Dems Move to Defund Vice President's Office

Lets just deport all non degreed persons and see how long the country keeps running.
Deport me to New Zealand please.
Bill Gates is a perfect example of a college degree not being necessary. He found out early in college that he was smarter than any of his professors... he dropped out of college.... and I think he has done ok for himself.

Intelligence is not defined by a piece of paper that says you went to some classes and took tests well. I know many in my profession that have CFP's that are complete idiots, others that are highly intelligent.

Intelligence is the ability to apply what you have learned to the real world and it is most definitely dependent on the topic at hand.

On economics and investments, I am in the top 1/2%.... on rebuilding a car engine I am an idiot. :D
I"ve known many idiots who had college degrees. Some of them can barely write! and I am not joking.
hense the term College idiots. and I too have come accross many of them. George was mentioned, but you missed Brook Shields, a very well known example.
Bill Gates is a perfect example of a college degree not being necessary. He found out early in college that he was smarter than any of his professors... he dropped out of college.... and I think he has done ok for himself.

Intelligence is not defined by a piece of paper that says you went to some classes and took tests well. I know many in my profession that have CFP's that are complete idiots, others that are highly intelligent.

Intelligence is the ability to apply what you have learned to the real world and it is most definitely dependent on the topic at hand.

On economics and investments, I am in the top 1/2%.... on rebuilding a car engine I am an idiot. :D

btw thanks for the investment tips. I pretty much went along the lines you suggested. Of course I conferred with a friend in the investment business here first. No offense, but you are a somewhat anonymous entity on the net.
Anyway thanks. I rolled most of the money from the first half of my property sales into an assortment that should be pretty safe. This was of course after paying off all debts. Ahhh what a wunnerful feeling that was.
"Of course I conferred with a friend in the investment business here first. No offense, but you are a somewhat anonymous entity on the net."

Definitely no offense taken. Only a moron would take the advice of an anonymous poster. I would hope that everyone would double check with people they know just as you did.
Don't even try to compare Cheney w/ Gore as a VP. Gore spent the bulk of his time constructively trying to find ways to make government more efficient. Cheney's accomplishments have focused on finding ways to circumvent environmental laws to favor corporate polluters & even small groups of friends, and serving as one of the chief architects & cheerleaders for the worst foreign policy disaster in modern times.

What a despicable comparison...
Them you sure recognized a differnt Gore than I did. to me he was and still is an absolute "nothing" person. Tho I crtainly wouldn't compare Gore with Chenny. Chenny is smart. IMHO, a Bastard, but still smart.
Bill Gates is a perfect example of a college degree not being necessary. He found out early in college that he was smarter than any of his professors... he dropped out of college.... and I think he has done ok for himself.

Intelligence is not defined by a piece of paper that says you went to some classes and took tests well. I know many in my profession that have CFP's that are complete idiots, others that are highly intelligent.

Intelligence is the ability to apply what you have learned to the real world and it is most definitely dependent on the topic at hand.

On economics and investments, I am in the top 1/2%.... on rebuilding a car engine I am an idiot. :D
I quit Highschool in my Junior Year for much the same reason. because I was repeating the same exucation I had gotten in earlier grades in a different state. However, I now have college equivelecy, and Have held Jobs which require three different College degrees. The peice of paper has little or no real relevance. just the fact that you do, or do not have it. Experience on the job is the deciding factor.
Experience on the job is the deciding factor.

And ability, I have been given several jobs that college grads wanted.
But that does not really matter any more to me.
Me too. Actually, I've known people who had Ph.D's who I thought were idiots. ;)

Oh for sure, same here! :p Frankly I think we're graduating far too many Ph.D.s who are actually nothing more than glorified technicians.

By far, the most important thing I've learned is how little I really know, and how unlikely it is that I'll ever have a chance in my lifetime to learn everything there is to know about what I want to. That's far from discouraging, though; I'm inclined to see it as an exciting challenge.

yep partially, but my reference to threats were ones made to me, and I beleive Darla. not that particular post.

List the so called threats in chronological order...minus your severe paranoia!
Yes I chose to spank you for your "Gibberish"(stolen from darla et al) This was by no means a 'threat' in any sense of the word...If you were referring to the comment I made about you aligning yourself with Tim Mcvey...please re-read your own comment in this did cross the line...and saying you may be investigated was 'tongue in cheek' If you and darla,cippie and water have a hard time with 'Reading Comprehension 101'...sorry not my problemo!

Damo does not disect what people say...he just reads and responds accordingly...a smart cookie he is!
List the so called threats in chronological order...minus your severe paranoia!
Yes I chose to spank you for your "Gibberish"(stolen from darla et al) This was by no means a 'threat' in any sense of the word...If you were referring to the comment I made about you aligning yourself with Tim Mcvey...please re-read your own comment in this did cross the line...and saying you may be investigated was 'tongue in cheek' If you and darla,cippie and water have a hard time with 'Reading Comprehension 101'...sorry not my problemo!

Damo does not disect what people say...he just reads and responds accordingly...a smart cookie he is!

1. yah you go back to that conversation, I am indeed talking abiut your threat regarding the post where I MENTIONED that McVEy WAS NOT a Muslim. that is alIgning myself with him??? Get a life.

And no, You didn't say "I" would be investigated. that was to Darla. however, coming from a retired FBI person, who seems too think he still is on it. NO ONE will take a threat of investigation as tongue-in cheek.
1. yah you go back to that conversation, I am indeed talking abiut your threat regarding the post where I MENTIONED that McVEy WAS NOT a Muslim. that is alIgning myself with him??? Get a life.

And no, You didn't say "I" would be investigated. that was to Darla. however, coming from a retired FBI person, who seems too think he still is on it. NO ONE will take a threat of investigation as tongue-in cheek.

He couldn't investigate his own ass with two hands and a flashlight.

If it weren't for that, yeah, it could be considered a threat, coming from an ex-fbi agent. But frankly, I don't believe he was ever any such thing. And if he was, we're all in a lot of trouble! The fbi can do better, I would think. And hope.
Heck I worked for the FBI in the J Edgar hoover building for a while. Truely!
I installed fiber optics in there. A paranoid bunch, they surgically attached an agent to me. Went everywhere with me, except for the actual stall in the bathroom. I thought it was funny, but the guy had no sense of humor at all, I think it is a job requirement.
This guy was getting big bucks just to follow me around. And he had no clue as to what I was doing, could have put in a radius tap or something and he would not have known. Anyone with an OTDR would think the cable was just curled a bit too tight in an enclosure.
1. yah you go back to that conversation, I am indeed talking abiut your threat regarding the post where I MENTIONED that McVEy WAS NOT a Muslim. that is alIgning myself with him??? Get a life.

And no, You didn't say "I" would be investigated. that was to Darla. however, coming from a retired FBI person, who seems too think he still is on it. NO ONE will take a threat of investigation as tongue-in cheek.

You sure are slow...and misguided and state untrue facts as well...I was never a FBI Agent...Try 'Department of Treasury'...and for the McVey comment you are spouting now...where did you say 'Muslim' you related to McVey blowing up Feds and not the Kids...!Go back and look at what you really said! little Miss backpeddle 'Code Pink'

He couldn't investigate his own ass with two hands and a flashlight.

If it weren't for that, yeah, it could be considered a threat, coming from an ex-fbi agent. But frankly, I don't believe he was ever any such thing. And if he was, we're all in a lot of trouble! The fbi can do better, I would think. And hope.

and I never said I was a ex-FBI agent y'all assumed that...however I did work with them as a 'Department of Treasury' Agent! And not all of those in here are in trouble...just those who claim to be associated with 'Code Pink' and their affiliates! And the FBI is doing a fine job keeping track of y'all....:doh:

Heck I worked for the FBI in the J Edgar hoover building for a while. Truely!
I installed fiber optics in there. A paranoid bunch, they surgically attached an agent to me. Went everywhere with me, except for the actual stall in the bathroom. I thought it was funny, but the guy had no sense of humor at all, I think it is a job requirement.
This guy was getting big bucks just to follow me around. And he had no clue as to what I was doing, could have put in a radius tap or something and he would not have known. Anyone with an OTDR would think the cable was just curled a bit too tight in an enclosure.

He was only your escort...everything you did was taped...and checked by a specialist in the field!
Nope no tapes in the wiing closets and over the ceilings. He had no button spy cam either. Sat and snoozed mostly.
and I never said I was a ex-FBI agent y'all assumed that...however I did work with them as a 'Department of Treasury' Agent! And not all of those in here are in trouble...just those who claim to be associated with 'Code Pink' and their affiliates! And the FBI is doing a fine job keeping track of y'all....:doh:
I did go back, and FBI, treasury, Irs Hover boys all. makes no difference. they are all bully boys. And pray tell, why would those associated with code pink be in trouble. That is your imagination working overtime again.