I ask EVERYONE for proof of their claims dickbrain
Ill be back to school you about WELL FETTERED CAPITALISM
the dogs need my company now
Things can be exceptional and still have individual failures. It's not having it both ways, it's showing how if the failures would either get the fuck out or actually stop being failures, things would be even more exceptional.
Ill be back to school you about WELL FETTERED CAPITALISM
the dogs need my company now
You find found a dog that would grab your pussy?
Half a nation in poverty is "individual failure". Let's go with "america is 50% exceptional due to "capitalism"". That do it fer ya cornpone?
That dog is no president sir.
What caused you to be a failure is none of my or anyone else's doing. It's because simply can't do any better no matter how hard you try. America is exceptional because the exceptional individuals that did what it took to succeed made it that way. The failures, because they expect someone else to offset their poor choices and lack of ability, refuse to do any better. It's like someone getting an A in a class with an average of 90 versus someone getting an A with an average of 100. In the case of the failures, their average is below a passing average but they want in life what the A average INDIVIDUALS earned and want the A average INDIVIDUALS to fund it for them.
At least she found someone/something that will finally grab her pussy. Maybe she'll quit begging.
Off topic as per usual, indicates to me you know yourself the system is utterly corrupt and not at all as adverted. Your society is showing the strains of maintaining the illusion son. And you know it full well. Screech on.
You can get back to your cousin now.
Being that I addressed individuals, those that can/do succeed vs. those that can't or refuse to try to succeed, it's very much on topic.
That you and lots of others can't make it doesn't mean the system is a failure. It means you are. Perhaps you should try harder or have you come so accustomed to blaming others for so long you simply can't look inward toward yourself and make corrections.
Maybe evince will let you grab her pussy.
I'm not a conservative, but thanks.
Nope, off topic, off the system onto the unsubstantial people since the system cannot withstand the scrutiny. Typical.
"Perhaps you should try harder or have you come so accustomed to blaming others for so long you simply can't look inward toward yourself and make corrections."
"Being that I addressed [blamed] individuals, those that can/do succeed vs. those that can't or refuse to try to succeed"
No conservative would do that. She had to find a dog to do it.
Yet you mentioned individuals. Perhaps you can't take the scrutiny and run from what you said like a motherfucking pussy that hides behind his computer.
Don would and conservatives would cheer it, course I get your point, Don's a dog.
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, where you typing from shoog? Working up to an empty threat again?