Dems Reportedly Kicking Biden to the Curb this Weekend, Despite His Having Won the Nomination Already

Prove me wrong; show us all the Chinese goods that they jacked up 25% under Trump's tariffs, or rescind your false claim about tariffs.
here is some more reading I know you won't do

have a nice day
and lets see is that an annual TAX increase of 79 Billion dollars?
and a loss of .20% GDP?
capital stocks declined ,10%
AND a LOSS of 142,000 US JOBS
really looks to me like those Trump tariffs did a LOT of good for the US economy.
Annual Tax Increase$79 billion
Long-Run GDP-0.20%
Long-Run Capital Stock-0.10%
Long-Run FTE Jobs-142,000
Grokmaster if this all happened with just a 25% tariff what do you think it would be with a 60 to 100 % tariff?
a 360 Billion dollar tax increase?
how about a 1 to 2% GDP decrease?
oh the long run capital stock , Minus 1 or 2% decrease.
and how about 600,000 to a million unemployed Americans .
YES lets put a 100% tariff on ALL imports why discriminate against everybody else?
Yes lets put a 100% tariff on Chinese import and drive our economy right into the ground like almost every other Republican President has done over the last 60 years or so.
YES maybe YOU need to do some reading on just whom really ends up paying for the tariffs.
again just to let YOU know IT IS the CONSUMER NOT the country the products are produced in.
Have a nice day
here is some more reading I know you won't do

have a nice day
Jt's nonsense , and they are citing prices UNDER BIDEN, not Trump. Nice try.
Grokmaster if this all happened with just a 25% tariff what do you think it would be with a 60 to 100 % tariff?
a 360 Billion dollar tax increase?
how about a 1 to 2% GDP decrease?
oh the long run capital stock , Minus 1 or 2% decrease.
and how about 600,000 to a million unemployed Americans .
YES lets put a 100% tariff on ALL imports why discriminate against everybody else?
Yes lets put a 100% tariff on Chinese import and drive our economy right into the ground like almost every other Republican President has done over the last 60 years or so.
YES maybe YOU need to do some reading on just whom really ends up paying for the tariffs.
again just to let YOU know IT IS the CONSUMER NOT the country the products are produced in.
Have a nice day
Wrong. You are blaming tariffs for what COVID did, and Biden inflation. Read it yourself.

" Sixty-three billion dollars - that's how much the U.S. government has collected in tariffs in the last year. And with President Trump threatening new tariffs on China, that amount could go up. Josh Zumbrun of The Wall Street Journal joins us to talk about that."

Which forced Chima to the trade table, for the best trade deal we have ever had with them.
Wrong. You are blaming tariffs for what COVID did, and Biden inflation. Read it yourself.

" Sixty-three billion dollars - that's how much the U.S. government has collected in tariffs in the last year. And with President Trump threatening new tariffs on China, that amount could go up. Josh Zumbrun of The Wall Street Journal joins us to talk about that."

Which forced Chima to the trade table, for the best trade deal we have ever had with them.
Why don't YOU ACTUALLY read what the links say?
Here are some more explaining who pays the tariffs
when you put a tariff on an imported product from ANY country it is NOT that country that pays it it is the US company that imports the product that has to pay it and most of the time they pass that cost on to the CONSUMER , so in the end it is the US CONSUMER that is paying the tariff.
raise the price of steel from China and everything that is made with that steel increases.
just HOW do you think China actually paid those tariffs?
Have a nice day
Wrong. You are blaming tariffs for what COVID did, and Biden inflation. Read it yourself.

" Sixty-three billion dollars - that's how much the U.S. government has collected in tariffs in the last year. And with President Trump threatening new tariffs on China, that amount could go up. Josh Zumbrun of The Wall Street Journal joins us to talk about that."

Which forced Chima to the trade table, for the best trade deal we have ever had with them.
and what the fuck is this about COVID??
we are talking about TARIFFS and who ACTUALLY pays them
Have a nice day
Wrong. You are blaming tariffs for what COVID did, and Biden inflation. Read it yourself.

" Sixty-three billion dollars - that's how much the U.S. government has collected in tariffs in the last year. And with President Trump threatening new tariffs on China, that amount could go up. Josh Zumbrun of The Wall Street Journal joins us to talk about that."

Which forced Chima to the trade table, for the best trade deal we have ever had with them.
and here is what economist Adam Smith says about it.
Adam Smith explains.

There is lots of economic theory about the effect of tariffs on consumption and prices. After all, tariffs are hardly new and economists since Adam Smith have been writing about their problems for centuries.

In the short run, higher prices for imported goods will reduce consumption of those goods. But in the longer term, the decline in competition from foreign products makes domestic firms less efficient. And less competition will result in higher prices, not just for those goods subject to the tariff but for competing goods that are not—such as those made domestically. In the case of Trump’s tariffs on China, that means US consumers will pay somewhat higher prices. Thus, not only will the price of Chinese TVs rise, but so will the price of Mexican TVs and US-made TVs (yes, there still are a few).
Adam Smith is suppose to be an expert in the field.
yes " that means US consumers will pay somewhat higher prices." NOT the exporting country.
Have a nice day
Why don't YOU ACTUALLY read what the links say?
Here are some more explaining who pays the tariffs
when you put a tariff on an imported product from ANY country it is NOT that country that pays it it is the US company that imports the product that has to pay it and most of the time they pass that cost on to the CONSUMER , so in the end it is the US CONSUMER that is paying the tariff.
raise the price of steel from China and everything that is made with that steel increases.
just HOW do you think China actually paid those tariffs?
Have a nice day
Read the dates,. der..
and here is what economist Adam Smith says about it.
Adam Smith explains.

There is lots of economic theory about the effect of tariffs on consumption and prices. After all, tariffs are hardly new and economists since Adam Smith have been writing about their problems for centuries.

In the short run, higher prices for imported goods will reduce consumption of those goods. But in the longer term, the decline in competition from foreign products makes domestic firms less efficient. And less competition will result in higher prices, not just for those goods subject to the tariff but for competing goods that are not—such as those made domestically. In the case of Trump’s tariffs on China, that means US consumers will pay somewhat higher prices. Thus, not only will the price of Chinese TVs rise, but so will the price of Mexican TVs and US-made TVs (yes, there still are a few).
Adam Smith is suppose to be an expert in the field.
yes " that means US consumers will pay somewhat higher prices." NOT the exporting country.
Have a nice day
Nothing the Chinese sold us went up 25% under Trump; READ YOUR OWN LINK. Learn to separate speculation from fact,.
Read the dates,. der..
Fuck the dates the principle is still the same.
The country that is exporting the products very very seldom pays the tariff it is the CONSUMER that pay them in the end
and it is the economy that take the hit.
and China sells us steel and aluminum that we make things out of and it is those products that the price goes up on the 25% is spread out among many things
and now you are becoming a waste of my time you don't have brains enough to try an teach you any thing
Have a nice day
Fuck the dates the principle is still the same.
The country that is exporting the products very very seldom pays the tariff it is the CONSUMER that pay them in the end
and it is the economy that take the hit.
and China sells us steel and aluminum that we make things out of and it is those products that the price goes up on the 25% is spread out among many things
and now you are becoming a waste of my time you don't have brains enough to try an teach you any thing
Have a nice day
Your LIE is still a lie; nothing the Chinese sold us went up 25% under the Trump tariffs.
Your LIE is still a lie; nothing the Chinese sold us went up 25% under the Trump tariffs.
and the prices of the products they sold here went to companies that use them and resell them went up. because US government added 25% to their price , and I never said the CHINESE increases their prices .
you need to go back and learn how tariffs work.
the country that is doing the EXPORTING very seldom ever pays the tariffs it is the costumers that do.
YOU might not realize it because things like deodorant, you only buy once every several months , a lot of The Aluminum that is in it comes from China and that goes up the price of a stick goes up a couple of cents, the company that makes the deodorant passes the price increase on to the consumer.
it is BASIC economics.
Have a nice day
Your LIE is still a lie; nothing the Chinese sold us went up 25% under the Trump tariffs.
NOTHING?? are you 100% sure?
I would like a link proving this.
you do know there are Millions of products we import from China.
and you are saying NOT a one of them went up.
Have a nice day