APP - Democrats Are Better For The Economy

We've never met. You said "bring your favorite rightwing...". Now you're changing your tune. I don't trust any lib-tard to hold my cash.
We've never met. You said "bring your favorite rightwing...". Now you're changing your tune. I don't trust any lib-tard to hold my cash.

I don't trust you, I'm saying you bring a witness and I'll bring a witness.
I'm willing to take a republican I trust like sf, chappy or cawacko who is closest. I think it'd be funnier for cypress to see me crush you like a bush cheerleader though
Bring whoever you want, but you'll have someone I trust hold the cash before any arrangements are made. And you still have to make it down the GS wall. Cypress will enjoy seeing you crush yourself there. :)
Bring whoever you want, but you'll have someone I trust hold the cash before any arrangements are made. And you still have to make it down the GS wall. Cypress will enjoy seeing you crush yourself there. :)

I'm not skiing period.

if your afraid to fight still like I'm afraid to ski I'll accept that. I'd make sonny bono look like a gold medalist.
You've been trained in wrestling and martial arts and I've been trained to ski. If you challenge me on your turf I challenge you on mine. I'm not even asking for a direct challenge, just for you to make it down one run. :chicken:
You've been trained in wrestling and martial arts and I've been trained to ski. If you challenge me on your turf I challenge you on mine. I'm not even asking for a direct challenge, just for you to make it down one run. :chicken:

I wouldn't make it down the bunny hill wipeout free after a half day lesson.