'Decision will be overturned': Law experts predict immunity ruling will not survive

Don't be a source troll. Tell us why you disagree with the article like an adult if you can.

I already did - Tribe is simply throwing a tantrum of "Nuhn Uhn."

The makeup of the court will not change in a generation. Donald Trump is set to serve a second term as president. Even if Thomas were to retire, Trump will appoint his replacement. That means that there will continue to be a majority who favor the Constitution, with John Roberts occasionally joining with that Majority.

Tribe is doing nothing more than throwing a hissy fit. in 15 years, the pro-constitution majority will remain. Kavanagh, Gorsuch, and Barrett are the youngest members of the court - with Thomas and Sotomayor as the oldest. If one or both retires during Trumps upcoming term, another Constitutionalist will be appointed. Either way - the court will not revert to the activist/Marxist court democrats yearn for.

Tribe is a fool - whining that things went against the party.

Harvard constitutional law professor Laurence Tribe expects the U.S. Supreme Court will likely overturn its own decision in Donald Trump's case.

Legal analysts lined up to denounce the court's decision Monday that gives Donald Trump immunity for actions taking in his official capacity as president. But in reading lawyer Robert B. Hubbell, Tribe quoted that the ruling is “destined to be remembered as a mark of shame for the Roberts Court just as Dred Scott tarnishes Chief Justice Taney’s legacy to this day.”

Hubbell, one of the top-rated Securities Litigation attorneys in Los Angeles, wrote that the constitutional theory is that all presidents were "subject to impeachment for actions immune from prosecution."

Neither legal expert believes that the decision will remain in place for generations the way most landmark cases stand.

"Trump v. United States will be overruled. The decision is so bad it will not stand," wrote Hubbell. "Like Dred Scott (holding that enslaved people are not citizens entitled to judicial protections), Plessy v. Ferguson (upholding segregation), Koramatsu v US (upholding the Japanese internment camps), today’s decision will be overturned by the acclamation of history in due course."
It won’t be the only one, Citizens United leads the list, along with their civil rights rulings, gerrymandering cases, and gun decisions, the Minimalist/Originalism/Textualism bullshit will be recognized as sophomoric, the immune axe proves it
I already did - Tribe is simply throwing a tantrum of "Nuhn Uhn."

The makeup of the court will not change in a generation. Donald Trump is set to serve a second term as president. Even if Thomas were to retire, Trump will appoint his replacement. That means that there will continue to be a majority who favor the Constitution, with John Roberts occasionally joining with that Majority.

Tribe is doing nothing more than throwing a hissy fit. in 15 years, the pro-constitution majority will remain. Kavanagh, Gorsuch, and Barrett are the youngest members of the court - with Thomas and Sotomayor as the oldest. If one or both retires during Trumps upcoming term, another Constitutionalist will be appointed. Either way - the court will not revert to the activist/Marxist court democrats yearn for.

Tribe is a fool - whining that things went against the party.
You gave no answer saying why the article is possibly incorrect. Now I'll be honest I have lost patience for your stupidity at this point and have not read past the first sentence of your reply above. Oh well
You gave no answer saying why the article is possibly incorrect. Now I'll be honest I have lost patience for your stupidity at this point and have not read past the first sentence of your reply above. Oh well
It is the typical exchange with nearly all the 24/7 MAGA copy and paste posters on this forum, several of them uses multiple identities, but the lack of content and heavy on personal attacks is common
Democracy does not include more dead babies you fucking retard.


Moron Stalinist tries to claim abortion saves the lives of babies....


The point of abortion is to KILL THE BABY, idiot.

Dobbs returned the question to the voters - that's known as "democracy." You Commies talk about democracy all the time, but obviously oppose it.

People voting = democracy
9 unelected judges creating law from the bench = tyranny.

The hypocrisy of the left is off the scale.
Do rightys believe the president should be immune from the law? Is totalitarianism a goal of the right? The sad fact is the Supreme Court decision will not matter if Biden wins. The only time it does is if Trump wins. Then all hell would break loose.
I already did - Tribe is simply throwing a tantrum of "Nuhn Uhn."

The makeup of the court will not change in a generation. Donald Trump is set to serve a second term as president. Even if Thomas were to retire, Trump will appoint his replacement. That means that there will continue to be a majority who favor the Constitution, with John Roberts occasionally joining with that Majority.

Tribe is doing nothing more than throwing a hissy fit. in 15 years, the pro-constitution majority will remain. Kavanagh, Gorsuch, and Barrett are the youngest members of the court - with Thomas and Sotomayor as the oldest. If one or both retires during Trumps upcoming term, another Constitutionalist will be appointed. Either way - the court will not revert to the activist/Marxist court democrats yearn for.

Tribe is a fool - whining that things went against the party.

Harvard constitutional law professor Laurence Tribe expects the U.S. Supreme Court will likely overturn its own decision in Donald Trump's case.

Legal analysts lined up to denounce the court's decision Monday that gives Donald Trump immunity for actions taking in his official capacity as president. But in reading lawyer Robert B. Hubbell, Tribe quoted that the ruling is “destined to be remembered as a mark of shame for the Roberts Court just as Dred Scott tarnishes Chief Justice Taney’s legacy to this day.”

Hubbell, one of the top-rated Securities Litigation attorneys in Los Angeles, wrote that the constitutional theory is that all presidents were "subject to impeachment for actions immune from prosecution."

Neither legal expert believes that the decision will remain in place for generations the way most landmark cases stand.

"Trump v. United States will be overruled. The decision is so bad it will not stand," wrote Hubbell. "Like Dred Scott (holding that enslaved people are not citizens entitled to judicial protections), Plessy v. Ferguson (upholding segregation), Koramatsu v US (upholding the Japanese internment camps), today’s decision will be overturned by the acclamation of history in due course."

"Harvard constitutional law professor Laurence Tribe expects the U.S. Supreme Court will likely overturn its own decision ..." :ROFLMAO::rofl2::laugh: