Democrats Should Ditch the Anti-Gun Rhetoric

that right to life is only guaranteed by you being able to protect yours. Rational thought dictates that some people will not give a fuck about you and your whether it's a gun, knife, hammer, ball bat, or fist, some people will try to take a persons life. that is why you have a RIGHT to the most effective tool to defend your life

That is not true, didn’t think “life, liberty, and” etc was dependent upon carrying a gun
But you have, and you think any of them were over anything that would have been worth taking a life?
Compositional error fallacy.
Just having a gun in your house quadruples the chances of someone in your house being a victim of gun violence,
Argument from randU fallacy. Denial of probability math. Math errors: Failure to declare boundary: Failure to declare randX.
most murders aren’t committed by the stranger but rather someone you know
Argument from randU fallacy.
And carrying a gun doesn’t scare anyone away,
Argument of ignorance fallacy. Omniscience fallacy. You don't get to speak for everyone. You only get to speak for you.
I believe Rittenhouse proves that,
Attempted proof by cherry picking.
in fact, in some cases, all it does is escalate violence

YOU don't get to decide whether someone carries or uses a gun. You are not the king.
That is not true, didn’t think “life, liberty, and” etc was dependent upon carrying a gun

that is absolutely true. and it's not about just a should be able to have every available tool to defend your life......YOU are the one responsible for protecting your life.....nobody else is responsible for it.
Now there’s a simplistic view, marches are capable of killing face to face large numbers of people in seconds, guns are, and luckily for me, I never knew or know anyone who gave a kid a gun at age 12, then again, I live, and have largely lived, in an area where guns are restricted and gun violence less

Argument of ignorance fallacy. Discard of the Constitution of the United States. Discard of most State constitutions. Argument from randU fallacy. It is unconstitutional to restrict or ban any gun or accessory.
sure, confiscate every single gun and gun violence would cease to exist.....but VIOLENCE would still exist, right?

and yet after he killed huber and maimed grosskreutz, everybody backed the fuck away from him, didn't they?????????

No one is talking every single gun, and violence will always exist, but if the means exist to reduce its consequences it is nonsensical not to pursue such
Or the majority of all physical altercations, kids or older, and the percentage of people killed by punch is minuscular given the number of fights

It is true, even common sense tells you, without the gun easily available less gun violence occurs

Doubt the “respectful and courteous,” and Rittenhouse didn’t scare anyone, mistakenly he thought showing up with a assault weapon would scare off people, he was wrong, in fact, opposite occurred

There is no such thing as an 'assault weapon'.

The idiots that attacked Kyle didn't take into account that they would get shot over it. They were wrong.
Argument of ignorance fallacy. Discard of the Constitution of the United States. Discard of most State constitutions. Argument from randU fallacy. It is unconstitutional to restrict or ban any gun or accessory.

When “nightingale” comes down to importing off of his Google glossary of fallacies you know he is done

And, as has been shown to him a number of times previous, no Constitutional right is absolute, never have been, never will be, all of them have been and are regulated, and again, please spare us the God given natural right BS