to war with his HOA. He hadn't gotten approval for the white he chose to repaint the white on his house among other things. One of the things was a cement ornament he had in his yard. When I mean war, this thing went to court. The court ruled that the HOA rules didn't prohibit cement lawn ornaments so he filled his entire front yard with them out of spite.
I had a friend whose dad went to war with his HOA. He hadn't gotten approval for the white he chose to repaint the white on his house among other things. One of the things was a cement ornament he had in his yard. When I mean war, this thing went to court. The court ruled that the HOA rules didn't prohibit cement lawn ornaments so he filled his entire front yard with them out of spite.

What a hero for the cause! Our HOA is fairly reasonable compared to that one in your account. Is it part of the Trump organization? The right shade of white is important to some. ��
I had a friend whose dad went to war with his HOA. He hadn't gotten approval for the white he chose to repaint the white on his house among other things. One of the things was a cement ornament he had in his yard. When I mean war, this thing went to court. The court ruled that the HOA rules didn't prohibit cement lawn ornaments so he filled his entire front yard with them out of spite.

I don't plant veggies in the front yard out of spite (nor am I saying that you are accusing me of that). To me it's part of the modern urban experience.

In one of the more progressive cities in NC, Durham, there is an ordinance encouraging front yard gardens. I think it says something that it can't reduce the neighborhood property values- not sure how they would enforce that.

Last week I inspected a house and the neighbor had chickens running around in the font yard. Chickens are allowed in the city here, up to 7, but no roosters. My HOA does not allow livestock of any kind. I'd love to have a small flock of them otherwise.
What a hero for the cause! Our HOA is fairly reasonable compared to that one in your account. Is it part of the Trump organization? The right shade of white is important to some. ��

oh theirs was horrible. I am sure it still is but her dad has since moved. He lost on the paint issue surprising enough. It didn't matter that it was the same white as was on there. He didn't go through the required approval process which he then had to go through to get approval and repaint the white white yet again to keep from being in violation of the Court Order.
oh theirs was horrible. I am sure it still is but her dad has since moved. He lost on the paint issue surprising enough. It didn't matter that it was the same white as was on there. He didn't go through the required approval process which he then had to go through to get approval and repaint the white white yet again to keep from being in violation of the Court Order.

Wait. He painted the white house white, then was forced to paint it white again?

I don't plant veggies in the front yard out of spite (nor am I saying that you are accusing me of that). To me it's part of the modern urban experience.

In one of the more progressive cities in NC, Durham, there is an ordinance encouraging front yard gardens. I think it says something that it can't reduce the neighborhood property values- not sure how they would enforce that.

Last week I inspected a house and the neighbor had chickens running around in the font yard. Chickens are allowed in the city here, up to 7, but no roosters. My HOA does not allow livestock of any kind. I'd love to have a small flock of them otherwise.

I used to go to Durham periodically. I am mostly familiar with the area right around DUMC. I am more familiar with Chapel Hill. Our city is more nebular on the front yard veg. It is not illegal but if you do not maintain it like proper landscaping and keep it respectful, they will throw you into weed lien land. If you sell the veg, you have to have a permit to grow it. I am in am atypical situation in which I have my house and several lots that are covered by covenants and restrictions but I own several lots that are adjacent to the north that are not so I can skate around some of those and people are so used to it, they don't notice when violations creep across the property line. We cannot have livestock period. Bee hives are effectively banned for most people because of the set back requirements--you would need somewhere between 5 and 10 acres with no houses nearby to conform with the distance requirements.