APP - Democrats Are Better For The Economy

If you think the problem of Carter's era was stagflation you either didn't experience it or you've chosen to ignore reality......double digit interest rates and inflation are not "stagnation"......
No, double digit inflation and unemployment were stagflation. Regardless. Carter inherited all those problems from Ford, and to be fair, Ford inherited those from Nixon.
a major flaw with this and most of the OP is it focuses basically only on presidents....ignoring who runs congress

also, many of the stats are big IF stats....IF this continued for 8 years....IF this....

You win biggest tool award for today. If the stat favored republican press you'd jizz yourself.
a major flaw with this and most of the OP is it focuses basically only on presidents....ignoring who runs congress

The Democratic Dividend

The stock market prefers Democratic presidents to Republicans.

Democrats, it turns out, are much better for the stock market than Republicans. Slate ran the numbers and found that since 1900, Democratic presidents have produced a 12.3 percent annual total return on the S&P 500, but Republicans only an 8 percent return. In 2000, the Stock Trader's Almanac, which slices and dices Wall Street performance figures like baseball stats, came up with nearly the same numbers (13.4 percent versus 8.1 percent) by measuring Dow price appreciation. (Most of the 20th century's bear markets, incidentally, have been Republican bear markets: the Crash of '29, the early '70s oil shock, the '87 correction, and the current stall occurred under GOP presidents.)

According to almanac editor Jeffrey Hirsch, the presidential party figures are among the most significant he's found. If the stock market were random, we'd expect such a result only one-quarter of the time. "I don't know why people are convinced Republicans are good for the stock market," Hirsch says.

Nor does having a Republican Congress help the market. A Democratic Senate showed returns of 10.5 percent (versus 9.4 percent for a GOP upper chamber), and a Democratic House returned 10.9 percent versus 8.1 percent for the Republicans.

When both houses of Congress opposed the president, the return was a stellar 12.9 percent. Libertarians may celebrate this as proof that the market likes gridlock and government inaction. But the market likes steamrollers nearly as much: The S&P performs almost as well—returning 11.8 percent—when the presidency and both houses are held by the same party. The only situation Mr. Market dislikes is what we have now: one house for each party. Those years have a -0.9 percent return.

Republicans are no doubt muttering that that's just the stock market, not the whole economy. But real GDP growth follows the same pattern. Since 1930 (the first year decent data is available), GDP growth was 5.4 percent for Democratic presidents and 1.6 percent for Republicans.
but he certainly did not lead the nation down the road to bankruptcy Reagan and Bush Jr have caused.

Carter's incompetence as a president and failure to deal with the country's economic problems caused more harm to this country than any other president during my lifetime......Reagan's tax cuts brought us back.....the failure of the Democrats to acknowledge those two simple facts underscore the truth that Democrats should never be allowed to run the country.......
kkk, ged, racist, poor

the extent of topspin's nonsensical and untruthful repertoire

the facts are there in black and white

stock market does .5% better under dem pres. Doesn't mean much to a poor boy like you. Means a lot to me.
i'm not poor, you have no idea my net worth or what i make a month

you're just loser trash talker

your a junior law student and weak political board hack

facts piss you off when they are not in your favor, it's been posted several times by diff studies dems = more $ sure showed him, huh?

ZOMG you are such a douche...LOL!
You must have a bug up your ass today Dick. You went and whined to Grind to give you the max rep points then you neg rep me for pointing out a posters ad hom against a data source, and in your note you thought the ad hom was at me.

You're my biatch. :)
You must have a bug up your ass today Dick. You went and whined to Grind to give you the max rep points then you neg rep me for pointing out a posters ad hom against a data source, and in your note you thought the ad hom was at me.

You're my biatch. :)

Yeah, and a real "man" wouldn't take the fight behind the scenes where everyone else couldn't see what a petulant little baby he was being.

But, that was just what you did.

Again, I asked NO ONE for any rep points. Go on. Ask the Mods...all of em.

But it's obviously got you all butt hurt that you and your little rep circle jerkers can't just rep me into oblivion any hoo sad for you.

You get back what you dish out...
Yeah, and a real "man" wouldn't take the fight behind the scenes where everyone else couldn't see what a petulant little baby he was being.

But, that was just what you did.

Again, I asked NO ONE for any rep points. Go on. Ask the Mods...all of em.

But it's obviously got you all butt hurt that you and your little rep circle jerkers can't just rep me into oblivion any hoo sad for you.

You get back what you dish out...

Geezee, Dick. We are kinda having fun watching you circle jerk yourself here day in and day out. I say a person who can get paid to "do themself" all day has one helluva J - O - B!

You GO GIRL!!!! :good4u:

Baby must be proud!
I'll stand on the reputation of my words. Sm can't so he whines an neg reps those who kick his ass. So for him the old man and spurt the junior law student I say again. Facts have been presented more than once showing greater returns under dem presidents. If one of you has facts that shoe otherwise be man enough to present it. Othwise you are owned again.
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