Dems Move to Defund Vice President's Office

and I never said I was a ex-FBI agent y'all assumed that...however I did work with them as a 'Department of Treasury' Agent! And not all of those in here are in trouble...just those who claim to be associated with 'Code Pink' and their affiliates! And the FBI is doing a fine job keeping track of y'all....:doh:
I did go back, and FBI, treasury, IRS, CIA, ATF, Hover boys all. makes no difference. they are all bully boys. And pray tell, why would those associated with code pink be in trouble. That is your imagination working overtime again.

Nope no tapes in the wiing closets and over the ceilings. He had no button spy cam either. Sat and snoozed mostly.

Right...Federal Buildings with clearances at and above the secret level are in fact well protected and taped...try again...! Unless ya were working in a low level area...then ya may or may not be Pat yourself on the back though...ya like to do that!
God I give up on your IQ...enjoy the dinner special though!

Just jerking your chain donny...I know you meant well!
I would inagine it is quite a bit higher than yours Punk, as "YOU" are the jerk at the end of that Chain. and, just so you understand. Tho I go round and round with others on this forum YOU are the only one whom I emphatically dislike. (and everything I have learned about you.)