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my thread.......idiot
Correct. Dem bad. Great thread.
my thread.......idiot
you missed putting the center mass circle on huber, laying in the street, where he took a single round center mass that macerated his heart and lungs.............
He's dead. You can waste your time shooting dead men. I prefer to focus on live active shooters, terrorists and other scumbags.
Lol, like saying a drivers license is anti car.
Abortion isn't murder and neither is self-defense.
All Americans have a right of self-defense.
Define what is and isn't an active shooter.kyle wasn't an active shooter, or haven't you watched the videos either?
Sorry you flunked out studying the Constitution, but that's what happens when you try to go to big boy school, Spaz.
What ani gun rhetoric? Wanting to regulate AR-15s is not being anti gun.
It has been noted that I am for the 2nd 100 percent.
Define what is and isn't an active shooter.
IMO, he looked like one and Grosskruetz would have been legal to empty the Glock into his back.
Lol, like saying a drivers license is anti car.
no, it's anti know about that constitutional right to travel freely, right? it was in all the papers a while back
Lol, abortion is murder, and if one can flee or use pepper spray, or fire warning shots,why should killing in self defense be the first option!?
Lol, A well regulated militia.
I'm pretty sure regulated fits with background checks.
Now who is it that's a bestial retarded Animal!?
you need to learn the law a little better before you start trying to spout bullshit. warning shots have always been considered reckless endangerment........police are trained to shoot to end the threat, not fire warning shots. civilian self defense classes with firearms are taught the same
Lol, okay so 6 year olds should drive & own guns.
Good one!
your opinion belies common sense and ignores the law..........if kyle was an active shooter, he's a lazy assed one.......running down the street he had a multitude of targets, yet he didn't shoot anyone until he was attacked. now you have a laymans generic exampe of what isn't an active shooter. Had grosskreutz emptied his glock in to kyles back, he'd be the one on trial for murder......
Well, why shoot someone with a fist like Trayvon had, in the arm!?
Not sure why Southerners love killing so much.
Truly a backwards people.
hyperbolic've already lost. but i'm curious, since you bring this up, would you charge a 6 year old with illegally using a gun if they used it to kill a home intruder????
but there would be VIDEO!!!!!!!If Kyle had half a magazine of 9mm in his back, like the other two, he wouldn't be able to be a witness. LOL
you don't have facts, you have still don't understand what an active shooter is and isn't.............He was an active shooter and, besides being on the streets that night which they were guilty of doing, his next mistake was hesitating shooting the active shooter down when he had the drop on him.