Fentoine Lum
Verified User
Your mother pretends she a dog. She wants me to put a leash on her and tap it from behind. She said your sister likes it the same way. I'm game.
There we go, go Jr High, capitalism. must be vered away from.
Your mother pretends she a dog. She wants me to put a leash on her and tap it from behind. She said your sister likes it the same way. I'm game.
A place I'm willing to step out of but one pussies like you plan to stay.
There we go, go Jr High, capitalism. must be vered away from.
So you like to blather on about but never do.
Says the one still behind his computer.
You moved?
You must be one of those that thinks the only way you can post is sitting at a desk.
You're whooping ass right now? You go boi.
I'm mocking a coward.
You're running from your failed economic system which you cannot defend. So you turn to this stuff. Again.
You're running from the fact that despite individuals within it being failures, many have succeeded because of the system. That's why you're being mocked. The socialism you support automatically means failure because it works off the concept that one group is responsible for taking care of another group because the latter refuses to do their job.
You're running from the fact that despite individuals within it being failures, many have succeeded because of the system.
The socialism you support automatically ...
Like the Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class feels the unsubstantial people owe them something." ... automatically means failure because it works off the concept that one group is responsible for taking care of another group because the latter refuses to do their job."
Widely reported, maybe you shouldn't watch TV if you wish to know what's going on. If you don't care enough to be informed, that's on you. Jus keep voting on ignorance and emotional fanaticism.
Your mother pretends she a dog. She wants me to put a leash on her and tap it from behind. She said your sister likes it the same way. I'm game.
Maybe evince will let you grab her pussy.
Half your nation lives in poverty as the empire in decline wages endless wars of occupation, it's a failed system, and eventually it will go the way of its close cousin feudalism, as humanity evolves onward in a post-industrial society.
bite a dead mooses balls you evil fucking racist russo bot hole