And you think your insults and daily bitching are gonna change anything? So who is crying?
You're older than I and have seen how far your party has gone off the rails. Your hatred and accusations of fellow Americans has turned you into an America hating fool.
If you didn't know me and ran into me at, say a bar (the 19th. hole?) as an example, and struck a conversation about anything but politics, you'd think I was a pretty good guy.
I know I would think you to be a good guy...EVEN IF THE TALK TURNED TO POLITICS. You seem like a decent person...and I have discussions on politics with staunch conservatives often. I am 82, white, and a male of European descent. Most of my friends and golfing partners are the same. I work and play golf in one of the richest, most reliably conservative/Republican counties in the entire country.
I am in the company of ten times as many very conservative people as I am with people who are even mildly liberal or progressive.
This is not bitching. We are talking...and busting balls a bit.
I don't see things as "winning or losing" as much as I see them about what's best for our country. The past presidential election fielded bad candidates, it's just in my (and many others)
opinion Hillary was the worst.
Yeah...your side has to hate on Hillary.
I think she would have made a fine president...infinitely better than this abomination who beat her. I was proud to cast my vote for her.
She lost. The right has to figure out a way to stop allowing Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to live rent-free in their brains.
Jesus H. guys won. Fucking enjoy it.
Yep, you won the house, but do you see how quickly Pelosi and Schumer have changed their opinion on securing our borders? I don't agree with shutting down
our government, but can you tell me why, other than Trump being president, why (in just 12 yrs.) there's become a difference between a fence and a wall, for one?
The dispute over the wall that Trump promised Mexico would build for us...IS NOT ABOUT BORDER SECURITY.
Surely you realize that. Everyone should realize that.
Trump (the guy who was going to unite us) has managed to polarize the electorate as no one before him has been able to do. The base of each faction is saying, "Do not cave...or we will penalize you as you have never been penalized before."
My feelings are that Trump comes out of this bruised more than Pelosi and Schumer...although both sides (and the Republic) will have lots of scars.
Pelosi and Schumer have the advantage of offering legislation that both houses of congress agreed to by large majorities...legislation that Donald Trump said he wanted and would sign.
Then he reneged.
We'll see where it goes.
I'm looking forward to it. I hope you are also.