APP - Democrats Are Better For The Economy

Geezee, Dick. We are kinda having fun watching you circle jerk yourself here day in and day out. I say a person who can get paid to "do themself" all day has one helluva J - O - B!

You GO GIRL!!!! :good4u:

Baby must be proud!

And just like clockwork....

Here comes one of the Southern Man's "testicles" now...right on cue!

Whenever he finds himself debated into a corner, his "testicles" puff all up and spew the same tired schoolyard taunts over and over.
Yeah, and a real "man" wouldn't take the fight behind the scenes where everyone else couldn't see what a petulant little baby he was being.

But, that was just what you did.

Again, I asked NO ONE for any rep points. Go on. Ask the Mods...all of em.

But it's obviously got you all butt hurt that you and your little rep circle jerkers can't just rep me into oblivion any hoo sad for you.

You get back what you dish out...

Actually, Dick, that's what you did when you neg rep'd me. Care to post your note here? Until then I've been largely ignoring you. Dick.

You lie about not ax'ing Grind for the max points. :pke:
I'll stand on the reoutation of my worse. Sm can't so he whines an neg reps those who kick his ass. So for him the old man and spurt the junior law student I say again. Facts have been presented more than once showing greater returns under dem presidents. If one of you has facts that shoe otherwise be man enough to present it. Othwise you are owned again.
When the value of the dollar declines, which happens when Democrats are in power, widgets and stocks cost more.

Topshit is too dumb to spell never mind debate so in an attempt to "win" he calls folks racist. When that fails he brags on his education, and when that fails he brags on his income. After all that failed in his attempt to best The Southern Man he bragged on his high school boxing career, and offered me $1000 to fly down and fight him (you gay bastard). Topshit must have been bested at by my near perfect BMI because he refuses to reveal his own (you fat couch potato). After all these failures Topshit attacks The Southern Man's family.
When the value of the dollar declines, which happens when Democrats are in power, widgets and stocks cost more.

Topshit is too dumb to spell never mind debate so in an attempt to "win" he calls folks racist. When that fails he brags on his education, and when that fails he brags on his income. After all that failed in his attempt to best The Southern Man he bragged on his high school boxing career, and offered me $1000 to fly down and fight him (you gay bastard). Topshit must have been bested at by my near perfect BMI because he refuses to reveal his own (you fat couch potato). After all these failures Topshit attacks The Southern Man's family.

Lol your saying you have a near perfect body. Thanks I thought clay akin was gay.
Geezee, Dick. We are kinda having fun watching you circle jerk yourself here day in and day out. I say a person who can get paid to "do themself" all day has one helluva J - O - B!

You GO GIRL!!!! :good4u:

Baby must be proud!

Watching him trip on his bottom lip has become a daily exercise:cof1:
And just like clockwork....

Here comes one of the Southern Man's "testicles" now...right on cue!

Whenever he finds himself debated into a corner, his "testicles" puff all up and spew the same tired schoolyard taunts over and over.

Aww Dickie. Did you lose one of your testes in the surgery and that's why you're lusting after the Southern Man's?

So sad.

No really...

SO SAD!!!! :lmao:
Carter's incompetence as a president and failure to deal with the country's economic problems caused more harm to this country than any other president during my lifetime......Reagan's tax cuts brought us back.....the failure of the Democrats to acknowledge those two simple facts underscore the truth that Democrats should never be allowed to run the country.......

Huh, were you asleep or just five at the time? Reagan was the worst contemporary president, as he paved the way for militant nonsense, deficit nonsense, regulatory nonsense, union aka working people nonsense, and a near financial collapse. Seems some recognize that today.

"....there's a growing realization that the starting point for many of the catastrophes confronting the United States today can be traced to Reagan's presidency. There's also a grudging reassessment that the "failed"- presidents of the 1970s--Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter--may deserve more credit for trying to grapple with the problems that now beset the country."
I'm not sending a check to your rightwing lover.

If Cypress or cawacko will go to squaw valley which is close your on.
My wife loves the place, lets go for $10,000 each fight winner takes all.

P.S. I'll give cawacko or Cypress $1,000 from my winnings for showing up