Democrats Should Ditch the Anti-Gun Rhetoric

maybe if you shot the first one, nobody would try to hit you not being scared of fist fights makes you a moron........I just told you that single punches have killed people

And that perfectly exposes one of the problems with guns, think of all the fist fights you have had in your life and consider how many of them were over something worthy of taking another’s life. The problem with guns is the easy access, the guy gets pissed at the wife and reaches for the weapon, has a beef at work, shoots up the place, without the gun handy, most would never occur
And that perfectly exposes one of the problems with guns, think of all the fist fights you have had in your life and consider how many of them were over something worthy of taking another’s life. The problem with guns is the easy access, the guy gets pissed at the wife and reaches for the weapon, has a beef at work, shoots up the place, without the gun handy, most would never occur

luckily i've been in very few fist fights. I hate fighting, personally, and try to avoid it at all costs.......since I carry a gun, nobody tries to start a fight with me. it's a pretty good deterrent
A better one is the school shootings. All the Democrat anti-gun nuts come out of the woodwork for those.

Yeah, we are against kids being gunned down in schools. Can you imagine that? Very few talk about taking guns away. The NRA was for gun registration for many years until they became lobbyists for the gun manufacturers.
Yeah, we are against kids being gunned down in schools. Can you imagine that? Very few talk about taking guns away. The NRA was for gun registration for many years until they became lobbyists for the gun manufacturers.

NRA = Negotiate Rights Away.........I despise the NRA
They never had any problem with that in the 1800's, did they?

Not really.

It's really no different than parents keeping matches out of the hands of young children, and teaching them what they are for and how to use them as they grow older.

It used to be a tradition in many families to give a 12 year old kid his first gun (usually a .22 rifle), and to teach him how to use it and handle it safely.

By the time I was 12, I knew what a gun was, how to handle it safely, and how to use it. We all respected guns in our family for what they were and what they could do.

Enjoyed many a hunting trip with my dad. Many an old can became target practice too.
luckily i've been in very few fist fights. I hate fighting, personally, and try to avoid it at all costs.......since I carry a gun, nobody tries to start a fight with me. it's a pretty good deterrent

But you have, and you think any of them were over anything that would have been worth taking a life? Just having a gun in your house quadruples the chances of someone in your house being a victim of gun violence, most murders aren’t committed by the stranger but rather someone you know

And carrying a gun doesn’t scare anyone away, I believe Rittenhouse proves that, in fact, in some cases, all it does is escalate violence
Wasn't that mostly a state rights issue!?

I actually don't have a problem with state rights.

Let, the gun killings in the South & Midwest soar by allowing guns into the hands of those who lack restraint to refrain from or understand gun safety issues.

No, it isn't. The 2nd amendment applies to States as well and always has.
It's really no different than parents keeping matches out of the hands of young children, and teaching them what they are for and how to use them as they grow older.

If they violated the parents' rule, they shouldn't ever possess a match ever again?

It used to be a tradition in many families to give a 12 year old kid his first gun, and to teach him how to use it and handle it safely.

Correct. It was never a problem until a few decades ago.
Not really.

It's really no different than parents keeping matches out of the hands of young children, and teaching them what they are for and how to use them as they grow older.

It used to be a tradition in many families to give a 12 year old kid his first gun, and to teach him how to use it and handle it safely.

Now there’s a simplistic view, marches are capable of killing face to face large numbers of people in seconds, guns are, and luckily for me, I never knew or know anyone who gave a kid a gun at age 12, then again, I live, and have largely lived, in an area where guns are restricted and gun violence less
Those calling for gun control are not advocating confiscating all guns, rather, a sensible approach to guns, I don’t think a ban on assault weapons would bother those suburban housewives the article sees as an important swing demographic, especially given the alarming rate of school shootings

And a “national carry” provision offered by the author isn’t one that both sides of the issue would ever agree upon, what floats in Texas regarding guns would never be accepted in the Northeast

It is unconstitutional to ban ANY gun or ANY weapon or accessory to a weapon.
There is no such thing as an 'assault weapon'.

The 2nd amendment applies to ALL States AND the federal government.
But you have, and you think any of them were over anything that would have been worth taking a life?
as kids, no. it was nothing but bullies wanting to beat down on smaller kids to make them feel better about an adult, you never know. anyone who wants to puff and posture about how they are going to beat my ass obviously has no self control and could end up beating me to death. There have been several deaths attributed to a single punch as, i'm not taking that chance.

Just having a gun in your house quadruples the chances of someone in your house being a victim of gun violence, most murders aren’t committed by the stranger but rather someone you know

And carrying a gun doesn’t scare anyone away, I believe Rittenhouse proves that, in fact, in some cases, all it does is escalate violence
false. while carrying a gun everyone is respectful and courteous. In rittenhouses case, he encountered a bunch of bullies who thought they could intimidate a young kid and when he didn't respond with gunshots, thought that they could attack him. they were wrong. that's how it goes with mob violence though........everyone seems braver around others with the same intent