Democrats introduce bill to give CA and NY the power to choose the POTUS

You lied about where you lived, you lied about the number of homes you had (twice), you lied about where those home(s) are, you lied about your level of success, etc...
Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, and wrong.

I understand though, someone at your dismal station in life could never imagine a guy would own two gorgeous homes in restricted neighborhoods, a new Porsche, an '11 BMW 328xi, and two classic cars...
That's because the POTUS represents the states, like senators do. Equal representation is in the House, where all spending bills originate.

No he doesn't, he represents, least he is suppose to represent, all Americans no matter what State they live in, the Legislative Branch represents the States
Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, and wrong.

I understand though, someone at your dismal station in life could never imagine a guy would own two gorgeous homes in restricted neighborhoods, a new Porsche, an '11 BMW 328xi, and two classic cars...

You're so insecure you create characters for the message board so that people will take the shit you say seriously.

How's that strategy working out for you?
No he doesn't, he represents, least he is suppose to represent, all Americans no matter what State they live in, the Legislative Branch represents the States

Nope. He represents the states. Try calling him and find out. He'll never return your call. But he will return the call from any governor.

You want someone to return your call? Call your Congressman.
Nope. He represents the states. Try calling him and find out. He'll never return your call. But he will return the call from any governor.

You want someone to return your call? Call your Congressman.

That has to be a classic, that couldn't even have come off of some talk radio demogogues show, because the President will return a call from a Governor and not an average citizen it proves the President represents States and not the American people. Makes you wonder why we even take the time to vote for a President, might as well have the State Governors do it
That has to be a classic, that couldn't even have come off of some talk radio demogogues show, because the President will return a call from a Governor and not an average citizen it proves the President represents States and not the American people. Makes you wonder why we even take the time to vote for a President, might as well have the State Governors do it

You can restrain from voting if you like...
Give me one good reason why you should be included in any national conversation or debate since your judgment was so fucking poor, you got conned by a reality TV show host who can only get loans from Russia?

Just one.

That's all.

One reason why you should be included.

Because I can't think of one. I can't think of any reason why you should be respected, listened to, accommodated, even acknowledged.

There's nothing you've done that has been a net positive for this country. There's nothing you've contributed, no policy that has succeeded, nothing. Abso-fucking-lutely nothing.

You're not entitled to a voice. Entitlements are earned, and you haven't earned shit.

Who the hell are you putting yourself on a pedestal of superiority? What have you contributed? I need no "entitlements," I've earned everything I have. Why can't you?
You're just a whining asshole who is still soured because you lost an election because you chose a bad candidate expecting more free shit because you're too lazy to
earn it yourself. It's not my fault you have no ambition to earn your own keep. You (and your opinions) are irrelevant, don't tell me you are. and the people on your side...are still crying after 2 years...AND YOUR SIDE WON.

We've always known you guys are poor losers...

...but you guys are also horrible winners.

The asshole is in the Oval Office...he is president.

Be thankful. Enjoy it a bit.

The people on the other side are certainly enjoying kicking your side's ass during the off-year election.

And you think your insults and daily bitching are gonna change anything? So who is crying?
You're older than I and have seen how far your party has gone off the rails. Your hatred and accusations of fellow Americans has turned you into an America hating fool.
If you didn't know me and ran into me at, say a bar (the 19th. hole?) as an example, and struck a conversation about anything but politics, you'd think I was a pretty good guy.

I don't see things as "winning or losing" as much as I see them about what's best for our country. The past presidential election fielded bad candidates, it's just in my (and many others)
opinion Hillary was the worst. Yep, you won the house, but do you see how quickly Pelosi and Schumer have changed their opinion on securing our borders? I don't agree with shutting down
our government, but can you tell me why, other than Trump being president, why (in just 12 yrs.) there's become a difference between a fence and a wall, for one?
And you think your insults and daily bitching are gonna change anything? So who is crying?
You're older than I and have seen how far your party has gone off the rails. Your hatred and accusations of fellow Americans has turned you into an America hating fool.
If you didn't know me and ran into me at, say a bar (the 19th. hole?) as an example, and struck a conversation about anything but politics, you'd think I was a pretty good guy.

I know I would think you to be a good guy...EVEN IF THE TALK TURNED TO POLITICS. You seem like a decent person...and I have discussions on politics with staunch conservatives often. I am 82, white, and a male of European descent. Most of my friends and golfing partners are the same. I work and play golf in one of the richest, most reliably conservative/Republican counties in the entire country.

I am in the company of ten times as many very conservative people as I am with people who are even mildly liberal or progressive.

This is not bitching. We are talking...and busting balls a bit.

I don't see things as "winning or losing" as much as I see them about what's best for our country. The past presidential election fielded bad candidates, it's just in my (and many others)
opinion Hillary was the worst.

Yeah...your side has to hate on Hillary.

I think she would have made a fine president...infinitely better than this abomination who beat her. I was proud to cast my vote for her.

She lost. The right has to figure out a way to stop allowing Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to live rent-free in their brains.

Jesus H. guys won. Fucking enjoy it.

Yep, you won the house, but do you see how quickly Pelosi and Schumer have changed their opinion on securing our borders? I don't agree with shutting down
our government, but can you tell me why, other than Trump being president, why (in just 12 yrs.) there's become a difference between a fence and a wall, for one?

The dispute over the wall that Trump promised Mexico would build for us...IS NOT ABOUT BORDER SECURITY.

Surely you realize that. Everyone should realize that.

Trump (the guy who was going to unite us) has managed to polarize the electorate as no one before him has been able to do. The base of each faction is saying, "Do not cave...or we will penalize you as you have never been penalized before."

My feelings are that Trump comes out of this bruised more than Pelosi and Schumer...although both sides (and the Republic) will have lots of scars.

Pelosi and Schumer have the advantage of offering legislation that both houses of congress agreed to by large majorities...legislation that Donald Trump said he wanted and would sign.

Then he reneged.

We'll see where it goes.

I'm looking forward to it. I hope you are also.
These posts always crack me up, it is as if people living in California or in the North East aren't Americans, and don't deserve equal representation. Now does the same argument apply to Texas and Florida, the second and third most populated States in the country?

what do you mean "as if".........
Who the hell are you putting yourself on a pedestal of superiority? What have you contributed? I need no "entitlements," I've earned everything I have. Why can't you?
You're just a whining asshole who is still soured because you lost an election because you chose a bad candidate expecting more free shit because you're too lazy to
earn it yourself. It's not my fault you have no ambition to earn your own keep. You (and your opinions) are irrelevant, don't tell me you are.

Like I said, you can't think of one fucking reason why anyone should pay attention to you and/or your grievances since your judgment was so poor, your instincts so bad, and your character so rotten you got conned by a reality TV show host who is backed by Russian money and interests.

One fucking reason why anything you say should be taken seriously and/or respected.

One fucking reason why your perspective should be acknowledged.

You can't even come up with one reason other than the entitlement you think you have.

That's because who you are and what you believe is bullshit, and you know it.
Like I said, you can't think of one fucking reason why anyone should pay attention to you and/or your grievances since your judgment was so poor, your instincts so bad, and your character so rotten you got conned by a reality TV show host who is backed by Russian money and interests.

One fucking reason why anything you say should be taken seriously and/or respected.

One fucking reason why your perspective should be acknowledged.

You can't even come up with one reason other than the entitlement you think you have.

That's because who you are and what you believe is bullshit, and you know it.

There's no need to try to convince me of your relevance, it is nonexistent. Respect? Respect is earned and you obviously haven't a clue as to how to earn respect, much less anything else.
As I stated, you are irrelevant, a worthless waste of flesh and space, ignorant of reason and intellect. Do society a favor, remove yourself from it, scum like you only pollutes humanity.
I see you whining like a baby because I refuse to accommodate your bad faith entitlement.

The whining is coming from you, it's just you're too ignorant to accept the simple fact that you're insignificant.
Since CA and NY generate a plurality of tax revenue to the Treasury, their influence should be proportionate to their share.

Since you're a brain dead moron on steroids; you think the Constitution can be changed through the legislative process. Grow a brain asshat.
There's no need to try to convince me of your relevance, it is nonexistent. Respect? Respect is earned and you obviously haven't a clue as to how to earn respect, much less anything else.
As I stated, you are irrelevant, a worthless waste of flesh and space, ignorant of reason and intellect. Do society a favor, remove yourself from it, scum like you only pollutes humanity.

I'm not the one supportive of a party that just got wiped the fuck out two months ago in an election.

I'm not the one supportive of a party that chose as its standard bearer a conman.

That's all you. You have to live with your poor judgment, and don't fucking think for a second you'll be able to float away on a lifeboat like you did after Bush the Dumber.

We burned the lifeboats.