
I violate just about every restriction on my neighborhood and more than one zoning law.

As long as they don't negatively impact the value of my house I have no problem with that. I myself have a front yard vegetable garden- my back yard has too much shade and the deer eat everything. Debby's husband is an extra large douche and complained about it. I laughed and mocked him publicly.

Debby's friends tried some really stupid shit 20 years ago when the took over the HOA board.
  • They required residents to purchase a specific mailbox and decorative post. I responded by installing a 4x6 post and explained to them that they had no right to dictate what residents placed on the public right-of-way. (Debby was unaware that the City owed well past the curb on her yard.)
  • They purchased matching posts for the street signs and stop signs. These were immediately taken down and replaced with breakaways by the City. I mean, within hours.
  • They asked the residents to vote on a expensive assessment to purchase a lot next to the pool and put in a gazebo. I estimated the true costs of the project and helped quashed the idea. Since then we've never had an assessment request even brought up.
Snowflakes of a feather who are only here to shut down conversations they wish americans would not have, fecklessly searching for a safe space for their white fragility.

You shut yourself down. Like any lib, you refuse to accept personal responsibility. lol
As long as they don't negatively impact the value of my house I have no problem with that. I myself have a front yard vegetable garden- my back yard has too much shade and the deer eat everything. Debby's husband is an extra large douche and complained about it. I laughed and mocked him publicly.

Debby's friends tried some really stupid shit 20 years ago when the took over the HOA board.
  • They required residents to purchase a specific mailbox and decorative post. I responded by installing a 4x6 post and explained to them that they had no right to dictate what residents placed on the public right-of-way. (Debby was unaware that the City owed well past the curb on her yard.)
  • They purchased matching posts for the street signs and stop signs. These were immediately taken down and replaced with breakaways by the City. I mean, within hours.
  • They asked the residents to vote on a expensive assessment to purchase a lot next to the pool and put in a gazebo. I estimated the true costs of the project and helped quashed the idea. Since then we've never had an assessment request even brought up.
