'Decision will be overturned': Law experts predict immunity ruling will not survive

^^^^^^^ - too stupid to grasp that I didn't say anything about them.
^^^^^^ - Too obtuse to grasp that defending the OP is implicit approval.

Do think that Tribe and Comrades over at the sewer are idiots then? That no chance will this be overturned in the lifetime of anyone on this board? That the OP was just trolling - as always?
^^^^^^ - Too obtuse to grasp that defending the OP is implicit approval.

Do think that Tribe and Comrades over at the sewer are idiots then? That no chance will this be overturned in the lifetime of anyone on this board? That the OP was just trolling - as always?
Yeah what do law experts know how our laws anyways!
Interesting you ignore the fact that overturning Roe has resulted with more dead babies not less.


And you double down.

Of course your claim has no relationship to reality - even the fabricated number on infant mortality doesn't claim the idiocy you are vomiting out.

You sleazy Marxists added illegal aliens to the infant mortality rates in an attempt to create a "gotcha" with falsified statistics. In no world did ANYONE claim that this exceeds or even approaches the number of babies killed by abortion.

You're not very good at this.

And you double down.

Of course your claim has no relationship to reality - even the fabricated number on infant mortality doesn't claim the idiocy you are vomiting out.

You sleazy Marxists added illegal aliens to the infant mortality rates in an attempt to create a "gotcha" with falsified statistics. In no world did ANYONE claim that this exceeds or even approaches the number of babies killed by abortion.

You're not very good at this.
Ignore the facts. No skin off my back. You are the ones with the blood on your hands.
Tribe is a radical Communist who ALWAYS puts party first. His ramblings have no validity in regard to law - he is a hack demagogue. And only an idiot would actually agree with the idea that this court will reverse itself. It's utterly childish.
They just need to be shown how it was the wrong decision. Biden is now immune. Would be interesting if he removed them as an official act. Whoopsie doo!
You offer no facts - ever.

Yes - abortion saves the lives of babies - in the same way the holocaust saved the lives of Jews.

You're too stupid for words - but good for laughing at.
Yeah you are going to think that because you only listen to trump's lies. There is no helping you. Oh well
^^^^^^ - Too obtuse to grasp that defending the OP is implicit approval.

Do think that Tribe and Comrades over at the sewer are idiots then? That no chance will this be overturned in the lifetime of anyone on this board? That the OP was just trolling - as always?
^^^^^^ - Too obtuse to grasp that I was not "defending" the OP so no implicit approval.

You rabid, mouth foaming retard.
Yeah you are going to think that because you only listen to trump's lies. There is no helping you. Oh well


So thinking that "Abortion saves the lives of babies" is because you "don't believe Trumps lies," not because your a fucking retard.

Got it. I guess you think Hitler was a great humanitarian who saved the lives of Jews with the holocaust - because you don't believe Trump's lies that the holocaust was bad....

LOL - you get stupider by the day.

So thinking that "Abortion saves the lives of babies" is because you "don't believe Trumps lies," not because your a fucking retard.

Got it. I guess you think Hitler was a great humanitarian who saved the lives of Jews with the holocaust - because you don't believe Trump's lies that the holocaust was bad....

LOL - you get stupider by the day.
Again the fact is that with the overturn of Roe more babies are now dying. You have made the issue worse and not better. You are helping kill more babies. Baby killer