Democrats expected to bring voting rights protections bill to Senate

Agreed, although I think those are the less objectionable requirements.

Democrats have traditionally done better with higher turnout and therefore want to make it easier to vote while Republicans seek to make it not quite so easy. All the laws are centered around this power struggle.

HR 1 and 3 make it easier to cheat and that's about it.
Congress does have a constitutional right to set standards but most of that process is left up to the states. See Article I section 4.

Nothing about Article I, $4 cancels Article II, $1.
The legislatures, and ONLY the legislatures of each State can choose the electors for that State. That means THEY are the only ones authorized to established the method of choice. Congress can only mess with the time of the election, standardizing it. They do not have authority to change the Constitution.
The bill is now called the Freedom to Vote Act and is supported by all 50 Democrats including the moderate Joe Manchin, who wrote an oped opposing the original bill last year.

The bill will likely be filibustered once again. But Schumer is entering the new year swinging, signalling that he will open a debate about changing filibuster rules.
I have no faith in Manchin. I don't care what he says on Monday. Check back with him on Friday after his staff spent all week fielding calls from his donors.
Questionable, and if GOP States provide more election integrity and security why then did Trump and the right question and challenge in just about every means possible the results in GOP States?

Because of election fraud by Democrats in Democrat controlled cities of those States.
Oh, so you're good with:

Ballot harvesting
All mail-in balloting
Online voting
No voter ID requirements
Letting illegal and legal foreign nationals register to vote
Letting 16 and 17 year-olds register to vote
Never purging or cleaning up voter registration rolls
Having elections that amount to voting seasons over a month or more long
Making it all but impossible to prosecute anyone for any sort of voter fraud

And that's just some of the shit in the Fuck the Voters act--which you haven't even bothered to read.

Hallucinating again?
In other words, Congress can change the rules for federal elections. That they can do. What they can't do is tell the states how to run their internal elections, although HR 1 and 3 that the Democrats want to pass does exactly that.

Badly worded, but more or less correct.

You cannot take Article I, $4 in isolation and discard the remainder of the Constitution nor use it to usurp the authority of the individual States.