Dems Reportedly Kicking Biden to the Curb this Weekend, Despite His Having Won the Nomination Already

The CCP Central Committee DNC tossed Quid Pro aside, and totalitarian dictatorships tend to do.

Do you ever have second thoughts about backing an openly Stalinist party bent on dictatorship?

Just curious. Because Hitler was a really bad guy - he murdered 14 million. Stalin - who is the basis of your party - murdered 65 million. How many do you think your party will slaughter if they can gain absolute power?

A LOT, that's for sure.
as for your question " Do you ever have second thoughts about backing an openly Stalinist party bent on dictatorship?" I am NOT the one backing TRUMP YOU ARE. so why not ask that question to yourself, it would make more sense .
Have a nice day
Hay moron
Trump wants to put a tariff on all Chinese imports from 60 to 100% and a 10 to 20% tariff on all other imports.

I repeat - we should do ZERO business with China. China is the enemy of America.

But then, the enemy of America the friend of the democrat.

do even understand who is the ones that pay the tariff?
it isn't the Chinese , it would drive up the price of just about everything we buy.

That is made in China. When Trump placed tariffs of Joe's "sponsors" in 2018, our economy improved and China went into a recession.

It appears your concern is not for America.

Do you realize just how many US products are made from Chinese steel and aluminum? and how a 60 to 100% price increase will effect those products.

Now why is it that China has control of the steel markets (Bill Clinton), what happened to Bethlehem and Kaiser Steel (Bill Clinton). The US dominated steel for 200 years, what changed (Bill Clinton.)

Doesn't the Continental USA have the largest deposits of iron and nickel in the world?

and as for your " it was just the opposite. America prospered so much democrats had to join with their ally China and release a biological weapon against America to stop Trump."
Trump had time to stop all that and he didn't so it is his fault stop trying to blame the Dems for all Trump's fuck ups
Have a nice day

Trump could have "stopped Covid?"


Then why didn't Quid Pro? Far more Americans died under Xi's Biden regime than Trump - and Biden had the vaccines (which admittedly don't work.)

Are you saying the Joe Biden deliberately killed 650,000 Americans? That he could have snapped his fingers like Thanos and the weapon Fauci and the CCP developed in Wuhan would have stopped killing Americans?

Or are you just talking out your ass because you have utterly nothing rational to add?
I repeat - we should do ZERO business with China. China is the enemy of America.

But then, the enemy of America the friend of the democrat.

That is made in China. When Trump placed tariffs of Joe's "sponsors" in 2018, our economy improved and China went into a recession.

It appears your concern is not for America.

Now why is it that China has control of the steel markets (Bill Clinton), what happened to Bethlehem and Kaiser Steel (Bill Clinton). The US dominated steel for 200 years, what changed (Bill Clinton.)

Doesn't the Continental USA have the largest deposits of iron and nickel in the world?

Trump could have "stopped Covid?"


Then why didn't Quid Pro? Far more Americans died under Xi's Biden regime than Trump - and Biden had the vaccines (which admittedly don't work.)

Are you saying the Joe Biden deliberately killed 650,000 Americans? That he could have snapped his fingers like Thanos and the weapon Fauci and the CCP developed in Wuhan would have stopped killing Americans?

Or are you just talking out your ass because you have utterly nothing rational to add?
what we SHOULD DO and what we have been doing for years are two different things.
and in today's world there isn't a lot of stuff even stuff " Made in America " that doesn't have something in it that is made in China or Japan
Have a nice day
as for your question " Do you ever have second thoughts about backing an openly Stalinist party bent on dictatorship?" I am NOT the one backing TRUMP YOU ARE.

Correct - I'm backing Trump and you're backing the democrat dictatorship that just shit all over your vote.

But you don't care - because the TEEVEE tells you Trump is bad.

so why not ask that question to yourself, it would make more sense .

In what way? I'm not supporting the Stalinist dictatorship of the democrat party.

Correct - I'm backing Trump and you're backing the democrat dictatorship that just shit all over your vote.

But you don't care - because the TEEVEE tells you Trump is bad.

In what way? I'm not supporting the Stalinist dictatorship of the democrat party.
go back and either READ for a change ) or watch Trumps speeches and If you don't understand what he is telling you he wants to do get a 9 or 10 year old to explain it to you,
he is the one that your backing and wants to be a dictator.
Have a nice day
what we SHOULD DO and what we have been doing for years are two different things.

What we are doing has a lot to do with bribes paid to Bill Clinton to crush the American steel industry on behalf of China. And then what EPA did to the semiconductor industry - direct sabotage driven by Dianne Feinstein, Mitch McConnel, and Harry Reid.

Yeah, Biden is a corrupt as the day is long - but the corruption is a lot deeper than just his schemes and plots.

democrats particularly - but with too many fellow travellers like Mitt, Paul Ryan, etc. have sold out America to line their pockets.

They should be hung for treason, all of them - starting with Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi.

and in today's world there isn't a lot of stuff even stuff " Made in America " that doesn't have something in it that is made in China or Japan
Have a nice day

Japan isn't our enemy - China is.

When Trump had the wisdom to place tariffs on the CCP, tons of products moved to Vietnam, Singapore, and Mexico. A vibrant economy in Mexico is in America's best interest.
go back and either READ for a change ) or watch Trumps speeches and If you don't understand what he is telling you he wants to do get a 9 or 10 year old to explain it to you,
he is the one that your backing and wants to be a dictator.
Have a nice day

Read what? Young Turds? Raw Sewage? Some other radical Marxist hate site?

Your filthy party just voided your vote and that of 14 million of your fellow sycophant drones - because the Oligarchs are in charge. You have no voice in the dictatorship you mindlessly serve.
You Stalinists are going to have to do a LOT better than that.

Plus, the Oligarchs aren't going to run Kamaltoe.

Remember, you have no say in any of this - you serve a dictatorship - you do as you're told and shut the fuck up.
LOL you made me realize this is now kamaltoe vers Neckbussy.
What we are doing has a lot to do with bribes paid to Bill Clinton to crush the American steel industry on behalf of China. And then what EPA did to the semiconductor industry - direct sabotage driven by Dianne Feinstein, Mitch McConnel, and Harry Reid.

Yeah, Biden is a corrupt as the day is long - but the corruption is a lot deeper than just his schemes and plots.

democrats particularly - but with too many fellow travellers like Mitt, Paul Ryan, etc. have sold out America to line their pockets.

They should be hung for treason, all of them - starting with Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi.

Japan isn't our enemy - China is.

When Trump had the wisdom to place tariffs on the CCP, tons of products moved to Vietnam, Singapore, and Mexico. A vibrant economy in Mexico is in America's best interest.
I see you don't live any where near where there are steel mills.
if you did you would have known the steel industry started going down hill in the late 60's early 70's mostly because of cheap Japanese steel imports. and nothing to do with Clinton.
and talking about " corruption " you might want to take a look at Trump, you can see it for miles and miles away
Have a nice day
Only if your ruler run her - they well may put Newsom or Frau Fuhrer Whitmer in.

It doesn't matter - they all lose to Trump. But the others can run from the disastrous record of the last four years - though Newsom and Whitmer have some pretty fucking disastrous records of their own..
You sound unhinged. Little nervous over there? You should be.
I see you don't live any where near where there are steel mills.
if you did you would have known the steel industry started going down hill in the late 60's early 70's mostly because of cheap Japanese steel imports. and nothing to do with Clinton.
and talking about " corruption " you might want to take a look at Trump, you can see it for miles and miles away
Have a nice day
Pretty sure the root problem was a refusal to modernize the plants, the owners pocketed profits rather than invest them back into the company in order to keep the companies going.