Defend This

That's because they didn't confiscate the guns!
This new world order will change everything for the better.
Total and complete, and deliberate, ignorance. Nothing but wishful thinking. How hard do you think it is to make a gun, or ammunition? The Afghanis managed to make real assault rifles while under Soviet occupation. All your "new world order" will do is turn the entire country into a shithole.

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Guns are the quickest easiest way to kill a lot of people fast.
Lets see if a guy can walk into Wal-Mart and kill a mob,with just his dick in his hand!
And even more willful ignorance. You've never heard of arson? Take a can of gasoline and a match and you can easily kill dozens. Bombs are pretty easy to make, too. Or you can just drive a car or a truck through a crowd.

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Total and complete, and deliberate, ignorance. Nothing but wishful thinking. How hard do you think it is to make a gun, or ammunition? The Afghanis managed to make real assault rifles while under Soviet occupation. All your "new world order" will do is turn the entire country into a shithole.

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The Country is already a shithole.
Citizens think they need all these fucking guns.
Because Fox News has them scared of everything.
Once they are gun,you'll never miss them.
And even more willful ignorance. You've never heard of arson? Take a can of gasoline and a match and you can easily kill dozens. Bombs are pretty easy to make, too. Or you can just drive a car or a truck through a crowd.

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Grasping at straws.
What has restricted the purchase of guns in a realistic sense? Preventing sales from sketchy sources, or imposed taxes doesn't cut it. They do that with a shitload of things under the grouping of alcohol, tobacco, firearms, and explosives. It never restricted or lessened guns or purchasing much at all. The last one is just asinine to bring up. It doesn't restrict owning a gun at all. The people who don't want guns in certain areas have rights to you know. A gun in a holy place would be sinful and a disgrace.

Look at how ¿hard? it is to get illegal drugs. The restrictions you're promoting don't work. All they do is drive the market underground and fuel violent criminal gangs. Designating areas as gun free zones just makes them more attractive targets. Purest insanity.

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Look at how ¿hard? it is to get illegal drugs. The restrictions you're promoting don't work. All they do is drive the market underground and fuel violent criminal gangs. Designating areas as gun free zones just makes them more attractive targets. Purest insanity.

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Anyone caught with a gun would be a death sentence,no appeals
The Country is already a shithole.
Citizens think they need all these fucking guns.
Because Fox News has them scared of everything.
Once they are gun,you'll never miss them.

The country is hardly a shithole. Outside of less than a dozen gang-infested inner-cities, the country is about as safe as Canada and most Western European countries. Your paranoia has control of you.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
The country is hardly a shithole. Outside of less than a dozen gang-infested inner-cities, the country is about as safe as Canada and most Western European countries. Your paranoia has control of you.

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That's why they are making bullet resistance back packs!
Kids can't go to school with out risking being murdered.