Democrats introduce bill to give CA and NY the power to choose the POTUS

The whining is coming from you, it's just you're too ignorant to accept the simple fact that you're insignificant.

I haven't whined about anything.

I've merely posed the question; why the fuck anyone should take anything you say seriously after your poor judgment, bad instincts, and rotten character led you to support Trump?
Who fucking cares what a bunch of long-dead white slaveholders think?

Of course a brain dead dumb fuck like you wouldn't. You lack the basic intelligence to comprehend the Constitution and what it means.

But until you brain dead Marxist morons take complete control of everything, we still are not a Fascist third world shit hole and laws do matter.
Maybe the Democratic Party should outlaw Conservatism since it can't exist without Russian support.



The Democrat ideology
These posts always crack me up, it is as if people living in California or in the North East aren't Americans, and don't deserve equal representation. Now does the same argument apply to Texas and Florida, the second and third most populated States in the country?

Not saying the electoral college should be scraped, but when such as Wyoming represent an average of 187,923 people per electoral vote where as in California it is 677,355 for each vote, it isn't quite equal say in who gets to decide the President

:lolup:Another brain dead liberal Fascist dumb fuck who doesn't comprehend the Constitution. :laugh:
I'm not the one supportive of a party that just got wiped the fuck out two months ago in an election.

I'm not the one supportive of a party that chose as its standard bearer a conman.

That's all you. You have to live with your poor judgment, and don't fucking think for a second you'll be able to float away on a lifeboat like you did after Bush the Dumber.

We burned the lifeboats.

Wiped out? You are delirious. We lost the house, yet gained in the senate. Trump is still president. If you supported the lying power-hungry loser Hillary, that's on you, not me.
I can live with my judgement, it is, unlike yours, sound and well informed.
And what's with this "lifeboat" shit, I stand on solid ground and will defend it with extreme prejudice. As for your "lifeboat," you don't need one because, well, shit floats...
Wiped out? You are delirious

You lost. Bigly. All up and down the ballot. 350 state legislative seats (+ the 40 or so that flipped before the election), 7 state legislative chambers, 7 governorships, 6 more states now have unified Democratic control...the Democrats now control a majority of State Attorneys general and Secretaries of State, you lost supermajorities in critical states like North Carolina and Michigan.

We lost the house, yet gained in the senate.

You got outvoted in the aggregate in the Senate by about 19,000,000 votes.

You couldn't flip all the Senate seats in states Trump won, and you actually lost Senate seats in Nevada and Arizona.

Overall in a map where Democrats had to defend 10 seats, you won 4 of them, netted out to only two because you lost Arizona and Nevada, which is 20%, which is an F.

If you supported the lying power-hungry loser Hillary, that's on you, not me.

That's right, and I'm happy and proud to say I voted for Clinton.

But I can guarantee less than a year after Trump is either removed from office or quits, you will pretend you never supported him. Why? Because that's what you did after Bush.

Now your lifeboat is on fire.

And what's with this "lifeboat" shit, I stand on solid ground and will defend it with extreme prejudice. As for your "lifeboat," you don't need one because, well, shit floats...

I'm glad you asked!

Burning the lifeboats is what you've done by throwing your support behind Trump. What it means is that when Trump leaves office, you're not going to be able to staple a teabag to your face and re-brand and re-position yourself. Those options are gone now. So when you inevitably look for a way to remain relevant after Trump, you won't find one because you tainted yourself by casting your lot in with Trump and the Russian-backed GOP.
As for your "lifeboat," you don't need one because, well, shit floats...

I don't need one, but you will need one.

Just like you needed one after Bush the Dumber; so you stapled a teabag to your face and suddenly you pretended to care about deficits and debt.

That type of lifeboat won't be there this time.

So you'll have nothing. Just your support of Trump, which was the biggest error of political judgment you've ever made in your life. And you will never be able to live it down, disassociate from it, or "No True Scotsman" your way out of it.

What I expect you to do instead is ditch this profile of yours and create a brand new one to try different tactics to keep your bankrupt belief system relevant.

Like how all these Conservatives on this board disappeared right after the election and all these new "centrist" profiles emerged seemingly out of thin air.
You lost. Bigly. All up and down the ballot. 350 state legislative seats (+ the 40 or so that flipped before the election), 7 state legislative chambers, 7 governorships, 6 more states now have unified Democratic control...the Democrats now control a majority of State Attorneys general and Secretaries of State, you lost supermajorities in critical states like North Carolina and Michigan.

You got outvoted in the aggregate in the Senate by about 19,000,000 votes.

You couldn't flip all the Senate seats in states Trump won, and you actually lost Senate seats in Nevada and Arizona.

Overall in a map where Democrats had to defend 10 seats, you won 4 of them, netted out to only two because you lost Arizona and Nevada, which is 20%, which is an F.

That's right, and I'm happy and proud to say I voted for Clinton.

But I can guarantee less than a year after Trump is either removed from office or quits, you will pretend you never supported him. Why? Because that's what you did after Bush.

Now your lifeboat is on fire.

I'm glad you asked!

Burning the lifeboats is what you've done by throwing your support behind Trump. What it means is that when Trump leaves office, you're not going to be able to staple a teabag to your face and re-brand and re-position yourself. Those options are gone now. So when you inevitably look for a way to remain relevant after Trump, you won't find one because you tainted yourself by casting your lot in with Trump and the Russian-backed GOP.

"Democrats took outright control of seven chambers in six states, leaving Minnesota as the only state with a divided legislature. Those wins are modest compared with 2010, when Republicans captured two dozen chambers ahead of the once-a-decade redistricting process that state legislatures largely control.

Doesn't sound so impressive when put in perspective does it?
"Democrats took outright control of seven chambers in six states, leaving Minnesota as the only state with a divided legislature. Those wins are modest compared with 2010, when Republicans captured two dozen chambers ahead of the once-a-decade redistricting process that state legislatures largely control.

Doesn't sound so impressive when put in perspective does it?

It's not 2010 anymore and what happened to all those teabags since?

They lost.
You lost. Bigly. All up and down the ballot. 350 state legislative seats (+ the 40 or so that flipped before the election), 7 state legislative chambers, 7 governorships, 6 more states now have unified Democratic control...the Democrats now control a majority of State Attorneys general and Secretaries of State, you lost supermajorities in critical states like North Carolina and Michigan.

You got outvoted in the aggregate in the Senate by about 19,000,000 votes.

You couldn't flip all the Senate seats in states Trump won, and you actually lost Senate seats in Nevada and Arizona.

Overall in a map where Democrats had to defend 10 seats, you won 4 of them, netted out to only two because you lost Arizona and Nevada, which is 20%, which is an F.

That's right, and I'm happy and proud to say I voted for Clinton.

But I can guarantee less than a year after Trump is either removed from office or quits, you will pretend you never supported him. Why? Because that's what you did after Bush.

Now your lifeboat is on fire.

I'm glad you asked!

Burning the lifeboats is what you've done by throwing your support behind Trump. What it means is that when Trump leaves office, you're not going to be able to staple a teabag to your face and re-brand and re-position yourself. Those options are gone now. So when you inevitably look for a way to remain relevant after Trump, you won't find one because you tainted yourself by casting your lot in with Trump and the Russian-backed GOP.

Yes, I'm sure you're fine with voting for a loser, losers usually are.

Tell me, why would I "pretend" I never supported Trump? I never rescinded my support for Bush. Show me where I have.

Screw you and your "lifeboat" bullshit, I don't, and never will, need one. As I stated, I stand on solid ground.

Rebrand and reposition myself? Why would I need to? Why would I want to? My core beliefs will never change.
Russians? You're a joke! What's next? Will you, like a few other imbeciles on this forum, accuse me of being racist too?
Yes, I'm sure you're fine with voting for a loser, losers usually are.

Trump lost the popular vote and you're proud to support him for losing.

Unlike Clinton, you're going to pretend you never supported Trump once he's gone. You'll "No True Scotsman" your way through a disavow, even after saying you wouldn't do that.

We simply can't trust you to be honest because of the goalpost shifting and disassociation from Bush.

Prove to us your fidelity to Trump by carving a "T" in your own forehead so everyone knows you love Trump and stand with him no matter what.
Tell me, why would I "pretend" I never supported Trump? I never rescinded my support for Bush. Show me where I have.

Oh, great! You love Bush, huh? What was it about Bush you loved? Bungling us into Iraq? Causing an economic collapse? Erasing a surplus and doubling the debt? Setting four record high deficits? The worst recession in 80 years? 3,000 dead on 9/11? Thousands dead from Katrina?

Really, please, tell me what it was you loved about Bush so much.
I don't need one, but you will need one.

Just like you needed one after Bush the Dumber; so you stapled a teabag to your face and suddenly you pretended to care about deficits and debt.

That type of lifeboat won't be there this time.

So you'll have nothing. Just your support of Trump, which was the biggest error of political judgment you've ever made in your life. And you will never be able to live it down, disassociate from it, or "No True Scotsman" your way out of it.

What I expect you to do instead is ditch this profile of yours and create a brand new one to try different tactics to keep your bankrupt belief system relevant.

Like how all these Conservatives on this board disappeared right after the election and all these new "centrist" profiles emerged seemingly out of thin air.

:palm: There are no words for your lack of perception...
Screw you and your "lifeboat" bullshit, I don't, and never will, need one. As I stated, I stand on solid ground.

The thing about the lifeboats is that by burning them, you cannot reframe and rebrand your shitty Conservatism as something else.

So everything you say, every belief you have, all of it is tainted by the stink of Trump. So when he leaves office, likely either by impeachment or just quitting, your beliefs will be tied to him.

Rebrand and reposition myself? Why would I need to? Why would I want to? My core beliefs will never change.
Russians? You're a joke! What's next? Will you, like a few other imbeciles on this forum, accuse me of being racist too?

Like I said, we'll see what happens when it happens. My gut is telling me that Trump leaving will be so embarrassing for you that you'll call him a Democrat.
Trump lost the popular vote and you're proud to support him for losing.

:lolup:Clueless leftist moron who doesn't comprehend the Constitution or the FACT that we are a Republic of States. I am convinced that the only way one can support the Democratic Party of the Jackass is by being an uneducated moron. :laugh: